Home and Away Spoilers – Mackenzie faces the wrath of Alf and John

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Mackenzie faces the wrath of John and Alf as her debt worries continue, while Martha is forced to prepare for the worst…

Despite her restaurant Salt facing financial ruin, Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir) had promised that their recent illegal, yet very profitable, poker night was a one-off. But as she digs herself deeper and deeper into debt, it seems she may have to change her mind.

This week surf club manager John (Shane Withington) catches up with Mac after several unanswered text messages—she’s two months behind on the rent for Salt!

Mac promises that it’s all in hand, which Dean (Patrick O’Connor) and Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) overhear. When Ziggy approaches Mac later on, she admits her dilemma—things are getting really bad.

Ziggy thinks that Mac should ask Dean for help again, but she refuses to take another handout from her brother, and hits another brick wall when the bank refuse to extend her credit.

When player Nathan (Ryan Panizza) later turns up at Salt, he’s keen to talk to Mac about holding another poker night. Ushering him outside to talk in private, Mac has to tell him that there are no further nights planned, as tempted as she is to say yes when he explains that her event was the best one he had been to.

Nathan then comes clean: he lost big that evening, and it wasn’t his money to lose. The people he owes the money to are very keen for its return, and one more night could give him the chance to win it all back. 

Mac again apologises, as she says she can’t help him. Dean’s concern for his sister grows when he sees Nathan leaving the surf club, and he rushes upstairs to find out what’s going on.

The two are interrupted when John pays another visit to chase up the rent—committee member Gerald (Stephen Hunter) is getting his knickers in a twist and John wants to get him off his back. She promises that John will have it by the end of the week and placates him by throwing in a free meal.

That evening, Mac by some miracle has managed to scrape the rent together when Nathan staggers in badly beaten.

Mac tries to help but he’s already told her what he needs—another poker night. If he doesn’t get the money back to them, then he’s dead!

Still determined to not give in and put on another event, Mac eyes up the rent envelope she’s just made up…

The next day Mac runs into John again, and by this point has had enough of his hassling her—she doesn’t have the rent, but he’ll be the first to know when she has. John says he has no other option but to raise this with the surf club president, Alf (Ray Meagher).

As ever, Dean is within earshot, and follows her back up to Salt, where she admits in front of Ryder (Lukas Radovich) and Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) that she gave the rent money to Nathan.

All are in disbelief, and whilst Flick admits that she’s so far had no reason to distrust Nathan, she is dubious that Mac will ever get that money back…

Mac later receives a visit from the big cheese himself, Alf, who is surprisingly understanding of Mac’s situation.

Whilst he appreciates the troubles she’s having, the club does have its own bills to pay. He eventually agrees to give Mac another week to gather the rent together.

Mac feels she has only one way out, and talks to Flick about hosting another poker night…

Away from the surf club, Alf has enough of his own problems as he worries about wife Martha’s (Belinda Giblin) declining health.

Last week saw Martha finally return to Summer Bay after some time out at her home in Merimbula, where she had gone as tensions rose after she refused Roo’s (Georgie Parker) offer of a kidney.

The lead-up to her return wasn’t without its dramas as Martha was forced into hospital again, but when she finally came home she admitted to Roo that she had changed her mind—she’d be happy to go ahead with the transplant after all, much to everyone’s delight.

This week the preparations begin as Martha makes an appointment with the transplant co-ordinator Jesse (Nat Jobe), but in the days beforehand it’s clear that Martha is deteriorating as she suffers a number of coughing fits.

Martha insists that she is fine, and when they three make their way to the hospital, Jesse explains that they’ll have to run all the tests again to ascertain whether Martha is still able to go through with a transplant.

Jesse shows some concern about Martha’s cough, so he enlists the help of Logan (Harley Bonner) who orders a CT and x-ray.

Whilst Martha’s blood tests come back fine, the scans reveal that Martha’s high blood pressure has increased the fluid around her lungs.

The family are devastated when Logan tells them that Martha’s no longer strong enough to have the operation, and there’s a chance that she never will be!

Martha blames herself, and apologises to Alf and Roo for pulling out of the first transplant all those months ago.

The next day, as Roo heads off to visit Martha who remains in hospital, Alf admits to Marilyn (Emily Symons) that Martha’s worrying could only make her blood pressure even worse.

He’s scared that he’s going to lose her, and there’s nothing he can do about it…

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 30th May (Episode 7776)

Xander is umpire between warring sisters. Justin bears the brunt of Dimitri’s anger. Theo sets the record straight.

Tuesday 31st May (Episode 7777)

Jasmine and Rose go head to head. Is Martha fit for surgery? Leah gives Dimitri a piece of her mind.

Wednesday 1st June (Episode 7778)

Cash-strapped Mac bails out a player. John loses patience with Mackenzie. Martha prepares for the worst.

Thursday 2nd June (Episode 7779)

Mia clings to a struggling Chloe. Mac and Alf clash over cash flow. Dean fears Mac is in danger.

Friday 3rd June (Episode 7780)

Chloe cuts Mia’s lifeline. Roo kickstarts her positivity project. Ryder has big casino dreams.