Home and Away Spoilers – Nikau saves his first life

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Nikau has mixed feelings after saving his first life, whilst Theo and Ziggy go head to head at the garage…

Summer Bay’s newest lifeguard Nikau Parata (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) has only been in the job for a week, and he’s already had his fair share of drama without even getting his feet wet!

Feeling he was lacking some direction in life following the end of his modelling career, and the inevitable redundancy of his job at the board shop when Dean (Patrick O’Connor) returned to work, Nik was convinced by surf club manager John Palmer (Shane Withington) to join his bronze medallion course.

Nik initially found it difficult to focus on the sheer amount of theory work involved, and acted up during the training sessions, before storming out when John singled him out to answer questions. Nik was eventually convinced to return, and persevered in order to pass all the modules required to become a qualified lifesaver.

Nik’s first shift on patrol was marred by Theo Poulos (Matt Evans), in the latest of his online video challenges. Distracting Nik by claiming there was someone drowning, Theo stole the surf club’s buggy and took it for a joyride through the park.

Surf club manager John (Shane Withington) was understandably furious, and when he caught up with Theo he set him to work behind the gelato bar as punishment.

When Nik later confronted Theo about the incident, only for Theo to goad him further, John was forced to break up a fight between the two and sent Nik home.

Whilst John was happy to forgive Nik’s blunder in giving Theo opportunity to steal the buggy, he was disappointed in Nik for his disrespect in starting a fight whilst wearing the surf club’s lifesaving uniform—the uniform should be an emblem of pride.

Nik handed over the uniform on the spot, but John decided to give him another chance, with a warning him that he’d “Palmerise” him if he ever blew it again!

This week Bella also has some luck with John, as he finally agrees to employ her as a photographer for the surf club—albeit with a 15% discount on her quoted price.

Her first assignment is covering Nik’s first shift patrolling the beach on his own. Nik is nervous but John assures him he’ll be fine, he’s at the end of the radio if he needs him.

It isn’t long before Nik has an emergency on his hands, when a jogger, Max (Trey Daniels), collapses right in front of him and stops breathing. Nik puts a call into John as he starts chest compressions.

John arrives with the defibrillator, but quickly sees that Nikau has the situation under control. He holds back from interrupting Nik’s compressions, which aren’t in vain when Max suddenly comes round.

As Max is taken away in the ambulance, Bella shows Nik some photos she took of the event, and Nik is stunned to see that John was standing right behind him the whole time.

Rather than be proud in the fact that he’s just saved a life, Nik instead turns on John and asks why he didn’t support him.

John explains that he could see that Nik had everything in hand, but it’s not enough for him as he reminds John of the teamwork talk he gave during the training sessions.

Nik continues to ruminate and later confronts a surprised John again, angrily telling him that if something had gone wrong, he’d have had to live with that.

John tries to reassure him that he’d never had let that happen, and he’d have intervened if things had escalated, but Nik’s mind is made up—he quits!

Has Nikau’s training all been for nothing?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, with Theo back with his video partner Ryder (Lukas Radovich), the dilemma of choosing a challenge rears its head again.

Scoffing at some of their ideas she’s overhearing, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) points out that they’re losing half their audience already by not tailoring any videos to the female demographic.

Meanwhile, after seeing Theo at a loose end the previous week, Justin (James Stewart) figures it’s time Theo had a hobby, and when he sees Dean’s (Patrick O’Connor) surfboard up for sale, he decides to buy it and present it to Theo at the garage.

Over at the Surf Club, Dean’s girlfriend Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) is heartbroken to see that Dean’s favourite board has been sold—believing that Dean is being far too premature in thinking he’ll never surf again following his accident—and she makes it her mission to track down whoever bought it.

The problem is, no-one knows who the mystery buyer is, as John explains to them that the money for it was left in an envelope on his desk.

Ziggy is relieved when she arrives at work to find the board there—that was easy!

Ziggy asks Theo how much he wants for it but is stunned when he says it’s not for sale… and Theo continues to reject her offers and taunt her as she becomes more and more frustrated.

As the two bicker, a lightbulb suddenly switches on in Ryder’s head—Ziggy’s a woman!

Ziggy is impressed with Ryder’s powers of observation, as he goes on to explain to Theo that he has an idea that could solve all their problems…

Ziggy soon ends up deciding on a challenge for she and Theo to take part in, with the agreement that if she’s victorious, she’ll get Dean’s board back.

The task is simple enough for the two garage employees—the quickest to change a tyre wins! Theo asks if Ziggy needs a head start, but she then adds another twist by announcing that they’ll be doing it blindfolded.

Ryder starts filming and the challenge begins… but little does Theo realise that Ziggy used to work on a pit crew….

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 21st February (Episode 7706)

Marilyn finds her new normal. Justin helps Theo find a new interest. Alf struggles with Martha’s approach.

Tuesday 22nd February (Episode 7707)

Ziggy and Theo challenge one another. Logan distracts himself from the tribunal. Roo’s shocked by her mother’s reaction.

Wednesday 23rd February (Episode 7708)

Roo asks some hard questions. Nikau saves the day. Dean puts Ziggy in her place.

Thursday 24th February (Episode 7709)

Chloe tries to rebuild family ties. Marilyn realises she may lose everyone she loves. Felicity spirals while Cash is out of town.

Friday 25th February (Episode 7710)

Tane offers his gentle support to Felicity. Mia is backed into a corner with only one option. Ari’s planning his future with Mia.