Home and Away Spoilers – Alf considers leaving Summer Bay

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Martha’s honesty with Alf about their recent issues prompts Alf to offer to make a huge sacrifice—will he leave Summer Bay for good?

Since their return to Summer Bay last week, there’s been a huge amount of tension simmering between Alf (Ray Meagher) and Martha (Belinda Giblin) Stewart.

The situation wasn’t improved by finding their daughter Roo (Georgie Parker) in an emotional state on arriving back at Summer Bay House. Having recently returned to Summer Bay herself, after last being seen heading off on a roadtrip with new beau Owen Davidson (Cameron Daddo), Roo has so far refused to elaborate as to why Owen didn’t come back with her—or what went wrong between them.

Whilst Martha agreed to let Roo deal with things in her own way, a protective Alf decided to try ringing Owen to find out what happened, only to meet a dead end when Owen stated it was between him and Roo. Roo eventually admitted to her parents that she didn’t know where Owen was, that they’d split up, and she didn’t want him mentioned again.

The root of Alf and Martha’s own problems eventually came to light, when Alf came straight out and asked Martha if she was going to sell her house near Merimbula.

Since their re-marrying in early 2020, Alf and Martha have led quite an unconventional partnership as the two split their time between their respective houses in Summer Bay and Merimbula—sometimes together, sometimes with Martha remaining down south on her own.

Alf made it clear that he has been getting weary of the arrangement though, stating that they should be living together permanently. Whilst the couple did sit down to try and talk it out, with Martha trying to explain that she likes to maintain her independence, it wasn’t enough for Alf who said life was too short.

As Alf told her that they should be living under the same roof, Martha retorted that he clearly meant under his roof, on his terms.

Alf and Martha’s friends and family continue to show their concern this week as the couple’s rumblings continue. When Alf has a moan to Irene (Lynne McGranger), she exclaims that she can’t believe two people so stubborn could get married to each other twice!

When Roo tries to talk to Alf, he explains that it almost feels as though Martha is keeping hold of her house just in case things don’t work out between them. 

Roo eventually convinces Martha to open up, and she tells her that she considers Merimbula her safe place. A place to heal should her mental health issues rear their heads again.

Although not aware of it at the time, Martha suffered with borderline personality disorder in her younger years which made it hard to feel a connection with her family. Feeling they’d be better off without her, Martha faked her own death in 1985, leaving behind a devastated Alf and 15-year-old Roo.

Although Alf would later learn the truth about Martha’s disappearance in late 1988, when she wrote him a letter confessing all, Martha’s survival wasn’t revealed to Roo (or indeed the audience) until 2018.

In those three decades, with her health issue eventually diagnosed and brought under control, Martha lived a largely reclusive existence at her rural property a couple of hours outside of Merimbula. Martha finds it difficult to explain to Roo, but she regards the house and her art studio as her safety net, and letting it go isn’t something she’d ever feel comfortable with.

Having been convinced by Roo to sit down to talk with Alf, things nearly go awry again when Alf presumes Martha has no faith in their marriage. But Alf is quick to apologise and Martha is finally able to explain fully. Much to her relief, Alf fully understands Martha’s position and it seems their troubles are finally over.

The next day, Alf comes up with a bold suggestion. He feels he’s been unreasonable in presuming Martha would just want to uproot everything and move permanently back to Summer Bay. He explains that he doesn’t give a damn where they live as long as they’re together, and suggest that they both move down to Merimbula.

Martha is touched by the suggestion, but will she accept Alf’s proposal?

Meanwhile, Roo is finally forced to face the music when Owen turns up unexpectedly at Summer Bay House.

Alerted to Owen’s presence by a phone call from Marilyn (Emily Symons), Roo asks her to come up with an excuse as she hides out at the surf club desperate to avoid him. But Owen isn’t going to give up so easily, and tells Alf, Martha and Marilyn that he’s happy to stick around—though he didn’t bank on Alf then interrogating him.

Having bumped into Roo at the surf club and given the job of distracting Owen, Ryder (Lukas Radovich) shows up at home and suggests they head into Yabbie Creek, but Owen still isn’t going anywhere. After Ryder gives Marilyn a not-so-subtle hint to meet Roo at the surf club, Owen realises what’s going on.

Meeting up at Salt, Roo finally reveals to Marilyn the embarrassing situation that had led to her and Owen parting ways. She’d accidentally called him Evan—the name of Owen’s late twin brother and Ryder’s father.

Knowing that Roo had been in love with Evan when he passed away, Marilyn doesn’t consider that to be anything worth worrying about. But Roo then explains that she and Owen were in the throes of passion at the time! So ashamed by what she’d done, Roo fled in the middle of the night without a word to Owen.

Returning home that evening, Roo learns that Owen has rented a caravan, and she knows she can’t put off the inevitable any longer…

Also next week… Angelo arrests Colby for Ross’s murder!

Colby’s world comes crashing down as a statement from a new witness allows Angelo to arrest him for Ross’s murder… what next for Constable Thorne?

Read more…

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 18th January 2021 – Episode 7451

The boys get their story straight.

Angelo asks too much of Taylor.

Bella’s farewell is full of surprises.

Tuesday 19th January 2021 – Episode 7452

Colby’s reality starts to sink in.

With so much unknown, accusations come thick and fast.

Ziggy tries to be there for both Bella and Dean.

Wednesday 20th January 2021 – Episode 7453

The thought of losing Dean to prison forces Ziggy to admit her feelings.

The path to romance remains rocky for Tori and Christian.

Martha is finally honest with Alf.

Thursday 21st January 2021 – Episode 7454

Alf and Martha make great strides together.

Tori and Christian take things to the next level.

Owen’s sudden return to the bay frazzles Roo.

Justin admits his struggle to Leah.

Friday 22nd January 2021 – Episode 7455

Leon sends out an ominous warning to the Paratas.

Roo and Owen struggle to navigate their tricky reconciliation.

Leah is petrified when Justin’s condition worsens.

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