Home and Away Spoilers – Mackenzie faces her last days of freedom

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, facing eviction and with her sentencing just around the corner, Mackenzie realises that these could be her final days of freedom.

Already awaiting sentencing for running illegal poker nights at Salt, Mackenzie Booth’s (Emily Weir) situation got a whole lot worse last week when she learned that she was being evicted from the pier apartment.

Mac had fallen behind on six weeks worth of rent as she faced an increasing pile of debt, and with brother Dean (Patrick O’Connor) being the leaseholder, it was he that had received a call informing him of the 7 day eviction notice.

Mac complains about the lack of notice, before suddenly realising that there’s letters addressed to Dean that she hadn’t yet passed on. Her heart sinks as she realises that they were rent arrear warnings.

Ever protective of his sister, Dean tries to negotiate with the real estate agency, only to be hit with a brick wall. Since he was subletting the apartment to Mac illegally, he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

It comes as a huge blow for Mac, who in the past few days has also seen any chance of reuniting with ex-boyfriend Logan dashed, after his sudden departure from Summer Bay.

When Marilyn sees a forlorn Mac she asks how she’s coping, and Mac laments that Logan left to rejoin the army without saying goodbye.

Heading back upstairs, Mac accepts her fate and starts packing, as a despondent Dean helps.

As Mac reflects on the state of her life and all the trouble she’s caused everyone, Dean tells her not to be so hard on herself.

Once everything is packed up and Mac asks Dean to drop her off at a motel, Dean offers her a silver lining—she’s moving in with him and Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) at the farmhouse, and he won’t take no for an answer!

Mac heads downstairs and tells Irene (Lynne McGranger) and Marilyn that she’s moved out of the apartment, claiming that she felt it was time to move on, and leaves the keys with Irene to give to the landlord.

Later in the week, Mac returns to the house after a meeting with her lawyer and tells Ziggy that her sentencing is in two days time. Whilst it could just be a fine to pay, there’s a very real possibility she could face prison. It all depends on the judge, who from all accounts is quite reasonable.

Whilst Ziggy tries to focus on the positives, Mac decides to be more pragmatic, wanting to get everything organised at Salt in case she does get put away.

Mac isn’t able to keep the facade up for long though. When Dean and Ziggy find her crying in the storeroom at work, she admits that she’s terrified of going to prison.

That evening, as Mac wishes she could have her time over, Dean tells her that if he survived prison, so can she.

The next morning, Mac wakes up refreshed with renewed purpose. If today is her last day of freedom, she’s going to enjoy it. Are Dean & Ziggy up for some fun? Ziggy grins—that’s the spirit!

Mac may not be the only one on the move, as Tane (Ethan Browne) suggests to Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) that they take the next step in their relationship.

Flick has been staying with Tane since his stabbing a few weeks ago, keeping an eye on his recovery and ensuring he doesn’t overdo things.

Now that Tane is back on the mend, he decides to resume his full duties at the gym, fed up of doing constant paperwork.

He and Flick decide to celebrate the occasion the only way they know how, and as they lie in bed afterwards, Flick reflects on how much she’s enjoyed staying with Tane. Tane teases that it was just the fact that his bed is comfier than the one in her caravan!

With Tane back at the gym, a downhearted Flick starts packing her belongings up, feeling that he won’t need her around anymore. But Tane is dismayed to find Flick’s bags all packed when he returns home.

Reminding Tane that it was only meant to be temporary, Flick goes to leave before Tane stops her.

It doesn’t have to be that way” Tane says…. “Stay, move in with me.

Flick is shocked—is their relationship ready for this?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, having placed an ad for a handyman at the bait shop and caravan park—as she juggled the businesses in Alf’s (Ray Meagher) absence alongside her own shifts at the diner in—Marilyn is relieved to learn from Irene that there has already been a response.

Irene introduces Marilyn to Tex Wheeler (Lucas Linehan), and with his winning smile and charming nature, it seems he may be the answer to all Marilyn’s problems!

Marilyn calls Alf, who is quick to agree to Tex being hired (which Maz is ever so slightly insulted by), and passes on the good news to Tex.

Tex gets off to a flying start with his tasks at the bait shop and caravan park, and whilst Marilyn is impressed, she can’t help but wonder about his work ethic as she attempts to micromanage everything.

It’s clear that it’s not a case of all no work and no play for Tex, when with a noticeable swagger in his stride, he throws a cheeky greeting to local copper Rose (Kirsty Marillier) when he sees her in uniform.

With Rose still preoccupied with her own problems with Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), could some attention from the cheeky handyman be just the distracation she needs?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 25th July (Episode 7816)

Does Rose have feelings for her colleague? Dean offers Mackenzie a silver lining. Marilyn’s handyman prayers are answered.

Tuesday 26th July (Episode 7817)

Are Tane and Felicity ready for the next step? Marilyn rules with an iron fist. Rose lays down the law with Cash.

Wednesday 27th July (Episode 7818)

Theo can’t say no to Chloe. Leah and Justin play peacekeepers. Felicity takes a leap with Tane. Nikau wallows in heartache.

Thursday 28th July (Episode 7819)

Nikau’s heroic rescue draws an admirer. Justin’s mentoring drives Theo crazy. Mac embraces her last days of freedom.

Friday 29th July (Episode 7820)

Mackenzie ticks off her bucket list. Nikau has a dilemma on his hands. John attacks a sorry Mackenzie.