Home and Away Spoilers – The race is on to save Ryder and Theo

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK as the 2022 season begins, the race is on to save Ryder and Theo – could this be their final goodbye?

Ryder Jackson (Lukas Radovich) was left in a precarious position last week as his and Theo Poulos’s (Matt Evans) latest online challenge went disastrously wrong.

With the pair’s online presence becoming ever more popular, and after being unceremoniously dumped out of his business by ex-girlfriend Chloe (Sam Barrett), Ryder wanted to go all out for their next video in the hope of earning much needed funds to pay back his debt to his loved ones.

When he spotted a brochure for a coffin whilst visiting step-grandma Martha (Belinda Giblin) in hospital, it gave him his craziest idea yet—being buried alive!

Even rascal Theo thought the idea was crazy, but nevertheless he set out building a rudimentary coffin as the pair scoped out a remote location in the bush not too far from the caravan park.

When the five hour challenge finally began, the duo’s subscribers rolled into the livestream, some commenting that the pair probably shouldn’t be attempting such a feat.

What Ryder didn’t bank on however was Theo disappearing! He was incensed when he rang Theo an hour into his challenge only to find he’d left him on his own in order to get some lunch from the diner, and moreso when he opened his own lunch to find the bag full of chilli peppers.

After getting distracted by Chloe, Theo eventually made his way back towards the grave site as Ryder rang him again. But when the line suddenly went dead, Ryder wasn’t sure whether Theo was pulling another of his pranks.

Unfortunately, Theo had been knocked unconscious after falling off a rock platform, with his leg tangled in some barbed wire. With no-one else aware of Ryder’s location, it’s almost certain that Ryder is doomed unless Theo comes round in time!

As we pick up the action this week, Theo does indeed wake up, but he finds himself snagged with the wire cutting into his leg—and his phone is just out of reach!

Ryder becomes all the more uneasy as one of his scientifically-minded viewers calculates that he’s likely only got 90 minutes of oxygen left in the coffin, though that shouldn’t matter too much with the five hours nearing completion…

But when Ryder shouts out the safe word as the timer goes off, there’s no response from Theo!

As time goes on, an increasingly panicked Ryder tries to get through to Justin (James Stewart) to ask about Theo’s whereabouts, but the signal is too bad, and his battery runs out when he then tries to call the cops.

Hours tick by, and when his torch finally dies later that evening, Ryder cries out in anguish as he’s plunged into darkness!

The next day, Alf (Ray Meagher) and Roo (Georgie Parker) ask Justin if he’s seen Ryder and he mentions the call he had. Roo finds it strange as she didn’t know Ryder and Theo were friends, and it’s only then that she learns about the challenge videos.

When Justin then looks on their channel, there’s great concern when they see what they were up to the previous day, particularly when they realise that the livestream cut out in the early hours of the morning.

Thankfully, Roo recognises the location of the challenge as a patch of land near the caravan park, and she and Justin race over there and find a distraught Theo. He urges them not worry about him but to find Ryder—who must surely be out of oxygen by now!

After some frantic digging, Roo and Justin eventually reach the coffin to find Ryder unresponsive.

Thankfully, he’s still alive—just!

When Ryder is rushed into Northern Districts Hospital, Jasmine (Sam Frost) quickly ascertains that he has low oxygen levels and a slow pulse.

When Theo is brought into the next bed after getting his leg checked out, he desperately asks after Ryder—whilst Roo tells him the latest, she’s cold with him, clearly blaming him for her nephew’s condition.

However, Roo is the least of Theo’s worried. All hell breaks loose shortly after, when Alf comes onto the ward and starts a tirade against Theo.

Justin tries to calm him down, trying to explain that the accident wasn’t solely Theo’s fault, but Alf’s dander is well and truly up as his grandson fights for his life.

Logan (Harley Bonner) later updates Roo and Alf with the news that Ryder’s oxygen levels have returned to normal, but he’s still not responding as he should be.

Justin then interrupts as he insists that Roo and Alf need to see the video of Ryder and Theo’s challenge so they have the full context of what went down. Justin explains to them both that Ryder was using the videos as a way to raise cash to pay them back.

But as Justin scrubs through the video, he unintentionally shows Roo and Alf a portion that he hadn’t seen himself.

At a point where he had clearly given up hope of being found, Ryder makes known his wishes for after his death, with all money to go towards their debts and Martha’s medical care.

It’s a tough watch for Alf and Roo as Ryder starts to break down and tells them that he loves them, and the two are left wondering whether they really are witnessing Ryder’s final goodbye!

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 7th March (Episode 7716) – 2022 Season Opener

Will Mia’s escape end in cuffs? Ari puts his life on the line. Will Ryder be buried alive? Alf asks Martha for answers.

Tuesday 8th March (Episode 7717)

Have Theo and Ryder dug their own graves? The Paratas are splintered by Ari’s actions. Roo and Martha reach breaking point.

Wednesday 9th March (Episode 7718)

Ryder says his final goodbye. Alf seeks justice for Ryder. Guilt-ridden Chloe goes to the police.

Thursday 10th March (Episode 7719)

Logan and Mackenzie rekindle their romance. Felicity gets shut out. A mysterious woman arrives for Logan.

Friday 11th March (Episode 7720)

Logan’s secret kiss is exposed. Mackenzie faces Logan’s past. Bella discovers Chloe’s crime.