Home and Away Spoilers – John prepares for a hot date!

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, John has finally scored a date, but it seems Summer Bay’s silver fox is destined for disappointment…
Amongst all the drama in Summer Bay over the past few weeks, there’s been an injection of humour from John Palmer (Shane Withington) and his quest to find love via modern means.
Since separating from wife Marilyn (Emily Symons) last year following five years of marriage, all amongst his recovery from a stroke, John has thrown himself back into Surf Club business as he combatted his newfound loneliness.
When John eyed up the Smouldr dating app, Ryder Jackson (Lukas Radovich) put his buddy on the right track by introducing him to an alternative that caters for the more mature man—Silver Dreams.
Having witnessed John’s feeble attempt at taking a selfie, Ryder offered his services in helping John set himself up on the app. After embellishing some of John’s qualities for his bio, followed by a photoshoot on the beach reminiscent of the Hoff, the profile was live.
Since then, the incessant wolf-whistling notification sounds coming from John’s phone has raised some eyebrows from those around him. Marilyn wondered what was making John so happy, whilst Alf (Ray Meagher) quickly got fed up during a club meeting.
“I’m a silver fox!” exclaimed a chuffed John. “You’re a flamin’ galah…” Alf wearily replied.
Marilyn was flustered when Alf later let slip that John was on a dating app, but when Ryder offered to set up a profile for her too, she was swayed by his betting that she’d be able to get far more ‘likes’ than John.
With Ryder going through the same process of profile writing and photography for Marilyn, she found herself enjoying the window shopping experience. Alf less so, with his now having to put up with wolf whistles echoing through his own home as well as at work!
It wasn’t long before the inevitable happened though, and John got the shock of his life when his estranged wife’s photo popped up on the app. Later that evening the same happened with Marilyn, but in a moment of panic Marilyn dropped her phone and accidentally matched herself with John.
Poor Ryder then got caught in the middle, as John wondered what on earth was going on whilst Marilyn desperately tried to undo her mistake. Initially trying to avoid him, she eventually admitted what had happened to a crestfallen John, who debated whether Marilyn was hoping to give their relationship another try.
Convinced by Irene (Lynne McGranger) that the whole things was more trouble than it’s worth, Marilyn deleted the app. But just as John was about to do the same, he matched with an attractive redhead named Cynthia. Describing herself as loving long walks along the beach with her dog, she seemed perfect! John saw no harm in having one more crack at it, and sent her a message…
As we re-join the storyline this week, John has set up a date with Cynthia and excitedly chats with her over the phone as they discuss arrangements. As John rings off, he collars a passing Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) to not so subtly boast about the date he’s in the middle of arranging, but Ari is somewhat distracted with his own issues.
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John is determined to pull out all the stops for Cynthia, so heads up to Salt (where else!) to discuss his plans with Mackenzie (Emily Weir). He requests the best table in the house, and the full service with bubbly—even specifying cloth napkins. Amused, Mackenzie is only to happy too oblige.
When Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) and Bella (Courtney Miller) overhear John practicing his introduction, they can’t help but give him a ribbing. John takes it in his stride though as he proudly tells them about his date, and Nik threatens to come up to Salt later to see “the master in action”.
That evening, John is all spruced up and arrives at Salt with a huge bunch of flowers. Mackenzie shows him to his table and informs the waiting staff that John is their VIP for the night.
And so John takes his place and waits…. and waits….
As the evening goes on and darkness falls, with several messages sent to Cynthia, it’s clear that John has been stood up.
John is embarrassed when Nik and Bella arrive, quickly telling them that his date had car trouble. They see through this and feel bad for him, but John is mortified when Marilyn then enters the restaurant!
John makes a hasty exit after coming up with a rather weak excuse for his being there, with Marilyn not too convinced that the flowers she’s been handed were from a ‘business meeting’.
Will Summer Bay’s silver fox be able to bounce back from this huge bruise to his pride? Fortunately, it seems there may be a light at the end of the tunnel in the coming weeks… so stay tuned!
Fun Fact time!
So just who was this wicked lady who shattered John’s dreams by ghosting him?
Well, we can reveal that the date may have been jinxed from the start, as Cynthia was fairly unlikely to appear on screen—the image on her Silver Dreams profile was actually a photo of Home and Away writer and script editor Holly Lyons!
Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:
Monday 8th February 2021 – Episode 7466
Dean puts his heart on the line.
Martha is harbouring a secret.
Tane comes to Ziggy’s aid.
Tuesday 9th February 2021 – Episode 7467
Ziggy won’t back down.
John prepares for a date.
Ari receives a troubling text.
Wednesday 10th February – Episode 7468
Tori and Christian clash over Jasmine.
John’s date is a disappointment.
Ari and Tane consider their options.
Thursday 11th February – Episode 7469
Tori refuses to accept fault.
Jasmine is the friend Taylor needs.
Roo’s frustrated with Irene’s impenetrable vault of secrecy.
Friday 12th February – Episode 7470
Bella can’t find Dean.
Martha returns home to tell Alf the truth.
Taylor visits Colby.