Home and Away Spoilers – Is Ari facing a death sentence?

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, the Paratas receive tragic news as Ari is rushed to hospital, whilst Ryder finally makes amends with his grandfather…

If the past few weeks hadn’t been stressful enough for the Parata/Anderson household, fate is set to hand them another blow when Mia (Anna Samson) receives a call to say that Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) has been taken ill.

Ari has been languishing in a remand centre since he confessed to being responsible for the death of Chloe’s (Sam Barrett) biological father, Matthew Montgomery (James Sweeny). The Parata patriarch was of course covering for Chloe, the real culprit, after she hit Matthew over the head with a rock as he argued with Mia.

Much to the annoyance of both Chloe and Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo), Mia has been determined to push on with wedding plans, having become engaged to Ari the day before the incident. She wants to ensure that Ari knows she’ll always stick by him, and if their only option is to marry in prison, then so be it!

This week Mia is concerned when Ari doesn’t make his expected phone call, and she and Tane (Ethan Browne) worry that Ari is beginning to withdraw from them, given the same thing happened when he was arrested for armed robbery over a decade ago.

These worries soon go to the back of Mia’s mind though when she arrives home to find her wedding dresses have arrived. She admires the dress, but finds it unexpectedly confronting as she struggles to keep it together.

When Mia presents Chloe with her bridesmaid dress that evening, she also finds it upsetting. Trying the dress on at Mia’s insistence, Chloe tells her that she hates everything about it.

Bella (Courtney Miller) is frustrated at Mia, and criticises her for giving Chloe the dress when she knows that she’s struggling with the idea of the wedding. Mia had gone to Bella begging for her help with Chloe, and so far her talks have been helping.

The next day Mia admits to Tane that Bella was right, but her concerns are wiped out in a flash when her phone rings. It’s the prison, Ari has been rushed to hospital!

Rushing to the emergency department, Mia finds Logan (Harley Bonner), who is none the wiser until Ari is wheeled in a few moments later, writhing in agony from abdominal pain.

As the paramedics hand Ari over to Logan and Nurse Freya (Francisca Braithwaite), Mia, Tane and Nik are forced to wait outside until Officer Martinez (Shameer Birges) is able to verify their IDs.

After running some initial tests which only show some mildly raised inflammatory markers, Logan believes that Ari is suffering from appendicitis, with the possibility of a rupture.

Ari is wheeled down for keyhole surgery, but a grave Logan later returns with the news that he found something much more sinister.

Logan explains that Ari is suffering from pseudomyxoma peritonei, a rare and aggressive cancer that started in his appendix. Tumours have already spread throughout the entirety of Ari’s abdominal cavity, and there’s very little they can do… Ari is dying.

Mia, Tane, Nik and Chloe are with Logan as he breaks the news to Ari. Logan tells him that there is a gruelling 16 hour operation that they could perform, known as the ‘mother of all surgeries’, but even then the tumours would grow back and it would only delay the inevitable.

Ari asks how long he’s got if he doesn’t go ahead with the operation, but all Logan can tell him is that the the amount of bleeding means that things could take a turn for the worse very quickly…


With no guarantee of increasing his life expectancy, will Ari choose to go through with the op?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Alf (Ray Meagher) and Roo (Georgie Parker) are determined to convince Ryder (Lukas Radovich) to return home, after he moved out into a caravan last week.

There’s been nothing but tension in Summer Bay House for weeks, as the Stewart family dealt with the aftermath of Martha’s (Belinda Giblin) refusal of a lifesaving kidney transplant from Roo, as well as the trauma Ryder went through after being buried alive.

Whilst Roo had been at loggerheads with Martha, at least until Martha decided to return to her home in Merimbula, Alf had been aggressively pursuing Theo Poulos (Matt Evans) who he held fully responsible for Ryder’s ordeal, despite everyone trying to convince him otherwise.

With Ryder suffering from panic attacks, the constant arguing in the house together with his grandfather’s stubbornness over Theo became too much to bear, and Ryder packed up his things to move into a van.

More recently, a public dressing down from Theo helped Alf see the error of his ways, and he apologised to both Theo and Justin (James Stewart) for the way he treated them. Ryder also sought help by phoning LifeLine.

This week, Alf comes to Ryder’s caravan with some takeaway, a peace offering. Knowing that Ryder had only taken part in the challenge as he was desperate to pay his debt to Alf back, Alf apologises and tells him that he will accept the money if that’s what Ryder truly wants.

But when Alf then mentions helping Ryder move his things back into the house, Ryder turns on him, saying that he’s only offering to accept the money so that he can control him. In his eyes, Alf treated him like a child, and Theo like a dog, and he’s not ready to forgive and forget.

He later repays the money to Alf, but isn’t interested as Alf starts discussing what to do with it in order to help Martha—it’s his money, he can do what he wants.

Ryder’s shocked to learn from Theo about Alf’s apology, but is still unwilling to take Theo’s advice to forgive Alf.

Later in the week, Ryder contemplates his situation as he looks at the Stewart family compass, given to him by Alf on his 21st birthday and passed down through several generations.

When he steps outside, he sighs as he finds Alf and Roo waiting for him. He tells them he doesn’t have time to talk as he’s heading to work, but Alf and Roo say that works out perfectly as they were just heading there themselves!

Alf and Roo stick around at Salt all morning in the hope of talking things through with Ryder, and they eventually nab him downstairs as he goes on his break.

Alf again apologises for not treating Ryder like a grown-up, and tells him that if he needs to stay in the van in order to have some space then he respects that decision. When Alf sees that Ryder has the compass on him, he admits that maybe he’d lost his way—Ryder suggests that they both did.

To Roo’s delight, Ryder then tells Alf that he accepts his apology.

Will this be the breakthrough that the family so desperately needs?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 4th April (Episode 7736)

Jasmine and Cash hit a bump in the road. Logan can’t let go of Neve. Alf and Justin get a fresh start.

Tuesday 5th April (Episode 7737)

Mackenzie gives Neve a tough pill to swallow. Theo recalls his traumatic past. Cash and Jasmine find their rhythm.

Wednesday 6th April (Episode 7738)

Ziggy and Dean dig up dirt on Brett. Ryder clings to a grudge. Theo shuts Justin out. Mia gets a bittersweet delivery.

Thursday 7th April (Episode 7739)

Mia and Bella clash over wedding dresses. Karen gives Brett a brutal serving. Dean and Karen share their fears. Ari faces an emergency.

Friday 8th April (Episode 7740)

Is Ari facing a death sentence? Ryder and Alf make amends. Dean plays mediator.