Neighbours Spoilers – Ned and Harlow share a kiss

On next week’s Neighbours, Ned and Harlow are lost in the bush after disaster strikes at River Bend, and their time together leads to an unexpected connection.

Neither Harlow (Jemma Donovan) nor Ned (Ben Hall) have had much luck in love over the past few years.  

Ned’s choice of crushes didn’t exactly help things, when he fell for his dad’s new girlfriend, Lauren (Kate Kendall) shortly after arriving in Erinsborough.

After getting over that potentially disastrous crush, he briefly dated Elly (Jodi Anasta), before heading to the Gold Coast to start a tattoo parlour. When he returned a year later, kept it in the family when he began dating Elly’s half-sister, Bea (Bonnie Anderson).

Neither relationship worked out, which is probably for the best, considering Finn Kelly’s (Rob Mills) deadly obsession with both women.

Thankfully, he settled down with Yashvi (Olivia Junkeer), and they had a pretty good run once they put concerns over their age difference aside.

However, they had numerous problems along the way, many of which were caused by Ned’s stalker, Scarlett Brady (Christie Whelan Browne), and it took a fake wedding to get Scarlett off their backs for good.

Despite overcoming stalkers, and Yashvi’s disapproving dad Shane (Nicholas Coghlan), there were still plenty of cracks in their relationship, and Ned eventually realised that he and Yashvi weren’t right for each other.

With the arrival of the second Sheila Canning (Shareena Clanton), Ned found someone with whom he shared a love of art and all things creative. It soon became clear that his and Yashvi’s relationship was getting in the way of each other’s potential happiness, and they agreed to break up for good.

His fling with Amy (Jacinta Stapleton) showed promise, until she developed feelings for Levi (Richie Morris).

Rather than making Amy choose between him and one of his closest friends, Ned suggested that the three embark on a polyamorous relationship, where Amy dated the two men at once, but they otherwise remained exclusive.

It got off to a good start, but Levi quickly struggled with the idea of only being able to date Amy, while she could date two people at once.

When Zara (Freya Van Dyke) – Amy’s daughter – arrived, Amy proposed that the trio put the breaks on the relationship so she could spend time bonding with her daughter.

Levi decided the time had come to end their relationship entirely, while Ned opted to hit pause… but as the weeks went by, and Zara’s return plus the Flamingo Bar disaster saw Amy’s life spiral out of control, there was no end in sight to their extended break.

Harlow’s love life luck has been equally poor.

She dated Hendrix (Ben Turland), but was constantly unimpressed by his bad decision making. Giving his dad, Pierce (Tim Robards / Don Hany), ADHD medication which caused him to collapse was a bad move, but when Hendrix nearly got himself killed by falling in with Kane and his dodgy blackjack games (Barry Conrad), it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

She made the natural progression to dating Brent (Texas Watterston), a boy with a squeaky clean record of good decisions, who would never dream of getting up to no good… ?

When Brent found himself facing jail for robbing school equipment being stored at The Hive, Toadie cut a deal that saw him join the instead, and he departed Erinsborough, leaving Harlow heartbroken.

Brent returned a while later, but by that point Harlow was a changed woman – ruthlessly trying to undermine Chloe (April Rose Pengilly) to bag herself a more senior position at Lassiters, and seemingly lacking in all emotion. She was later diagnosed with compassion fatigue after the events of the past few years, but by that point Brent was long gone.

This week, the residents of Ramsay Street head to River Bend, a picturesque holiday location to which Glen (Richard Huggett) has won a holiday.

With Glen not wanting to go alone, and Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) seemingly not wanting a romantic weekend away with her potential suitor, he takes an eclectic selection of friends and acquaintances with him – Aaron (Matt Wilson), Levi, Freya (Phoebe Roberts), Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes), and, of course, Ned and Harlow.

It’s a week filled with drama, as Freya’s supposed ex-boyfriend Gareth turns up, shoots Levi, takes Freya hostage, and leaves Aaron for dead. Yikes. Read more on the River Bend drama here.

In the days leading up to the trip away, the search for Freya Wozniak’s ex Gareth continues. When Levi gets yet another lead, the pair of wannabe sleuths jump on it, and head on a stakeout to a trailer park to see if they can catch sight of Gareth.

When they’re caught snooping around, they have to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend to get themselves out of trouble.

The housemates – who have both spent years living at No. 22 thanks to Terese’s seemingly endless generosity towards her ex-husbands’ children and grandchildren – have been spending a lot of time together recently, and it seems their brief stint as make-believe boyfriend and girlfriend leaves a lasting impression.

When gunshots ring out across River Bend, the pair know that it must have something to do with Gareth and Freya.

However, as they head in search of the action, they find themselves lost. As the rest of the congregation gradually make their way back to Erinsborough, the pair are stuck at River Bend.

While they may not know where their friends are, at least they’re in good company.

