Home and Away Spoilers – Marilyn’s life on the line after ignoring Cash

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Marilyn’s life is in danger as Stunning Organics make the ultimate threat against her, while Mali remains determined to win Rose back.

Marilyn’s (Emily Symons) ongoing feud with dodgy skincare company Stunning Organics is set to take a further sinister turn, as she continues to defy their warnings to keep quiet.

It was after Marilyn took part in an interview for local newspaper The Coastal News, exposing Stunning Organics business practices, that the company sent a very clear message… attached to a brick which came flying through the window of the Beach House!

No more interviews. Or Else.

The warning was enough to give Marilyn the heebie-jeebies for a while, having already received a voicemail threatening both her and her loved ones.

But despite Irene (Lynne McGranger) and Roo (Georgie Parker) attempting to convince Marilyn that her safety should come first, she later agreed to a further interview with a city journalist, feeling that she would be letting other victims down if she gave in to the company’s demands.

Next week, Roo brings Marilyn the news that her interview has been published in a national newspaper. The paper reached out to Stunning Organics, but unsurprisingly they declined to comment.

With no more threats having been received, Roo, Marilyn and Irene (Lynne McGranger) are optimistic that the company have finally got the message—don’t mess with Maz!

When the interview goes viral, more intervew offers come flooding in, including one from a TV producer who’s offering Marilyn $15,000. Marilyn considers the good that she could do for fellow victims with the money, but Roo is again concerned that Marilyn could push things too far.

As Marilyn agrees that the timing isn’t right and to put a lid on things, for now, little do they know that someone nearby is photographing them, and has been for several days.

Marilyn is shocked when she later receives a message with a number of covert snaps taken of her and Roo, and after showing them to Roo and John (Shane Withington), the three mosey back on down to Yabbie Creek Police Station to talk to Cash (Nicholas Cartwright).

There’s a rare show of efficacy for the force when Cash tells Marilyn that they will arrange for police patrols around her home and workplace. But the next day, when the tech team once again finds that the pictures came from a fake number, normal service is resumed as Cash points out that there’s no concrete evidence that the threats are coming from Stunning Organics.

The best Cash can do is give them a call in the hope it will scare them off, and in the meantime, he strongly advises Marilyn to NOT do any more interviews to antagonise the culprits further.

Marilyn heeds Cash’s advice for… well, a good couple of hours… before her frustration at the lack of justice for victims of the company takes over once again.

Heading back down the route which started everything off, Marilyn enlists Kirby (Angelina Thomson) to help her film a short video for social media, and she’s not holding back. Playing the sinister voicemail she received, Marilyn calls out the company’s threats, before labelling their curiously absent CEO a bully and a coward.

So, Stunning Organics, you’re not going to scare me off,” she wraps up. “I’m going to bring your company down, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Later that day, Kirby is confused when the courier drops off another box of Stunning Organics products for Marilyn.

Figuring that it must be a mistake, or they’re just messing, Kirby lets Marilyn know and places the box in the kitchen for her to collect later… blissfully unaware of what’s really inside…

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, after his attempt to kiss ex-girlfriend Rose (Kirsty Marillier) was denied, Mali (Kyle Shilling) remains determined to win her back.

The pair have made good headway in resuming their friendship in recent weeks after their awkward breakup, before Rose was surprised to receive a call from Mali’s sister Elandra (Rarriwuy Hick) who told her that Mali was foolish to end their relationship as he’s still head over heels for her.

Rose felt that she had been well and truly friend-zoned by Mali so decided to do nothing about it, but her stance suddenly changed when Mali admitted that his sister was right and leant in to kiss Rose.

Rose quickly pulled back, and revealed that it wasn’t what she wanted anymore.

As we return to the action next week Mali apologises, he thought they were in a good place but clearly got things wrong. Rose admits that their relationship has become very complicated.

When the pair finally talk about it properly, Rose admits that she hadn’t really thought things through, and she’s still having trouble getting over the fact that Mali bailed on her when they hit the first bump in their relationship.

With Rose figuring that Mali is only there because Elandra pushed him into it, Mali assures her that his feelings are clear—he wants to be with her, all Rose has to do is say the word.

Mali tries to give Rose some space, but Irene doesn’t think the softly softly approach is going to get them anywhere.

She tells Mali to prove to Rose that he’s serious about fixing things between them. “And then keep turning up,” she adds. “No matter what!

Mali takes Irene at her word, and quickly heads upstairs to tell Rose that he’ll always be there for her no matter how tough things get.

I promise I will fight for us… for as long as you want me to,” he proclaims.

Rose responds by taking Mali’s hands and planting a kiss on him—is she willing to give Mali another chance after all?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 24th July (Episode 8046)

Rose and Mali are stuck in limbo. Kirby avoids Theo. Lyrik implodes.

Tuesday 25th July (Episode 8047)

Mercedes makes waves throughout the Bay. Rose lays down the law for Mali. Cash goes rogue.

Wednesday 26th July (Episode 8048)

Justin is determined to rescue Andrew. Will Cash defy the law to risk a rescue mission? Marilyn is being watched.

Thursday 27th July (Episode 8049)

Cash and Justin come face to face with Vita Nova. Xander consoles Kate. Who is sending Marilyn threats?

Friday 28th July (Episode 8050)

Kirby and Theo get on the same level. Marilyn digs her heels in. Justin’s rescue mission is back on.

Also, Andrew hands Justin over to Vita Nova!

As Justin makes a second attempt to rescue Andrew, he’s shocked as the teen hands him over to Vita Nova!

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