Home and Away Spoilers — There’s a new doctor in town

This week on Home and Away in Australia sees the arrival of Ditch Davey as new neurosurgeon Dr Christian Green, whose bedside manner is set to rile up Tori Morgan.
He arrives in Summer Bay as the neurosurgeon set to preside over Justin Morgan’s case, but doesn’t make the best impression in his first few days at Northern Districts Hospital.
Dr Green is played by Aussie actor Ditch Davey, best known for playing Evan Jones in Blue Heelers from 2001 to 2006. Since then, he’s gone on to star in Nine’s Sea Patrol, and American series Spartacus: War of the Damned and Roman Empire.
So what causes his arrival in Summer Bay, and what does the future hold for the doc?
Justin Morgan (James Stewart) has spent the past few weeks battling a big decision, as he decides whether to undergo surgery to remove the cavernoma on his spine. The cluster of abnormal blood vessels is pressing on his spinal cord, making his life increasingly more difficult as he experiences sudden painful twinges.
Just a couple of weeks ago, the pain caused him to collapse at Summer Bay Auto, knocking over a vat of chemicals and suffering serious chemical burns to his arm in the process.
On the one hand, the surgery could put a stop to the debilitating back twinges and return his life to normal. Leah and Tori know how lucky he was to have survived the incident at the garage, and desperately want him to have the surgery before he has another accident.
Yet on the other hand, Justin knows that spinal surgery is an incredibly risky procedure. One wrong move by the surgeon and he risks being paralysed, and can’t face a life like that.
“Because it’s so close to the nerve, there’s a chance they could unintentionally cut part of the nerves, which could mean he could lose his mobility,” James told TV Week.
“Justin, in his machoism, thinks he can just wait it out and it will fix itself.”
Yet this week, the arrival of his daughter Ava makes him reconsider things, and he starts to warm to the idea of surgery.
Enter Dr Green. Tori is able to pull a few strings and get Justin up the waiting list for the surgery, and this summons the arrival of the region’s top neurosurgeon.
Yet he doesn’t make the greatest first impression on Tori. She comes around the corner at the Emergency Department at Northern Districts to find a mysterious man using the reception phone, his feet casually up on the desk. It’s not the usual etiquette for hospital staff, especially new ones.
“Excuse me… who are you?!” she asks, confronting him.
“Christian Green“, he responds.
“Dr Christian Green?” She’s taken aback – it’s not the first impression she was expecting from the man in charge of saving her brother.
His bedside manner – casual, and just a little bit arrogant – quickly winds Tori up the wrong way.
It’s taken all her energy to convince Justin to go ahead with the surgery, so Christian’s relaxed and confident nature of explaining Justin his options just gets her back up.
“Tori’s nose is put slightly out of joint because he’s very good at what he does, and confident,” Ditch told TV Week. “He’s OK with people knowing that.”
Yet for all of Tori’s annoyance at the new doctor, there’s a certain chemistry bubbling underneath.
A promo from back in August was the first time we saw Christian, and it previews the two of them sharing a lift together, with some obvious sexual tension between them.
Christian is set to arrive this week in Australia, and Ditch is delighted to be joining the show.
“Home and Away has been such an institution to audiences in both Australia and the UK for such a long time and it’s great to be a part of that now”, he said back when his casting was announced.
“The cast and crew are brilliant and have made me feel at home immediately”.
He’s also set to stick around for a while. If you want some major Home and Away spoilers for what the future holds for him and Tori, keep reading.
In true Home and Away style, the initial tension between them can only mean one thing – it’s not long before they become a couple. Scenes shot back in June show the pair leaning in for a kiss.
Yet that’s not the end of it. The dreamy doctor appears to be a fast mover, and scenes shot at Palm Beach just a few weeks ago appear to show that Tori and Christian have become engaged, with a ring visible on Tori’s hand.
Other scenes, witnessed by fan Vikki Ross, who kindly provided us with photos, saw Justin and Leah throwing them some kind of celebratory party, with a banner draped over the surf club balcony reading “Tori & Christian, Together Forever”.
How the dreamy new doctor ends up wooing Tori remains to be seen, but their journey is set to begin in the coming days.
Here’s the full spoilers for this week’s episodes in Australia:
Home and Away Showbag
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Monday 14th September (Episode 7409)
Jasmine progresses positively.
Justin hides his pain.
Roo and Owen try to build a friendship.
Tuesday 15th September (Episode 7410)
Roo and Owen connect.
Justin is faced with listening to his daughter.
Jasmine’s strength helps Tori.
Wednesday 16th September (Episode 7411)
Justin reconsiders his options.
Tane continues to avoid Mac.
Roo has a change of heart.
Thursday 17th September (Episode 7412)
Tane’s still not over Mac.
Angelo makes a discovery about Bella.
It’s a bittersweet day for Justin and Ava.