First clip of Home and Away’s 2022 Season Finale released

With just a few weeks to go until the Home and Away 2022 season finale, the first clip has been released showing the dramatic crash and fire that will bring the year to a close.
The clip comes from a recent presentation by Australia’s Seven Network, which is designed to entice advertisers into spending money to advertise across the company’s TV channels.
As well as showcasing new shows for 2023, the presentation also shows clips from the network’s existing shows which will return in the new year.
In there was of course Home and Away, one of the channel’s best-performing shows, which the presentation claims reaches over 2.5 million Australians every week.
In a short clip played at the end, we’re treated to 17 seconds of brand-new footage of Tane and Felicity’s wedding, which is expected to air in this year’s dramatic season finale. Scroll down to view the clip in full.
While we knew that the wedding would bring tragedy in the form of a car crash, the clip has now revealed that there will be two crashes, along with a dramatic explosion.
Just eight weeks after Tane (Ethan Browne) proposed to Felicity (Jacqui Purvis), their wedding day is here.
Tane wanted a quick engagement so that they could get married on the 1 year anniversary of the trip to a remote cabin, which featured as part of last year’s season finale and cemented the start of their relationship.
While last year’s season finale saw them escape Summer Bay for a blissful few days together, this year’s adventure is going to be unforgettable for very different reasons.
As the wedding day arrives, Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) and Felicity head out of Summer Bay in Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) and Felicity’s dad’s ute, which Cash and Justin (James Stewart) have recently begun to do up after years of neglect.
Felicity’s current cold feet have completely vanished, and there’s palpable joy on their faces as they leave town in the ute, which has been painstakingly cleaned up and is now adorned with flowers and ribbons.
“I’m getting married,” she screams with joy as she throws her hands in the air.
As of the latest Australian episodes, the plan is for a simple ceremony at the beach, with everyone heading back to the Paratas’ place for a Māori hāngī afterwards.
Despite Tane recently stressing the importance of the water to his culture, it seems the beach plans are scrapped over the next few weeks, as the wedding now appears to be taking place at a rural farm.
Gary (Peter Phelps), Felicity and Cash’s foster dad, has recently turned up in Summer Bay and offered to pay for the wedding, so could the extra cash prompt the decision to upgrade to a fancier venue?
As Eden and Felicity head to the farm in the newly restored ute, the array of guests begins to arrive – it seems Tane and Felicity have plenty of friends outside of Summer Bay.
Suddenly, things take a dramatic turn.
Eden seems to be in a rush, and Felicity has to tell her to slow down as they speed through the country roads. However, is Eden really to blame for the car’s increasing speed?
We see the pair attempt to overtake an orange camper van at speed, dangerously swerving around it without seeing that Justin and Leah (Ada Nicodemou) are heading towards them in the other direction.
Justin does his best to brake, but it looks like it’s too late.
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We see Leah’s car leave the ground and dramatically fly through the air!
The next shot shows Eden and Felicity’s ute crash into a concrete barrier.
While the promo hints that the two cars crash after their near-collision, the location where Eden and Felicity eventually crash is clearly not the same barren country road.
With street signs, barriers and what looks like a building in the background, this suggests that their crash happens at a later point.
With the crash clearly happening some time after their near collision with Leah and Justin, it seems that they’re unable to stop – suggesting something could be wrong with the newly restored ute’s brakes.
Did Justin overlook something while fixing the ute? Or has someone targeted them?
Back to the Bay’s theory has always been that the 2022 finale will see the return of the gang that targeted the Paratas earlier this year. Are they to blame for the runaway vehicle?
As well as having beef against the Paratas, it’s worth remembering that the group had also put a hit out on Cash—and given that he’s been doing up the ute, it would no doubt come as a natural target for anyone wishing to do him any harm…
Felicity lurches forward as the car hits the barrier.
Meanwhile, Tane is already at the venue, anxiously awaiting his bride-to-be.
“I can’t leave him standing there in front of all those people waiting for me,” says Felicity, her voice panicked.
We then get a glimpse of the crashed car’s eventual destination. It seems it’s come to a standstill in a petrol station, dangerously close to the petrol pumps.
Its front is completely crushed and smoke is pouring out.
Tane, Gary and Rose (Kirsty Marillier) have somehow heard about the accident, suggesting that either Eden or Felicity was able to call for help.
The trio have made their way to the scene, and while there’s no sign of Eden, Felicity remains in the car.
Suddenly, the spilt petrol ignites.
Tane, Rose and Gary shield themselves as an explosion goes off, and suddenly the car is engulfed in flames, with Felicity still inside!
A harrowing scene to end the clip – Flick lets out a bloodcurdling scream, trapped inside her dad’s old ute as flames lap up on either side of it.
Will Felicity survive? What’s happened to Eden? And has anyone found Justin and Leah?
A fan photo taken at the filming of the dramatic scenes shows Ada Nicodemou with a blood stain on her abdomen, suggesting that Leah is badly injured in her and Justin’s crash. Will she be okay?
No date has yet been confirmed for this year’s finale, but based on previous years, we’re expecting it to air at the end of November. Last year saw the finale on Thursday 25th November, while in 2020 it aired on Monday 30th November.
UK viewers, meanwhile, only have two weeks of Home and Away left for the year. The UK finale airs on Friday 18th November. Read more…
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