Home and Away Spoilers – Cash loses it as search for Flick’s attacker continues

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, both Felicity and Cash face mental anguish in the search for her attacker, whilst Alf gives Andrew a scare.

Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) is more determined than ever to track down Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) attacker, after she was assaulted whilst Lyrik took part in Battle of the Bands, but he was hoping to do so without having to put his sister through further trauma.

When Cash saw Remi (Adam Rowland) and Mercedes (Amali Golden) watching an online video of their performance at the contest, taken from the crowd, Cash realised that there was a whole load of potential evidence out there on social media posts.

Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) warned Cash that there could be literally hours of footage to go through but he didn’t care, vowing not to rest until he’d managed to do something useful for his Flick.

As a result, Cash has spent the past week poring over as much footage from Battle of the Bands as he’s been able to get his hands on. Not only has it proved fruitless so far, but he has also kept Flick in the dark about his search.

Next week, Flick attends her first counselling session following the attack, but later tells Tane (Ethan Browne) that she’s not sure that it’s going to do her any good. The counsellor just wanted to talk, whereas Flick was hoping for some exercises that could help her remember what happened. Eden later reminds her that it’s not about remembering, but helping her to come to terms with the attack.

It’s not enough for Flick though—not knowing the identity of the perpetrator is ripping her apart, and as she breaks down in front of Cash and Eden at Salt, she points out that the attacker could be in the room with her right now and she’d have no idea. She’s forever going to be wondering if he’s right in front of her!

The next day, Flick comments to Eden that Cash seems to be avoiding her, and Eden’s reaction leads her to realise that she knows more than she’s letting on. Eden is forced to admit that Cash is spending his time looking over footage from Battle of the Bands in hope of identifying the attacker.

Flick is down to Yabbie Creek police station like a shot, and hearing the commotion at the front desk as she asks to see her brother, Cash emerges from the interview room where he’s been camped out.

Flick demands to see the footage for herself, and whilst Cash believes that isn’t a good idea, Flick points out that she’s not giving him a choice, barging past him.

Flick is immediately faced with the scale of Cash’s investigation, with plans of the venue and potential suspects laid out on the whiteboard in front of her.

As Flick asks why he didn’t say anything to her, Cash explains that he didn’t want to get her hopes up. Despite his days of searching he hasn’t yet found anything of use.

Flick still insists on being involved, so Cash has no choice but to let her review the footage herself. Concerned for his sister, Cash rings Tane in the hope that he will be able to come down and talk some sense into her, not believing she’s ready for this.

Flick is annoyed when Tane shows up, realising that Cash must have called him, and lashes out at them both over the constant babysitting she’s being subjected to.

Insisting that she needs to do this on her own, Flick sends Tane home. As Tane goes to leave, Cash has to admit that he would ordinarily ask any other victim to take a look at the footage—maybe Flick has a point in feeling that he’s treating her like his ‘little baby sister’ constantly.

Scanning face… after face… after face… as she views the footage, Flick eventually comes to the realisation that, like Cash, she’s getting nowhere. She vents her frustration to her brother, telling him that it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, but then refuses his suggestion of taking a break and returns to the computer.

When Cash later returns, Flick is sat on the floor, resigned to the fact that it’s a fruitless exercise. As she asks Cash how many cases like this he’s worked on, he admits that the majority of these cases remain unsolved, and she needs to prepare herself for that possible outcome.

When Flick returns home, she breaks down as she tells Tane that she’s scared it will never end.

Cash isn’t faring much better as he carries on the search, and as his frustration eventually boils over, he flips over the desk in anger.

Will either of the siblings be able to get any closure on the case?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Justin’s (James Stewart) attempt to help Andrew (Joshua Hewson) with his fear of retribution from Vita Nova may be about to cause more harm than good.

Terrified that the apparently disbanded cult will come after Justin and Leah (Ada Nicodemou), Andrew had taken to staying up all night to keep guard, before attempting to leave Summer Bay for their protection.

With Andrew eventually convinced to stay on in the Morgan house, Justin suggested that they install CCTV in the hope that it will put Andrew’s mind at ease.

Next week, the cameras arrive and it appears that Andrew is something of an expert in the field, having already mapped out the house to aid in maximising coverage. It was a trait picked up from his late father, and so Justin lets Andrew take control of the installation.

Meanwhile, Leah talks to Rose (Kirsty Marillier), wondering whether there truly is any threat from Vita Nova or whether the cameras are an overreaction. Whilst Rose admits that there’s no evidence to suggest they’re going to come after Andrew, their track record means they certainly can’t rule it out.

Once the system is live though, Justin, Leah and Theo (Matt Evans) are concerned by how obsessesive Andrew becomes in watching the live feeds on the laptop. As the days pass, Andrew even rejects Theo’s suggestion of going to the beach, believing that Vita Nova will strike the second they let their guard down.

As Theo heads to the front door, Andrew yells out at him to stop, warning him that there’s someone outside!

What are we going to do?!” Andrew exclaims in a panic… until Justin realises that it’s only Alf (Ray Meagher).

Figuring he doesn’t pose too much of a threat, Justin lets Alf in and introduces him to Andrew.

With Andrew now acting like a prisoner in his own home, Leah later takes Justin aside and tells him that things can’t go on like this, it isn’t healthy.

Justin’s in agreement, and the two later convince Andrew to take a break from the laptop.

Andrew admits he’s pretty tired and reluctantly goes to bed, but later sneaks out of his room in the middle of the night. After checking in on a sleeping Leah and Justin, and that all the doors are still locked, he returns to the laptop screen to keep guard…

Will Andrew ever be able to shake his fear?

Also next week, John moves in with Irene

John moves into Irene’s place after his health scare, the Stunning Organics CEO heads to court, and Mali takes a risk.

Read more…

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 14th August (Episode 8061)

Kirby and Rose’s friendship is in peril. The Morgan household is on edge. Xander attempts to set some boundaries.

Tuesday 15th August (Episode 8062)

Felicity resolves to identify her attacker. Alf is frustrated over the explosion fallout. Xander confronts his grief. Mali is stubbornly headed for a wipe-out.

Wednesday 16th August (Episode 8063)

Mali’s too proud to ask for help. Felicity’s search takes a dive. Marilyn is shocked by the latest news on Stunning Organics.

Thursday 17th August (Episode 8064)

Mercedes gets under Bree’s skin. Cash throws himself into work. Has Irene bitten off more than she can chew?

Friday 18th August (Episode 8065)

Bree cannot trust Remi. Lyrik strike a big win. Irene’s generosity is wearing thin. Andrew’s paranoia grows.