As the hours pass by, they’re forced to huddle together until help arrives, and soon find themselves getting on better and better.

They find a waterfall, settle down and enjoy the scenery, and wait for the rescue party.

Then, as the tension between them grows, they share an unexpected kiss!

Alone and with no end in sight, how far will they go?

Back in Erinsborough, Amy is desperate to talk to Ned after learning of what went down in the bush. When she realises that Ned and Harlow are the only two who haven’t returned, panic begins to set in.

The scare has made her realise just how much she still cares for Ned, and how much she wants to reignite what they had. Zara recently gave her blessing for them to restart their relationship, and now she finally feels ready.

However, it looks like Amy is the last thing on Ned’s mind, as he and Harlow get steamy back at the waterfall!

Amy is desperate to see Ned and tell him how she feels, so she enlists Toadie (Ryan Moloney) to join the search party with her. They head back to River Bend and begin to comb the vast wilderness.

Will they find Harlow and Ned before the sun sets? 

Thankfully, the pair are eventually found and head back to the relative safety of Ramsay Street.

Amy confesses her feelings to a very confused Ned, but he doesn’t give her an immediate yes – he wants some time to think, and she’s forced to endure a long wait for an answer, with no idea that he’s just shared a kiss with somebody else.

His unexpected tryst with Harlow is weighing heavy on him – there’s far less stress with Harlow: she doesn’t have a misbehaving kid to deal with, there’s no chequered history with Levi; just a potential fresh start with someone fun.

He confides in Kyle (Chris Milligan), who can’t believe what he’s hearing. Suddenly, all of Ramsay Street wants to have a say – Zara pleads her mum’s case, while Harlow suddenly finds herself emotionally attached and tells Ned that he deserves better.

He and Amy eventually share a kiss of their own… but even that isn’t enough, and Ned still doesn’t know if he wants to be with her. 

Will a dazzling romantic surprise from Amy be just the ticket to reignite his feelings, or has his kiss with Harlow ended any chance for him and Amy to get back together?

These scenes air in the UK from Monday 14th March, and in Australia just over two weeks later, from Wednesday 30th March.

Here are the spoilers for next two weeks’ Neighbours:

8797 – Monday 7th March (UK) / Tuesday 22nd March (Aus)

David’s furious with Aaron for his jealous attack on Dean, and refuses to join him on holiday.

Levi refocuses on finding Gareth, but is surprised when Freya begins to flirt with him. Is Levi falling into the same trap all over again?

8798 – Tuesday 8th March (UK) / Wednesday 23rd March (Aus)

Ned takes Harlow on a stakeout to see if they can spot Gareth.

Roxy turns down Terese’s offer to be part of the Montana Marcel’s Fashion Week team, but why?

Paul’s caught off guard when he finds out Terese’s lawyer is after his assets.

8799 – Wednesday 9th March (UK) / Thursday 24th March (Aus)

Levi refuses to believe that Freya is a stalker. Ned and Harlow keep an eye on her, but she quickly gets suspicious.

Dean makes a move on David.

Amy and Zara slowly begin to support each other in the aftermath of the school fire.

8800 – Thursday 10th March (UK) / Monday 28th March (Aus)

Nicolette throws herself into her holiday romance with newcomer Kiri.

Levi comes clean to Freya about Ned and Harlow’s run-in with Gareth.

Everyone’s unaware of the life-threatening danger lurking around the corner…

8801 – Friday 11th March (UK) / Tuesday 29th March (Aus)

The terror at River Bend is just beginning. Who will survive this holiday from hell?

8802 – Monday 14th March (UK) / Wednesday 30th March (Aus)

David struggles to contain his guilt after Gareth’s death.

Aaron’s condition takes a life-threatening turn.

Concern grows for Ned and Harlow’s whereabouts.

8803 – Tuesday 15th March (UK) / Thursday 31st March (Aus)

Lost in the bush, Ned and Harlow have no choice but to huddle together.

Desperate to find Ned, Amy heads out to join the search party.

8804 – Wednesday 16th March (UK) / Monday 4th April (Aus)

Jane’s on the fence when she’s asked to help with Aubrey’s home schooling.

Ned is torn between Amy and Harlow after their unexpected tryst in the bush.

8805 – Thursday 17th March (UK) / Tuesday 5th April (Aus)

Amy delivers Ned a dazzling romantic surprise and reignites his feelings for her.

Haunted by memories of Gareth and terrified for Aaron, David’s in a bad way.

8806 – Friday 18th March (UK) / Wednesday 6th April (Aus)

David confronts Dean, furious that he told Aaron about their kiss.

Glen finally confesses to shocked Terese that Kiri is his daughter.

Freya is blindsided to hear the coronial investigation into Gareth’s death isn’t over.

Also next week… David and Freya hide a huge secret!

David, Freya and Glen struggle to come to terms with the events at River Bend, with all three hiding life-changing secrets.

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