Home and Away Spoilers – John resigns from the Surf Club

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, John quitting the surf club sends a shockwave through the community, whilst Leah is involved in a car accident.

The consequences of John’s (Shane Withington) recent day of caffeine withdrawal continue to be felt next week, leading to JP throwing in the towel at his beloved surf club.

After his ‘free coffee for a year’ card expired at the Pier Diner, and having gotten used to utilising it several times a day, John had initially bawked at the thought of paying $4.70 (that’s £2.40, seems pretty reasonable!) for his fix.

His declaration that he’d rather go without saw him taking his Bronze Medallion class in a bad mood, putting offside a new student named Banjo (Michael Cameron), who he nicknamed ‘Man Bun’.

Evidently sensitive to being given a silly nickname, Banjo (…ahem) later quit the course and submitted a formal complaint against John. Warned by club president Alf (Ray Meagher) that he would be forced to take things to the club committee if John didn’t issue an apology, John reluctantly phoned Banjo and told him he was sorry.

But it would appear that it wasn’t enough, as next week there’s rumblings in the surf club as Alf takes a call from one of the committee members. Alf is furious as he explains down the phone that they should be supporting John, and that his word as club president doesn’t seem to be amounting to much.

Alf later admits to Irene that John’s complaint has been escalated. It transpires that Banjo is actually the son of Simon Henderson, owner of Yabbie Creek Real Estate, who is the surf club’s main sponsor. Simon is now threatening to withdraw his sponsorship due to Banjo being ‘humiliated’ by John’s bullying.

As a result, Alf now has the unenviable task of telling John that his job could be on the line!

Alf later hears that an executive meeting has been called about the situation, something that would only happen if the club was in a crisis. In a particularly cheery mood, John knows something is up when Alf offers to buy him a coffee.

John is astounded when he hears what has been going on, and wishes to plead his case himself at the meeting, but Alf suggests he keep his nose down.

Alf assures John that he’s on his side, but John is dubious. We can’t really blame him, as Alf hasn’t been kind to ‘Palmer’ in the past!

Alf is genuine this time though, but tells Roo (Georgie Parker) that he’s worried his word won’t make much difference with the committee. Meanwhile, John is sure that he’s a dead man walking, the club would struggle to survive without Henderson’s money. Though as Irene points out, the club wouldn’t fare much better with no-one there to run it efficiently.

As Alf later heads for the meeting, John hurries in determined to have his say, but Alf doesn’t allow him to come upstairs.

John’s on tenterhooks as Alf later returns, but he can’t tell John anything as it has to come officially from the club secretary. John’s had enough at this point, and accuses Alf of loving every minute of his anguish, suggesting he probably called the meeting himself.


Other than trying to assure John that he is on his side, Alf remains uncharacteristically composed as John lets him have both barrels.

Alf later admits to Roo that he felt sorry for John, the exec committee aren’t treating him fairly and, knowing what’s to come, he didn’t want to kick him whilst he was down.

The next morning, Alf decides that John deserves to be delivered the news face-to-face… whilst he’ll be allowed to stay on as General Manager, the committee have gone against Alf’s objections and voted to have John banned from ever taking any more lessons!

John is heartbroken, explaining to Irene that training up lifesavers is what he’s found most rewarding amongst the countless things he’s done for the club over the years.

As such, John doesn’t see the point of carrying on there any more. He duly pack up his things and hands over his whistle as he informs Alf that he quits!

Is the surf club really about to lose JP?!

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Justin (James Stewart) is concerned when he hears that Leah (Ada Nicodemou) has been involved in a car accident.

Rushing to Northern Districts Hospital, he’s surprised to find Rose (Kirsty Marillier) preparing to breathalyse Leah, who is otherwise uninjured. Leah claims that it was all a bit of a blur, and all that she remembers is coming round in the middle of an intersection after being T-boned.

Rose informs Leah that both her and the other driver’s tests came back clear, and Leah is free to go.

Back at home, Justin criticises the other driver for causing the accident when Leah admits that she does remember what happens and makes a shocking confession—she caused the accident after falling asleep at the wheel!

Justin had believed that Leah had finally gotten over her sleep issues, having had nightmares since their kidnap ordeal, but Leah tells him that she didn’t want to worry him.

The next morning, Rose pays a visit. Revealing that she’s now seen footage of the accident, she asks Leah if she’d care to explain why she ran a red light?

After hearing Leah’s explanation, and having seen for herself that Leah has been struggling lately, Rose confirms that she won’t be pressing charges, but suggests that Leah shouldn’t be driving at the moment.

Justin hopes that this will be the catalyst for Leah finally accepting help, but she again states that she doesn’t want to talk about it with anyone.

As Justin presses her, Leah lashes out, telling Justin that he has no idea what she’s going through. Justin was unconscious for most of their ordeal, whilst Leah wasn’t, and had to watch Justin as he came close to dying. Every time she closes her eyes, that’s all she can see.

Leah later talks with Alf, who assures her that Justin is only trying to help, but points out that she has a lot going on with the wedding preparations. Leah doesn’t even know where to start, but Alf suggests she concentrate on what really matters, herself.

This gives Leah food for thought, and returning home, she apologises to Justin for shutting him out, and they both agree to slow things down.

However, knowing that she can’t get married until she fixes what’s going on, Leah then tells Justin that she actually wants to postpone the wedding… indefinitely!

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 5th February (Episode 8156)

A life is on the line. Felicity leads with rage. Cash’s career is in jeopardy.

Tuesday 6th February (Episode 8157)

Felicity makes a heartfelt plea to Tane. Dana connects with a former colleague.

Wednesday 7th February (Episode 8158)

Has John burnt a bridge with his only ally? Harper lends an ear to Tane. Justin receives a worrying phone call.

Thursday 8th February (Episode 8159)

Justin and Rose fear for Leah. John reacts to the Surf Club’s verdict. Kirby shares her success with Lyrik.

Friday 9th February (Episode 8160)

Eden worries for Cash’s career. Felicity shows remorse. Justin and Leah reach a crossroads.