Neighbours Spoilers – Aaron and Leo battle for custody of Abigail

Coming up next week on Neighbours, Leo’s loved ones try to talk him into keeping baby Abigail, while Aaron hopes he’s ready to give her up for good.

These scenes air in the UK from Monday 21st February, and in Australia from Thursday 3rd March.

Recent episodes have seen Leo (Tim Kano) ask his brother David (Takaya Honda) and husband Aaron (Matt Wilson) to take over parenting Abigail, his baby with recently deceased Britney (Montana Cox).

Leo never planned to be a father, and when Britney arrived in Erinsborough with his baby in tow in late 2021, it was a massive shock. Now that Britney is gone, he’s found himself a single father to a child he never even wanted.

He feels horribly guilty that he hasn’t formed a connection with his own daughter, but he’s self-aware enough to know that the best thing for Abigail is for David and Aaron to take over the role of parents.

After all, they already formed a bond with her during the baby swap saga, when they spent weeks thinking that she was their real daughter, Isla.

While David has been taken aback by his brother’s request, Aaron becomes much more positive in the weeks to come.

He was distraught at having to say goodbye to Abigail when Leo and Britney moved to Wollongong, and now the idea that he can be Abigail’s dad again has filled him with excitement.

Sure, he was nervous at first, when he realised that he’d likely be the one caring for the two baby girls – thanks to David’s job at Erinsborough Hospital, and Nicolette’s role as the manager of Harold’s. The flexibility of his role at The Shed – so flexible, in fact, that we haven’t seen him working there for months – means he’s the only one who’ll be able to stay at home during the day.

However, the thought of getting to be a dad to Abigail soon wins him over.

So, this week (UK: Wednesday 16th February / Aus: Monday 28th February), Aaron makes a shock move without taking to David, as he takes the first step to securing their role as her legal guardians.

David is stunned to learn that Aaron went behind his back about something so important, but Aaron has had enough of waiting – he sticks by his decision, and ignores David’s pleas that they give Leo some more time to think over the decision.

Instead, he goes straight to Leo and asks for his blessing in seeking legal guardianship. The friction is beginning to tear the usually secure couple apart.

Then, in next week’s episodes (UK: FWednesday 23rd February / Aus: Tuesday 8th March), Leo continues to be torn.

He decides to let the boys go ahead with the legal steps needed to gain custody of Abigail, but, although he still doesn’t see himself as a father figure, he can’t quite bring himself to let his daughter go.

Will he go with his head or his heart?

Chloe (April Rose Pengilly) can’t believe it’s come to this, and thinks Leo is making a huge mistake. In a last ditch attempt to make him see sense, she orchestrates an outing with Roxy (Zima Anderson) and Kyle (Chris Milligan), who tell him all about their own hopes and dreams of having a family.

It knocks Leo for six, making him consider that maybe he does have the ability to be a good dad, and that maybe he is ready to have a family of his own, even if it means being a single father.

However, as Chloe should know too well, meddling in the lives of her nearest and dearest never ends well.

When Leo changes his mind, deciding he’s going to keep Abigail after all, it leaves Aaron devastated. Having to hand her back to Leo is one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do.

David is heartbroken too – he knew there was a big chance that Leo would see sense, but deep down he was looking forward to having a second baby to care for.

Aaron ones again directs his anger at Chloe, blaming her for destroying his happiness and causing him to lose Abigail all over again. He knows he’s guilty of getting too attached to Abigail, but can’t help but direct the blame elsewhere.

Are the Tanaka / Brennan clan about to be torn apart once again?

Also next week, Zara (Freya Van Dyke) takes things her lusting for Hendrix (Ben Turland) to the next level as she goes in for a kiss.

With Hendrix and Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) already on the rocks following Hendrix’s continued support of Zara, will this latest move push the couple over the edge?

Missed the news? As things currently stand, Neighbours will finish on Channel 5 in August 2022, with its final episodes expected to air in Australia in late October 2022. Read more.

Sign the petition to save Neighbours here.

Also this week… Paul’s life hangs in the balance, again!

Coming up next week, it’s a case of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ for Paul Robinson, as nobody believes him when he takes a turn for the worse. Will his manipulation cost him his life?

Read more…

Here are the spoilers for the next two week of Neighbours:

8782 – Monday 14th February (UK) / Wednesday 23rd February (Aus)

Levi is left reeling as Freya admits to manipulating him, lying to him and stringing him along.

Fed up with the tension in Number 30, Mackenzie begins the search for a way out.

Smitten Zara misreads Hendrix’s friendship as something more, but her friends aren’t convinced.

8783 – Tuesday 15th February (UK) / Thursday 24th February (Aus)

Roxy pushes Kyle to take Levi out for the day to get Freya out of his system, but no amount of distraction can stop him from wallowing.

Enduring constant sniggering and teasing from her students, Jane finally cracks and resolves to punish Zara.

8784 – Wednesday 16th February (UK) / Monday 28th February (Aus)

Aaron is worried about Abigail. He’s growing more attached to her every day, but he and David can’t agree on what’s best for her.

Amy is at her wits end with Zara, who denies responsibility for yet another scandal.

Mackenzie is fed up with Hendrix’s support of Zara.

8785 – Thursday 17th February (UK) / Tuesday 1st March (Aus)

David is reeling from Aaron’s decision to take steps to become Abigail’s legal parents.

Paul’s efforts to talk to Terese continue to be rebuffed.

Nicolette is struggling with the fraught dynamic at Number 32, worried she’ll be left out of important discussions.

8786 – Friday 18th February (UK) / Wednesday 2nd March (Aus)

David is furious when he learns what Aaron has done.

Levi is determined to move on from Freya, but worries she’ll hang around in Erinsborough until she finds Gareth.

Terese celebrates the start of a new chapter in her life.

8787 – Monday 21st February (UK) / Thursday 3rd March (Aus)

Levi is held at gunpoint by an agitated, paranoid stranger.

Glen is looking for ways to lift Terese’s mood when he discovers Ned and Harlow went paintballing and decides to give it a try.

Zara’s troublesome reputation spreads like wildfire across Ramsay Street.

8788 – Tuesday 22nd February (UK) / Monday 7th March (Aus)

Amy has played all her cards with Zara but nothing has changed. After searching for her, she contemplates sending her back to Cairns.

Levi is stuck on Freya. She’s caused him so much trouble, but he doesn’t want her in danger.

8789 – Wednesday 23rd February (UK) / Tuesday 8th March (Aus)

Leo is still torn over whether to give up Abigail. Determined to make Leo see sense, Chloe orchestrates an outing with Roxy and Kyle.

Levi rocks the Canning household with his decision to help Freya track down Gareth, no matter the risk.

8790 – Thursday 24th February (UK) / Wednesday 9th March (Aus)

Paul’s health has been declining, but his nearest and dearest think it’s anxiety.

Leo’s decision has thrown everyone for a loop, leaving Aaron devastated and his brother overwhelmed.

Aaron is heartbroken and blames Chloe for destroying his happiness, but Chloe is suffering too.

8791 – Friday 25th February (UK) / Thursday 10th March (Aus)

Freya and Levi visit the South Melbourne Market to chase up a lead on Gareth.

Confident the Sergeant wouldn’t like Levi’s side hustle with Freya, Roxy has a lightbulb moment.

Every minute that passes with Paul suffering the consequences of his lies costs him.