Home and Away Spoilers – Andrew leaves town with mystery woman

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Andrew is reunited with a woman claiming to be his mother, but can she really be trusted?

What should be a touching family reunion takes a dark twist next week, as the mystery surrounding Andrew Lawrence (Joshua Hewson) steps up a gear.

The teen, who Justin (James Stewart) and Leah (Ada Nicodemou) have taken into their home, was recently revealed to have been kidnapped by his father Archie when he was only four years old. Although Archie was investigated by police at the time—having been a member of a notorious doomsday prepper cult named Vita Nova—there was no evidence against him, nor any sign of his missing son.

However the reality was that Archie had hidden Andrew away in one of the group’s safehouses. They remained off-grid with Andrew rarely seeing the outside world until Archie’s death a few weeks ago, at which point a starving Andrew was forced to reach out to a stranger working a community service shift at the house next door—Justin.

As local copper Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) looked into the case, he found that the Missing Persons report had been filed by Andrew’s mother, Esther, but it appeared that the contact details they had for her were out of date.

Knowing the power of social media, Theo (Matt Evans) took it upon himself to post about Andrew online, hoping there could be a family member out there somewhere.

Next week, with no news on the case forthcoming, Justin heads to the station for a chat with Cash. Cash reveals that due to Andrew being 17, the ever reliable taskforce are not treating it as a priority case, much to Justin’s frustration. Justin suggests he go and talk to Vita Nova himself, but Cash thinks that’s a bad idea—he could lead them straight back to Andrew.

In the meantime, Theo tries to tell Justin about the online post he’s made, but keeps getting interrupted. Theo has been reluctant to do so until now, not wanting to get either Justin’s or Andrew’s hopes up, but there seems to have been some interest in the post with some potential information.

Theo eventually tells Cash, who asks him to come down to the station so that they can go through the messages together. Cash points out that they need to be careful as Theo has technically interfered with a police investigation (ahem…the one the taskforce aren’t prioritising?), and it’s very likely that Vita Nova will know about the page.

Cash instructs Theo to post an update asking anyone with information to contact him at Yabbie Creek Police Station. When Justin is eventually brought up the speed, there’s a renewed optimism that they could be about to get somewhere…

Sure enough, later that day Cash is surprised when a lady (Mandy McElhinney) walks into the police station and introduces herself as Esther Lawrence.

I think you might have found my son, Andrew,” she tells a shocked Cash.

Brought into the interview room, Esther explains that she now goes by the surname Jamieson, and hands Cash her driving licence to prove her identity.

Looks legit…

With Cash apparently satisfied that she is who she claims to be, Esther explains that she spent years looking for Andrew, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

She attempted many times to get answers from Vita Nova, but eventually had to move on with her life, for her own sanity.

As Esther wonders whether Andrew even remembers her, Cash quickly suggests an easy way for them to find out—Andrew is only a 10-minute drive away, and with Cash having already spoken to Justin and Leah, they are expecting her!

Naturally Andrew is wary as he awaits the arrival of his ‘mother’. It’s a touching moment as the two finally come face to face, and as Esther begins to tear up and embraces Andrew, Leah and Justin struggle to hold it togther.

Andrew however is emotionless as Esther clings on to him, he doesn’t know what to think. As the two sit down, Andrew is forced to admit that he has no memory of Esther whatsoever. When Esther then talks about them finally being a family again, it all becomes too much for Andrew, who storms out.

Justin follows Andrew to the beach where he reveals that doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do—Esther is a complete stranger to him, and he’s scared.

Justin promises Andrew that they won’t let anything bad happen to him, and after they return home, Esther is invited to stay for dinner. When Leah brings up the photo of Andrew seen on his missing poster, Esther explains that it was taken in a local park after one of Andrew’s swimming lessons.

Everything begins to fall into place, as Justin points out Andrew’s swimming skills that he was unaware of until last week. But when Andrew then asks what happened to Ted, Esther doesn’t know who he’s talking about, until Leah points to the teddy bear in the photo.

That evening, Andrew overhears Justin and Leah talking, as they worry about he and Esther being unable to find a connection. As Justin comments that it would crush Esther if Andrew wanted nothing to do with her, Andrew knows what he has to do.

The next day, Andrew suddenly announces that he wants to go and live with his mum, Justin and Leah were right—he needs to give her a chance.

And so before anyone can mutter “DNA test”,  Justin and Leah take Andrew down to the beach to meet Esther.

Esther thanks them both for looking after her son, as she promises they’ll keep in touch. Andrew gives Justin and Leah a big hug each as they say an emotional farewell, before he hops into Esther’s car.

As Justin and Leah wave Andrew off, it seems that everything has worked out just perfectly.

The next day however, Cash is called into the station… and when he later emerges from a meeting with the taskforce, who have thoughtfully turned up, his face is ashen. As Rose (Kirsty Marillier) asks him what’s up, he explains that the woman they sent Andrew home with… wasn’t his mother!

Who was she?” Rose asks

We have no idea,” Cash replies. Yabbie Creek police strike again!

Has Andrew just been handed over to Vita Nova, the very people they were trying to protect him from?

Also next week, Tane and Kahu leave Summer Bay

Tane catches up with Kahu and forces him to face up to his actions – starting with a trip back to New Zealand!

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Plus, Stunning Organics threaten Maz with “consequences”

Marilyn receives a sinister threat from Stunning Organics – will it be enough to silence her?

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Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 10th July (Episode 8036)

Kirby feels betrayed. Kahu leaves Tane in the lurch. The search for Andrew’s family hits a dead end.

Tuesday 11th July (Episode 8037)

Andrew has a visitor. Kirby fears that she and Theo are on the rocks. Kahu has done a runner.

Wednesday 12th July (Episode 8038)

Justin and Leah prepare for an emotional farewell. Marilyn’s crusade draws unwanted attention. Tane shows his cousin compassion in the face of betrayal.

Thursday 13th July (Episode 8039)

Marilyn goes to the police with her fears. Is Mali’s friendship enough for Rose? Mac throws a party for Mali but not everyone’s invited.

Friday 14th July (Episode 8040)

Cash receives shocking news. Marilyn fears for her safety. Mali and Rose’s friendship is tested.