Neighbours Spoilers – Aaron sees red as David seeks comfort in a colleague

Coming up next week on Neighbours, David and Aaron continue to clash over Abigail, leading to David seeking solace in a friend.

These episodes air in the UK from Monday 28th February, and in Australia from Monday 14th March.

All David (Takaya Honda) and Aaron (Matt Wilson) have ever wanted is a family of their own. The couple initially went down the route of fostering, and initially hoped to invite a child under five into their home.

They were surprised when their first foster placement ended up being teenager Emmett Donaldson (Ezra Justin), whose last placement had broken down after he was suspended from school and had got into a fight with another foster child.

The trio got off to a rocky start, with Emmett deliberately smashing a window and running away, but he soon grew to love the couple as if they were his own parents.

Emmett was later joined by his half-brother Brent Colefax (Texas Watterston), and, while Brent brought plenty of trouble to Ramsay Street, he too eventually developed a close bond with the two guys.

By the time Brent and Emmett finally left – the former heading off to the army to avoid facing charges after he stole the Year 13 initiative’s tools and equipment, and the latter heading to New Zealand to live with his mum – the dynamic on Ramsay Street had entirely changed. Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes) was now living with the boys in No. 32, and what’s more, she was pregnant with David’s baby.

Although fostering wasn’t without its problems, it convinced David and Aaron that they wanted to be parents. So, they set about looking for a surrogate mother, and, with it being legally difficult to do so in Australia, set their sights on Canada.

David’s tickets were booked and his bags were packed when Nicolette presented the boys with a novel idea – she would have their baby, using David’s sperm, and the trio would have a ‘co-parenting agreement’, with David and Aaron acting as the primary care givers.

A few bottles of wine later and the decision was made. However, it’s a decision that has almost torn David and Aaron apart on multiple occasions.

When Nicolette skipped town for Canberra, leaving the boys with no idea if they’d ever get to meet their as-yet-unborn baby daughter, David was distraught. He lashed out, punched Leo (Tim Kano), and almost lost his job when he was caught snooping on Nicolette’s medical records on a hospital computer.

Thankfully, the boys were eventually reunited with Nicolette and baby Isla, but that’s far from the end of their issues. Now, since Britney’s (Montanna Cox) death, single parent Leo has decided that he can’t parent Abigail alone, and has asked the boys to take her.

Aaron desperately wants to, but David isn’t convinced it’s a good idea.

He knows that Leo will eventually change his mind – and that’s exactly what happens this week, when Chloe (April Rose Pengilly) invites Leo to spend some time with Kyle (Chris Milligan) and Roxy (Zima Anderson), who are contemplating starting a family of their own. Seeing their own desire for kids makes Leo reconsider, as he starts to see the benefits of fatherhood.

So, when he tells David and Aaron that he’s changed his mind – he’s keeping Abigail after all – it leaves Aaron heartbroken. He’s faced with the prospect of saying goodbye to Abigail all over again, and handing her back to Leo is one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do.

Over the coming weeks, the heartbreak doesn’t get any easier. Aaron explodes at Chloe after learning that she was the reason Leo changed his mind about Abigail, and he starts pushing David away too.

With Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) moving into No. 24, Chloe uses their housewarming party to try to bring everyone back together. Aaron agrees to put their differences aside and attends his sister’s party, where she tries to convince him to make amends with David too.

However, there’s a stumbling block that nobody expected, and it’s about to drive David and Aaron even further apart.

Enter Dean.

Dean is David’s colleague from the hospital, and the two have grown closer in recent weeks, as David has explained his predicament and looked to a friend for support.

Before Aaron has a chance to make up with David, he discovers that his husband has been telling Dean all about their issues, and he’s furious. Suddenly the divide between them is wider than ever.

As the week goes on, David is walking on eggshells around his husband. They’re barely talking, he feels guilty at having to confide in his colleague, and he doesn’t know what to do next.

He throws the idea of a romantic getaway, a chance to spend some quality time together, but Aaron couldn’t be less interested. He’s still deeply frustrated and a romantic escape is the last thing on his mind.

It looks like a reconciliation for the pair is still a while off.

With the pair at loggerheads, David’s growing friendship with Dean is just another thing for them to bicker over. Despite David’s years of commitment to his husband, Aaron starts getting increasingly jealous. He confronts David and demand that he stop seeing Dean.

A frustrated David eventually agrees to set boundaries with his new friend – he won’t discuss their relationship any further.

However, after their latest fight, he’s in a really low place. He thinks Aaron’s in the wrong, and doesn’t see why he shouldn’t be able to turn to a friend for support – after all, it’s nothing more than friendship.

Unfortunately, when Aaron and Chloe stumble upon Dean comforting David, with his Dean’s arm resting on David’s back, Aaron sees red.

He launches at Dean, pinning him up against his car as David uses all of his might to pull him back.

In the aftermath of the fight, the pair are both angry at each other for their respective reactions. David is fuming that Aaron used violence as a solution, while Aaron upset that David is seeking comfort in another man.

Where can the pair go from here?

Here are the spoilers for next week’s Neighbours:

8792 – Monday 28th February (UK) / Monday 14th March (Aus)

Chloe uses her party to clear the air with Aaron and push him to make amends with David.

Levi is given a huge case at work, leaving him no time to continue investigating Freya. Can Kyle and Roxy finally rest easy?

Hendrix keeps quiet about his kiss with Zara – will the secret stay hidden?

8793 – Tuesday 1st March (UK) / Tuesday 15th March (Aus)

Glen’s surprisingly un-exuberant about having won a trip away, leaving Terese wondering why he’s uncomfortable.

Paul can’t help feeling abandoned by Terese and David, but a little help from Harlow prompts father and son to reunite.

Zara’s lost all of her friends, and hurt her family. How could things possibly get worse than this?

8794 – Wednesday 2nd March (UK) / Wednesday 16th March (Aus)

Fire rages through the school, and lives are at risk as the teachers search for missing students.

Hendrix charges into the danger zone to save Mackenzie as the fire threatens to engulf her.

Zara faces the firing squad, everyone believing she lit the fire.

8795 – Thursday 3rd March (UK) / Thursday 17th March (Aus)

Arrested and facing jail time, Zara tries to defend herself.

Roxy and Kyle make plans to start a family, but Terese is afraid they’re rushing into it.

It’s looking like the David and Aaron’s reconciliation is still a while off.

8796 – Friday 4th March (UK) / Monday 21st March (Aus)

Amy and Toadie search high and low for Zara after they find a worrying note.

A suspicious Aaron confronts David and demands he stop seeing Dean.