Emmerdale Spoilers for Monday 7th to Friday 11th November

Coming up next week on Emmerdale, Faith’s final wish causes fireworks, Dawn and Billy get some stability, and Cathy’s attempts to play matchmaker end in disaster.

She may have sadly shuffled off this mortal coil, but Faith Dingle’s (Sally Dexter) final wishes ensure that her presence will continue to spread across the whole village… quite literally it seems!

Determined to light up the community one last time, Faith has instructed daughter Chas (Lucy Pargeter) to have her ashes put into a firework.


It’s fair to say that Chas has had a bit on her plate over the past few weeks (not that many viewers will sympathise!). Having missed Faith’s death whilst shacked up in a hotel with lover Al (Michael Wildman), she was devastated to later learn that Faith had committed suicide, rather than face the cruel deterioration that the cancer having spread to her brain would bring her.

With Liv (Isobel Steele) having gone out to search for Chas during the storm, who again was spending time with Al, Chas was dealt another blow when son Aaron (Danny Miller) blamed his mum for Liv’s subesequent death.


Now forced to hide her grief from her family after Al was shot dead, with her brother Cain (Jeff Hordley) currently locked up for the crime as he awaits proceedings, Chas tries to put on a facade of normality as she tells Mandy (Lisa Riley) that Faith’s ashes have been dropped off at the factory ready to be placed into a pyrotechnic.

Whilst Faith had the chance to plan what happened after her demise, the same can’t be said for poor Liv, who was crushed to death by a runaway caravan being blown down Main Street.

Now in possession of Liv’s ashes following the joint funeral, her widow Vinny (Bradley Johnson) sits in Mill Cottage with his new dog Chip in a stupor. Staring at the urn sat on the coffee table in front of him, Vinny struggles to comprehend that the love of his life is never coming back.


Elsewhere, after all the chaos that has beset Emmerdale over the past few weeks, Dawn (Olivia Bromley) and Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle) finally get some renewed stability when Kim (Claire King) offers them a generous proposal.


The two had been living at Woodfold Cottage with Harriet (Katherine Dow Blyton) until her unfortunate demise, and a problem arose when they realised the £25,000 they’d been left in Harriet’s will wouldn’t be enough to continue living at the cottage.


Whilst the two were trying to think of a way to raise the funds, another complication arrived in the form of Clemmie’s father Alex (Liam Boyle), who threatened to have Clemmie taken away from them if they didn’t hand over Harriet’s money.

With Alex now dealt with following a little intervention from Kim and her new hubbie Will (Dean Andrews), Kim decides to offer her stepdaughter and son-in-law free lodgings back at Home Farm!


Naturally, the couple are over the moon at Kim’s generous gesture, and graciously accept. With Dawn and Billy back under her roof, Kim is pleased to finally have the family back in the fold. Here’s hoping it goes better than it did last time round!

It’s become clear in recent times that April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) has something of a soft spot for her friend, and former stepbrother, Arthur Thomas (Alfie Clarke).


The attraction hadn’t been lost on April’s dad Marlon (Mark Charnock), after he spotted April was wearing lip gloss in preparation for catching a trip to the dentist with Arthur and his mum Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy).

Knowing how April’s feelings have developed for Arthur, her half-aunt Cathy (Gabrielle Dowling) decides to play matchmaker by devising a way to get the two teens together in the café.


Unfortunately for April, the obvious set up doesn’t go down well with Arthur, who promptly decides to head off and do his homework!


As Arthur bolts out the café, April is left heartbroken. Will her crush go unrequited?


Here are next week’s Emmerdale Spoilers:

Monday 7th October (Episode 9713)

There are emotional times in the Dales as Moira is heartbroken and Cain feels helpless

Tuesday 8th November (Episode 9714)

Kim is happy she’s got her family back again as she offers Dawn and Billy free lodgings.

Manpreet makes a bad situation much worse by trying to manipulate Nicola into speaking favourably about Noami in court.

Nate admits to Naomi that he slept with Tracy.

Wednesday 9th November (Episode 9715)

As the trial begins, Naomi’s blindsided when Saskia’s barrister argues the defendants were no longer friends with Naomi.

Naomi’s barrister runs rings around Nicola on the stand, highlighting to the jury that her case against Naomi is lacking credible evidence.

Thursday 10th November (Episodes 9716–9517)

April is hurt when Cathy’s plan to get her and Arthur together backfires.

When the defence barrister gives Naomi a hard time in her cross-examination, Naomi erupts as she comes clean about Saskia’s threats.

Saskia retaliates but immediately regrets her loss of control.

Friday 11th November (Episode 9718)

Chas announces that she’s finally dropped Faith’s ashes off at the factory to become a firework.

Vinny is feeling lost and depressed as he comes to the realisation that Liv is never coming back.

Also next week, Nicola’s day in court arrives

Nearly five months after being viciously beaten, Nicola King finally gets her day in court as she faces her attackers.

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