Neighbours Spoilers – Mackenzie trapped as fire engulfs Erinsborough High

Coming up next week on Neighbours, it’s a race against time to find trapped students as fire engulfs Erinsborough High – is Zara to blame, or is someone framing her?

Things have been heating up in Erinsborough in recent weeks – quite literally.

New teen Zara (Freya Van Dyke) was determined to make a name for herself in her new high school, even if it meant getting the teachers off side.

She set off the fire alarm in the school corridor, forcing an evacuation, landing the school with an expensive call-out charge from the fire brigade, and making it clear to Susan (Jackie Woodburne) and Jane (Annie Jones) that they needed to keep an eye on her.

Since then, she told her new friends Aubrey Laing (Etoile Little) and Sadie Rodwell (Emerald Chan) all about Jane using a camera hidden in a bear to spy on Nicolette, and it wasn’t long before the rumour spread around the whole school.

Before Jane knew it, someone planted a bear on her desk, and students mocked her by filming her every move in the classroom. Zara found herself grounded and in detention, with Amy accusing her of bullying.

When a student set a bin alight last week, all signs pointed to Zara being to blame. After all, Zara already has a history with fire. On top of the smoke alarm incident, she accidentally set a marquee alight at the Far North Hotel, Amy’s former workplace in Cairns, where she was working as Marketing Manager before she moved back to Erinsborough last year.

Zara was insistent that she had nothing to do with the bin fire, and Susan seemed willing to believe her – that is, until Toadie let slip about her history with fire. It seems even her own mum was struggling to believe that she wasn’t the culprit.

So, whoever is causing chaos around Erinsborough High now knows that they can get away with it – whatever they do, Zara will get the blame. Unfortunately for Zara, the wannabe arsonist takes things to the next level next week, as a huge fire roars through the school, leaving a number of our favourites in danger.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, Zara goes to kiss Hendrix (Ben Turland) this week. She’s developed a massive crush on him, and has even taken to manipulative measures to make Aubrey and Sadie think that he’s into her. So, when she finally convinces herself that her feelings are reciprocal, she plants a kiss on him in the living room of No. 28.

Hendrix is taken aback and pushes her away. He tries to keep the kiss a secret, but it’s not long before the truth comes out. Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) is obviously livid; she was already jealous of the attention that Zara has been giving Hendrix, and the fact he kept the kiss a secret makes things so much worse.

With the truth out, Hendrix and Zara confront Zara, and her world comes crumbling down when she realises that Aubrey and Sadie have betrayed her as well. Suddenly, she’s left with no friends, she’s alienated Hendrix, and her mum still thinks she’s a pyromaniac.

Then, with Zara at her lowest, another disaster strikes at the school. This time it’s not just a bin – a much larger fire rages through the school! Susan leads an emergency evacuation, as Jane puts her own life at risk to search for missing students.

They’re both unaware that Zara and Mackenzie are trapped in a smoke-filled art room, and there’s seemingly no way out.

Zara turns to the air vents as a means of escape. However, Mackenzie, whose right arm is still in a cast after the recent Flamingo Bar disaster, can’t maneuver her way up.

Left all alone, will Mackenzie find a way to escape before the fire reaches her?

As Zara escapes outside, she comes face to face with Amy, Susan, Karl (Alan Fletcher) and Toadie (Ryan Moloney) – all of whom think that she’s to blame!

She’s insistent that she had nothing to do with the fire – she was trapped herself! – but nobody believes her.

She eventually realises that Aubrey knows something, and launches a vicious attack on her former friend as she begs her to admit the truth.

As Toadie pulls her back and Amy checks that Aubrey is okay, it seems it’s going to prove difficult to get anyone to believe that Zara is innocent.

It’s not long before she’s arrested and facing jail time. When she again tries to defend herself, she can only manage to dig an even deeper hole. She begs guilt-ridden Sadie to come clean, but the teen is crumbling under pressure from Aubrey.

Will Sadie clear her friend’s name, or will it be all over for Zara?

Later in the week, Zara goes missing. Amy and Toadie discover a note from her, claiming that they’re better off without her. As they, the police and the rest of Ramsay Stret organise a search party, will they find her before it’s too late?

Neighbours airs on Channel 5 in the UK, weekdays at 1:45pm and 6pm, and on 10 Peach in Australia, Monday to Thursday at 6:30pm.

Here are the spoilers for next week’s Neighbours:

8792 – Monday 28th February (UK) / Monday 14th March (Aus)

Chloe uses her party to clear the air with Aaron and push him to make amends with David.

Levi is given a huge case at work, leaving him no time to continue investigating Freya. Can Kyle and Roxy finally rest easy?

Hendrix keeps quiet about his kiss with Zara – will the secret stay hidden?

8793 – Tuesday 1st March (UK) / Tuesday 15th March (Aus)

Glen’s surprisingly un-exuberant about having won a trip away, leaving Terese wondering why he’s uncomfortable.

Paul can’t help feeling abandoned by Terese and David, but a little help from Harlow prompts father and son to reunite.

Zara’s lost all of her friends, and hurt her family. How could things possibly get worse than this?

8794 – Wednesday 2nd March (UK) / Wednesday 16th March (Aus)

Fire rages through the school, and lives are at risk as the teachers search for missing students.

Hendrix charges into the danger zone to save Mackenzie as the fire threatens to engulf her.

Zara faces the firing squad, everyone believing she lit the fire.

8795 – Thursday 3rd March (UK) / Thursday 17th March (Aus)

Arrested and facing jail time, Zara tries to defend herself.

Roxy and Kyle make plans to start a family, but Terese is afraid they’re rushing into it.

It’s looking like the David and Aaron’s reconciliation is still a while off.

8796 – Friday 4th March (UK) / Monday 21st March (Aus)

Amy and Toadie search high and low for Zara after they find a worrying note.

A suspicious Aaron confronts David and demands he stop seeing Dean.