Neighbours Spoilers – Susan kicks Karl out!

Next week on Neighbours in the UK, Susan discovers the truth about Montana Marcel’s financial issues and kicks Karl out of the house! Can the Kennedys’ marriage survive this latest setback?

These scenes air in the UK from Monday 2nd May, and in Australia from Tuesday 31st May.

Number 28, Ramsay Street has been home to various configurations of the Kennedy family for almost 30 years.

Karl (Alan Fletcher), Susan (Jackie Woodburne) and their children Libby, Malcolm and Billy first arrived in 1994, and as the kids gradually flew the nest, they were replaced by a revolving door of waifs and strays, as well as a vast array of pets.

Karl and Susan have lived under the same roof for most of their nearly 30 years in Erinsborough, but thanks to their often turbulent marriage, both have moved out at various points.

Karl moved out after he and Susan divorced in 2004, while Susan moved into her own apartment during their separation in 2012, leaving Karl alone in No. 28. They’ve been living in relative harmony for the past decade, but all that is about to change.

Next week, the Kennedy marriage is set to suffer its biggest setback in years, as Susan discovers the truth about Montana Marcel’s (Tammin Sursok) financial difficulties.

Ever since Karl set eyes on Clive’s (Geoff Paine) luxury apartment, he’s wanted to set himself and Susan up for a more comfortable retirement.

When Susan admitted that she might like them to spend their sunset years in a plush apartment like Clive’s, Karl decided he had to do something to give him and his wife the retirement of their dreams.

Initially, Susan suggested that they could increase their investment in the tram as a way to make their money work harder. However, when Karl spotted Paul (Stefan Dennis) discussing investment opportunities with Montana Marcel, he came up with a better idea.

Donning his best suit, he presented himself as an astute investor searching for opportunities. He asked to see the prospectus for Montana’s new cosmetics range, and was blown away by the potential returns – it was exactly what he and Susan needed if they wanted to afford the kind of lifestyle Clive enjoys.

He initially suggested they invest $20,000 in Montana’s new business. However, Susan flat out refused, correctly seeing it as a risky move with no certainties.

Yet Karl was so sure that Montana’s new cosmetics range would be a success that he ripped up the $20,000 cheque, went behind Susan’s back and invested a whopping $200,000 in her business!

Susan was flabbergasted when she found out what Karl had done, and after learning that their bank couldn’t get the money back, hoped that she could talk Montana into returning their investment.

She tried to pull on Montana’s heartstrings by inviting her to dinner and presenting them as a struggling family, whose only spare cash went to support their children’s mortgages.

It almost worked, until Montana overheard Susan badmouthing the exploitative nature of her fashion and cosmetic businesses. While Montana was happy to give the Kennedys VIP tickets to the Fashion Week, she made it clear that she wouldn’t be returning their cash.

Karl was still convinced that it was a solid investment, and that they’d soon reap the rewards. However, he has no idea that Montana is being investigated by the tax office, and is due to be arrested during Fashion Week itself.

In next week’s episodes, their world comes crashing down as Montana is arrested during Fashion Week. The truth about her financial difficulties is revealed to the world, and it soon becomes clear that they won’t be getting back a cent of their $200,000 investment.

Karl desperately tries one last time to get their money back, but the damage is done and it transpires that the money has already been used to pay off Montana’s other bills!

It soon becomes clear that Paul knew about Montana’s financial problems.

He reveals a little too much as he chats to the Kennedys, and it leads Terese to realise that he kept quiet to ensure her downfall.

Of course, the Kennedys are just collateral damage in Paul’s plan, and he’s is stunned when he learns that Karl invested in Montana’s business. He feels terrible that they’ve lost so much money, but there’s nothing he can do.

Distraught that they’ve lost so much of their savings, Susan kicks Karl out of the house!

Needing somewhere to stay, Karl heads straight to Paul’s penthouse suite at Lassiters, suitcase in hand, and with every intention of moving in.

The situation is Paul’s fault, and Karl isn’t going to let him forget it.

Paul has no intention of letting him stay, and offers his friend a complimentary room in the hotel instead. Yet Karl is insistent that he’s staying in Paul’s suite. Paul is just going to have to live with the consequences of his actions!

Unsurprisingly, Karl soon becomes the housemate from hell.

Paul enlists the help of Jane (Annie Jones) to help mend the Kennedys’ rift, but it’s no use – while Karl is desperate to make amends, Susan’s sense of betrayal runs deep, and she makes it clear that her friends don’t get a say in their reconciliation.

Hendrix coughs at Kyle and Roxy's leaving BBQ

When they discover that Hendrix has had a devastating diagnosis and needs a lung transplant, they come together to support him – but but this doesn’t mean Susan’s letting Karl off the hook.

It looks like the Kennedy marriage is set to fall apart once again.

Here are the spoilers for next week’s Neighbours in the UK:

8837 – Monday 2nd May (UK) / Tuesday 31st May (Aus)

Lassiters Fashion Week by Montana Marcel kicks off, and Paul’s scheming is about to pay off…

Leo’s gin launch is a runaway success, but he can’t help longing for Montana.

Unable to deny his feelings for Harlow, Ned agrees to break up with Amy.

8838 – Tuesday 3rd May (UK) / Wednesday 1st June (Aus)

Shocked by the infidelity, Amy demands an explanation from Ned.

The police arrive to arrest Montana early, and Fashion Week falls apart, just as Paul planned.

Susan is furious at Karl as she learns about his investment.

8839 – Wednesday 4th May (UK) / Thursday 2nd June (Aus)

With Lucy’s arrival in Erinsborough, things turn from bad to worse for Terese.

Glen discovers that Nicolette is digging into his past.

Susan kicks Karl out of the house after learning there’s no chance of getting their money back.

8840 – Thursday 5th May (UK) / Monday 6th June (Aus)

Hendrix’s attempts to cheer Mackenzie up are interrupted by a serious coughing fit.

With Karl being the housemate from hell, Paul enlists Jane to help mend the Kennedys’ rift.

Nicolette bombards Lucy with questions about Glen.

8841 – Friday 6th May (UK) / Tuesday 7th June (Aus)

A devastated Hendrix reels from his diagnosis.

Corey isolates Harlow from her loved ones, as she feels judged and ashamed from the revelation.