Neighbours Spoilers – David and Freya hide a huge secret!

On next week’s Neighbours, David, Freya and Glen struggle to come to terms with the events at River Bend, with all three hiding life-changing secrets.

The dramatic trip to River Bend leaves a lasting impression on our Ramsay Street favourites this week, as they struggle to come to terms with what went down.

Aaron (Matt Wilson) took a brutal battering at the hands of Gareth, and is fighting for his life.

He was trying to save Freya (Phoebe Richards), who had been kidnapped by Gareth. He ordered her to stay quiet as he snuck around the side of Gareth’s van and tried to disarm him, but his plan failed when Gareth heard him and began to attack him with his wrench.

It was only David’s (Takaya Honda) last-minute arrival at the remote resort that saved Aaron’s life.

David had initially turned down the trip, but had a last minute change of heart. When he arrived, he found his husband bloody and bruised at the side of the road, and patched him up as best he could with a first aid kit.

With Aaron now safely in Erinsborough Hospital, David thinks he can rest easily… that is, until Aaron’s condition takes a life-threatening turn. He’s rushed into emergency surgery, and everyone waits with bated breath.

Will he wake up?

Aaron isn’t the only thing on David’s mind – he’s racked with guilt for a different reason.

Gareth is dead. But how?

The guilt is eating David up, and it’s on Freya to remind him that Gareth was never going to survive. Yet Freya’s words don’t help, and he’s struggling to live with himself.

He’s haunted by memories of Gareth, and is in a really bad way, with things getting worse by the day.

Later in the week, Freya is stunned when she learns that the investigation into Gareth’s death isn’t over, and both she and David face being interviewed a second time.

Aware of David’s guilt, she fears that he’ll crack under the pressure as he relives the nightmare under a microscope.

David, what did you do?

Think that’s enough for poor David to deal with next week? Alas, you’d be wrong…

He’s caught the eye of Erinsborough Hospital cleaner, Dean Covey (Travis Cotton), and the two have formed a close friendship in recent months. David has opened up to Dean about his and Aaron’s recent struggles, which saw them disagree over whether to seek custody of Abigail after Leo (Tim Kano) had second thoughts about fatherhood.

Sadly, Dean is after more than just friendship. He’s recently single after a painful breakup, and is looking for something deeper with David.

Aaron was already jealous of the pair’s growing friendship, but David tried to assure him that he had nothing to worry about – they’re just friends.

But this week, Dean goes in for a kiss! David is stunned; he realises that Aaron was right all along, Dean does have a crush on him, and he feels terrible for doubting his husband.

He pushes Dean away after the shock kiss, and tells him to stop interfering with his marriage.

But next week, after the dramatic events of River Bend, David is dismayed when Dean simply won’t leave him alone. What’s more, Dean is urging David to tell Aaron about their kiss, most likely hoping that it’ll be enough to make Aaron walk away from their marriage, leaving their path open to a relationship of their own…

David can’t believe what he’s hearing – the kiss was nothing, Aaron’s recovering in hospital, and he has no plans of mentioning it.

Yet nothing stays secret for long on Ramsay Street…

Dean decides to cut out the middle man, and tells Aaron all about his and David’s kiss!

David is understandably furious, and confronts him, but Dean insists that he was only trying to help.

Not only is it affecting his personal life, but Dean’s obsession is affecting David’s work life too. He realises he has no choice but to report Dean’s inappropriate behaviour to the hospital board, which leads to the beginning of a bitter grudge.

Has David underestimated Dean? What will his next move be?

And how will Aaron react to the news of the kiss? They’ve been on the rocks for months – could this be the beginning of the end for one of Ramsay Street’s most established couples?

Elsewhere, and one of Glen’s (Richard Huggett) biggest secrets is about to be revealed.

Harlow (Jemma Donovan) has always known that Glen is hiding something, and she came close to finding out more about his history when she hired a PI to investigate him.

However, that got overshadowed when Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) found herself hanging off the edge of Lassiers’ roof, and any attempts to discover the truth seemed to get forgotten. Until now.

River Bend proves to be the catalyst for the truth to come out. Glen has a daughter.

He and Kiri (Gemma Bird Matheson) bonded at River Bend, as they teamed up to investigate the gunshots that reverberated around the forest, and it seemed like there was more to Glen’s interest in her.

Back in Erinsborough, Glen’s mind is still on Kiri, and he finally confesses to shocked Terese that she is his daughter.

He’s stunned when Kiri makes her way to Erinsborough, wanting to spend more time with Nicolette, who she shared a kiss with as they got to know each other by the river. He and Nicolette end up arguing, and it’s not clear to anyone just exactly what Glen’s problem is.

Will he come clean that he’s her dad?

Fearing the truth would only bring pain, he decides to keep it secret… but he’s struggling, wanting to bond with his long-lost daughter.

How long until this secret is revealed?

These scenes air in the UK from Monday 14th March, and in Australia just over two weeks later, from Wednesday 30th March.

Here are the spoilers for next week’ Neighbours:

8802 – Monday 14th March (UK) / Wednesday 30th March (Aus)

David struggles to contain his guilt after Gareth’s death.

Aaron’s condition takes a life-threatening turn.

Concern grows for Ned and Harlow’s whereabouts.

8803 – Tuesday 15th March (UK) / Thursday 31st March (Aus)

Lost in the bush, Ned and Harlow have no choice but to huddle together.

Desperate to find Ned, Amy heads out to join the search party.

8804 – Wednesday 16th March (UK) / Monday 4th April (Aus)

Jane’s on the fence when she’s asked to help with Aubrey’s home schooling.

Ned is torn between Amy and Harlow after their unexpected tryst in the bush.

8805 – Thursday 17th March (UK) / Tuesday 5th April (Aus)

Amy delivers Ned a dazzling romantic surprise and reignites his feelings for her.

Haunted by memories of Gareth and terrified for Aaron, David’s in a bad way.

8806 – Friday 18th March (UK) / Wednesday 6th April (Aus)

David confronts Dean, furious that he told Aaron about their kiss.

Glen finally confesses to shocked Terese that Kiri is his daughter.

Freya is blindsided to hear the coronial investigation into Gareth’s death isn’t over.

Also next week… Ned and Harlow kiss

Lost in the bush, Ned and Harlow form an unexpected connection that leads to a surprise kiss!

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