Home and Away Spoilers – The Paratas farewell Ari after deathbed wedding

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Ari and Mia’s bittersweet wedding is soon followed by a funeral, as Ari tragically passes away…

The Parata/Anderson family’s world came crashing down last week, with the news that patriarch Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) was dying from a rare form of cancer.

Expecting a call from Ari—who is currently on remand after falsely confessing to being responsible for the death of Matthew Montgomery (James Sweeny)—Mia (Anna Samson) was shocked to instead receive a call from the prison to say that Ari was being rushed to Northern Districts Hospital.

With Ari suffering from intense abdominal pain, Logan (Harley Bonner) had initially diagnosed a ruptured appendix. But it wasn’t until surgery commenced that he found Ari’s condition was down to something far more sinister.

Logan explained to Ari’s family that it was in fact pseudomyxoma peritonei, an aggressive cancer which starts in the appendix and had already spread throughout Ari’s entire abdominal cavity.

With very little that could be done, they had to face the fact that Ari was dying.

After breaking the news to Ari, Logan went on to explain that there is a major operation that they could perform, but whilst it could buy some time, there were no guarantees. The gruelling 16-hour procedure would have to be repeated every couple of months before the inevitable happened.

This week, Ari reveals to his family that he doesn’t want to go ahead with the operation. As nephew Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) and brother Tane (Ethan Browne) protest, Ari explains that there’s no point living his life in a hospital bed or prison cell waiting to die.

Ari goes on to state that he wants to die on his own terms, but seeing Mia’s anger, he asks Tane to take Nik and Chloe (Sam Barrett) home so they can talk alone. As Mia angrily tells Ari that she’s not OK with him throwing his life away, Ari suddenly has a turn which frightens Mia and quickly brings her to her senses. She promises to be there for him in these final days, and when Ari expresses his regret at not marrying her years ago, Mia knows what she has to do.

The next day, Ari is confused when Nik and Tane bring him some smart clothes to wear for a ‘family photo’, but all becomes clear when Mia walks onto the ward, accompanied by Chloe, in her wedding dress.

Mia tells Ari that the celebrant will be arriving shortly to make them man and wife, she doesn’t want him to have any regrets!

When the celebrant Julia (Ana Maria Belo) arrives, it’s a short and sweet ceremony for Ari and Mia as they express their love for each other.

Ari struggles through and tells Mia to forget about everything that has gone and what is about to come—this is the moment that really matters, and what he wants her to remember forever.

Just as Julia pronounce the two husband and wife, Ari kisses Mia and then collapses in pain.

Ari is rushed back onto his bed by Logan, who determines that Ari is suffering from a major bleed and has gone into hypovolemic shock. It’s touch and go but Ari is able to sign the paperwork that legalises the marriage.

Knowing his final moments are approaching, Ari suddenly panics and tells Logan that he wants to be at the beach, but sadly it’s not possible. Instead all the equipment is removed on Ari’s request, and his family sit by his side.

Ari begins to sing a Māori song to himself, before slipping away peacefully.

Ari’s body is removed to the Parata house, where he lies in state as part of the Māori tangi (funeral) rites. The Parata whānau come and go over the week to honour Ari, with the Māori elder, Wiremu (Peter Paki), overseeing proceedings.

Mia doesn’t leave Ari’s side, as Nik goes through his newfound taiaha skill in order to try and cope with his grief.

The family spend their final night together with Ari, but when Mia wakes from a dream to find Ari’s body lying in front of her, her reaction proves too much for Chloe who goes to stay with Bella for the night. The rest of the family agree that it should be an evening of celebrating Ari’s life, and Tane brings his guitar out.

The next morning, everyone gathers at the house to say their final farewell to Ari, before Nik and Tane accompany his body back to Aotearoa (New Zealand) for burial.

After Ari’s coffin is placed into the hearse, Nik, Tane and others from the whānau perform a haka.


Mia says her final goodbye, and Ari begins his journey back to his homeland.

Following the airing of the emotional episodes in Australia, Rob Kipa-Williams took to Instagram in appreciation of the comments he’d received, and to pay tribute to the show.

“Thank you to the fans, for all the love and crazy amounts of messages and support..

Thank you to all the cast, crew, camera, directors, production, writing, makeup, art department and everyone else in between, that make the wheels spin.

This Iconic Ozzie TV show took risks. I’m honored to have co-created Māori cultural storylines, and will forever be proud of those scenes that made it to screen.. it was true teamwork.. My hope is this opens the door for more diversity..

Thank you for everything Ariki Wiremu Parata, you taught me a lot.

I’m gonna miss you.”

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 11th April (Episode 7741)

Karen and Brett’s reunion goes a little too well. Ari makes a life or death decision. Mia’s dreams are shattered.

Tuesday 12th April (Episode 7742)

Will Ari get his dying wish? Mia’s dream is short-lived. Are Karen and Brett moving in?

Wednesday 13th April (Episode 7743)

Dean looks for someone to blame. Logan discovers Mackenzie’s romantic history. Ryder stomps on Alf’s kind gesture.

Thursday 14th April (Episode 7744)

Theo and Ryder use their videos for good. Will Cash have a change of heart and home? Felicity gives Ryder some wise words.

Friday 15th April (Episode 7745)

Mia says goodbye to her past and future. Nikau and Tane find their warrior strength through pain. Will Jasmine make room for Cash?