Home and Away Spoilers – Justin and Leah’s dangerous new housemate

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Andrew moves in with Leah and Justin, but have they invited a dangerous character into their home?

When Justin (James Stewart) was recently sentenced to 500 hours of community service, little did he realise that it was about to lead into yet another life-changing event, as a major storyline for the Morgan household kicks off on UK screens next week.

Following his first community service session, clearing out an old house, Justin was confused when he returned home to find a note had been slipped into his backpack at some point during the day.

The childlike writing stated that the mystery person needed food and that they lived in the house with the ‘blu letta box’.

When Justin returns to the street with a packed lunch in hand, he finds the house next door to where he was previously working. With no answer from the door, Justin looks through the window and spots a teenage boy, Andrew Lawrence (Joshua Hewson), passed out on the floor.

Justin immediately calls 000, with paramedics Aaron (Akkshey Caplash) and Jamie Mk2 coming to the rescue (didn’t take long for that namebadge to be reused!).

By the time he’s brought into the ED at Northern Districts Hospital, Andrew has come round and is begging to be let go.

Flinching as Bree and the team attempt to move him from the trolley to a bed, and asking them to get away from him, Andrew has to be reassured by Justin that they’re here to help, as he’s reminded that he’s the guy he saw yesterday who he’d left the note for.

Bree is able to conclude that Andrew is severely dehydrated and malnourished, but he is scared to answer any of her questions. Justin is able to eventually able to get Andrew to at least reveal his first name, and they later learn that he is 17 years old… though he has no idea of when his birthday is.

As a result, Bree is unable to find Andrew’s medical record, nor is there anything linked to the address he was rescued from. With Andrew stating that he shouldn’t be talking to them, and letting slip that he’s not supposed to even go outside, Bree knows the only course of action she can take now is to call the police.

Whilst Justin tries to convince Andrew to open up to him, as a friend, Andrew panics further when he sees Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) arrive, and throws an accusatory look at Justin.

You called the police?!” he exclaims. “You’re not my friend!

Cash doesn’t manage to get anywhere, commenting that it’s like Andrew has been warned to keep his mouth shut, and draws up a blank on the police database. In order to find out anything further, they’ll need a warrant to search the house.

When Andrew’s bloods come back clear, other than the aforementioned dehydration and malnourishment, Bree tells Justin that there’s no reason for them to keep Andrew at the hospital.

However, with the circumstances being as they are, Bree is clearly uncomfortable about letting Andrew return home on his own, and calls a hospital social worker to ascertain if there’s any mental or welfare issues that would warrant keeping him there longer.

They soon discover that whilst Andrew doesn’t have any learning disabilities, he actually has the social and educational skills of an 8-9-year-old. He’s clearly lived a very sheltered existence.

Not wishing Andrew to end up in emergency accommodation, Justin tries to broach the subject with Leah (Ada Nicodemou). However Leah can see where he’s going and interrupts him—of course Andrew can come and stay with them!

Leah goes above and beyond to make Andrew feel welcome when Justin brings him back to the house that evening, though feels a little unsettled at his apparently fearful demeanour and his staring at her.

Wanting to ensure that Andrew gets everything he needs, Justin tells him to help himself to anything in the fridge, only for Andrew to state that he’s not allowed.

After dinner, learning that it’s 8:30pm, Andrew announces that he must go to bed and stands awaiting further instruction.

Justin assures him that he doesn’t need to wait for their permission to leave the room, and bids him goodnight.

Leah is astounded by what she’s witnessed that evening; she’d thought Justin was exaggerating, and they’re both left mystified as to what kind of life Andrew has had.

Later that night, as the couple lay sleeping, Andrew stands in the bedroom doorway, silently staring at them…

Just who have Justin and Leah invited into their home, and are they in danger?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 19th June (Episode 8021)

Is there a second chance for Rose and Mali? Justin is desperate for answers. Bree can’t help a reluctant patient.

Tuesday 20th June (Episode 8022)

Marilyn is stuck in a web of lies. Mali gets Rose’s hopes up. Has Justin invited danger into his home?

Wednesday 21st June (Episode 8023)

Mackenzie has an admirer. Kahu is caught out in a lie. Marilyn’s problems are piling up.

Thursday 22nd June (Episode 8024)

Will Tane invest in Kahu? Bree’s trauma puts the brakes on romance. Distance makes Cash and Eden’s hearts grow fonder.

Friday 23rd June (Episode 8025)

Felicity keeps an eye on Kahu. Mackenzie’s business coaching turns steamy. Kirby’s video backfires. Remi makes a sacrifice for Bree.