Home and Away Spoilers – Felicity feels rejected by Tane

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Felicity feels rejected by Tane after her assault, while Andrew plans to leave to protect Justin and Leah.

Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) loved ones become increasingly concerned for her next week, as she continues to struggle following her sexual assault.

During what was supposed to be an amazing event for her friends, as Lyrik competed in Battle of the Bands, Flick had her drink spiked and collapsed in a stairwell of the city venue, where she was later moved into a back room by an unseen assailant and raped whilst unconscious.

Rushed to Northern Districts Hospital by Bree (Juliet Godwin) and Eden (Stephanie Panozzo), Flick initially refused to report the crime to the police, not wanting her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) to find out about it. Bree performed a forensic examination to collect evidence should Flick change her mind, which she later did after gentle coaxing from Eden and Tane (Ethan Browne).

Next week, Flick seems determined to put the whole thing behind her now that it’s in the hands of the police. Refusing to open up to Tane about how she’s feeling, Flick instead tries to deflect from the situation by attempting to seduce him in the pool.

Ordinarily Tane wouldn’t have a second thought, but his hesitation in succumbing to her charms only days after the attack is seen by a vulnerable Flick as a rejection. Frustrated with her husband, Flick pushes him away.

Tane assures her that he wasn’t rejecting her, and simply feels that she’s not in the best frame of mind to be plunging into the throes of passion just yet, but Flick tells him that her signals were pretty clear.

Wishing for things to return to normal, Flick heads off to work, but a shift at Salt only serves to antagonise her further.

When Kirby (Angelina Thomson) is surprised to see her, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) is confused as to why, until Flick tells her what happened at Battle of the Bands. Flick has no interesting in discussing it further, bluntly telling everyone that she’s moving on.

With a concerned Tane having followed Flick to Salt, she becomes frustrated knowing that he and Mac are talking about her whilst she clears tables.

When Kirby leaves her wine on the bar momentarily, Flick snatches it and pours it away, telling Kirby that she should never leave her drink unattended.

As Tane tries to calm Flick down, she announces to the whole restaurant that there’s a new rule in place—no-one must shout anyone else a drink, they can only buy their own!

Tane struggles to get through to Flick for several hours until she finally agrees to go home with him, where she then proceeds to drag him into the bedroom and jump on top of him.

Tane has no choice but to push her away as he demands to know where this is coming from, but Flick yells at him to get out of the room.

After taking advice from Bree the next morning, Tane returns home to find Flick heading to work once again. He had hoped to spend the day with her, but Flick has no interest in spending time with Tane when he can’t even bear to touch her.

It’s because of what happened isn’t it,” she states. “Someone else put their hands on me, now you find me disgusting.

As Flick storms off, Tane is left wondering what he can do to help his wife…

As a lot of women would be, Flick is scared, and feels so much shame,” Jacqui told Aussie magazine TV Week. “She blames herself. These kinds of attacks don’t just hurt the victim, but the people around them – they’re also affected and there’s a lot of guilt too.

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, the immediate threat from Vita Nova may be over now that cult leader Margot (Mandy McElhinney) is behind bars, but that doesn’t stop Andrew’s (Joshua Hewson) fears as the terrified teen steps up to protect the Morgan household.

Andrew has been living in Vita Nova’s shadow for most of his life, after his cult-follower father kidnapped him at four years old and forced him to live a reclusive existence, largely shut away from the outside world.

With Andrew’s mother Esther having disappeared over a decade ago, it didn’t take much for Margot to convince Cash that she was Esther, and after hoodwinking Leah (Ada Nicodemou) and Justin (James Stewart), she drove out of Summer Bay for ‘a new beginning’ with Andrew.

Cash was soon told of his error and received a dressing down from the police taskforce, but by the time Justin and Cash visited Andrew at the Vita Nova compound, Andrew was claiming to be happy there.

The reality was that Andrew was petrified of Justin crossing Vita Nova, and he hoped by asking Justin to stay away that he would protect him from harm. When Justin’s third and final visit saw him kept captive and cop an arrow to the leg, Andrew called for help and Margot was finally arrested.

Next week, as Justin is released from hospital, Theo (Matt Evans) is accompanying Andrew to a meeting with the DPP. Justin worries about Andrew having to face Vita Nova in court when the case eventually comes to trial, knowing that he’ll have to testify against people he used to trust.

En-route home, Andrew asks Theo to pull over so he can get his head together. It’s been a big day—with Andrew now having heard that his mother’s remains have been found and that Vita Nova were likely responsible—but Andrew admits that whilst he feels bad about it, he never really knew his mother.

The more pressing matter is the fact that the police have now released most of the Vita Nova members. Although Margot is incarcerated, any of her followers could come after them.

When Andrew later insists on accompanying Leah to the diner, she’s quick to realise that Andrew is trying to act as her protector. Now knowing the truth about his mum, he wants to ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen to anyone else he cares about.

Late that night, Theo is concerned when he finds Andrew alone in the dark in the living room, sitting guard with a large kitchen knife in his hand.

Theo wakes up Leah and Justin and the three do their best to try and convince Andrew that he’s safe with them, but with the cult still out there, Andrew isn’t so sure.

As Leah returns the knife to the kitchen, Theo offers to sleep on Andrew’s bedroom floor in the hope that it will put him at ease.

But in the morning, Theo wakes to find Andrew is gone…and so is the knife!

Theo eventually finds Andrew, with his backpack, down on the beach. Andrew explains that he can’t remain in Summer Bay as he’ll only be putting them all in danger, and its best that he doesn’t tell them where he’s planning to go.

Will Theo be able to convince Andrew to stay?

Also next week, Roo says goodbye to Summer Bay

In the aftermath of the explosion, Roo’s deteriorating condition sees her leave Summer Bay, while John faces a terrifying experience.

Read more…

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 7th August (Episode 8056)

Summer Bay is rocked by disaster. Bree springs into action to save a life. Kate continues to lean on Xander.

Tuesday 8th August (Episode 8057)

Felicity and Tane’s marriage is put to the test. Marilyn vows to get justice for her friend.

Wednesday 9th August (Episode 8058)

Mercedes is intent on sticking around. Can Tane get through to Felicity? Justin worries for Andrew.

Thursday 10th August (Episode 8059)

Andrew struggles to adjust to his new life. Eden seeks common ground with Mercedes. John’s not out of the woods yet.

Friday 11th August (Episode 8060)

Can Theo get through to Andrew? Kirby lashes out at Rose. Xander comforts Kate.