11 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 15th to 18th April

Next week on Neighbours, Mackenzie looks into Haz’s past, Krista gives into temptation, JJ tries to reconnect with Felix, and Karl is hurt by news from Susan.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 15th to Thursday 18th April.

1) Chelsea gets more than she bargained for

This week’s episodes saw Chelsea (Viva Bianca) meet Jeffrey Swan (Tim Potter), the IT investigator who Paul (Stefan Dennis) hired to discover why the Lassiters sauna door locked, trapping Krista (Majella Davis) inside.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

As Paul was at Krista’s memorial, Jeffrey revealed to Chelsea that he knew she was solely to blame for the door becoming locked, and was about to reveal all.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Chelsea slept with him and bought his silence – or so she thought. Her week then went from bad to worse when Paul told her it was time for her to move out of his penthouse flat, giving him space to reconnect with Leo (Tim Kano).

Next week, Chelsea is shocked when Jeffrey drops in for another visit. It seems he read too much into their hookup last week and is now falling for her, hard!

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

When Krista returns to work sooner than expected, Chelsea is left with no choice but to keep stringing Jeffrey along and keep him away from management. But he soon grows wary of her motives and she’s unsure how long she can keep him onside.

As Krista continues to obsess over the fault report, wanting to follow up with Jeffrey, Chelsea is forced to make another cruel move to keep Krista from the truth…

2) Paul and Terese raise eyebrows

As Eirene Rising’s big opening draws near, Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) is trying to find staff. Paul offers to help on her search for an Operations Manager, but Terese turns him down, confident that she’s on top of it.

Yet when she finds a supposed perfect fit in a man named Miles, Paul does some digging and uncovers some major red flags.

Realising that Paul is skilled in finding the right people, she agrees to let him help. Yet Jane (Annie Jones) soon questions the excessive generosity of Paul’s assistance and their close relationship in light of her separation from Toadie (Ryan Moloney).

Terese reassures Jane that they’re just friends, but Jane is left feeling that Terese may be kidding herself…

3) Karl faces a tight squeeze

With Terese planning a big promotional launch for Eirene Rising, featuring Dr Karl (Alan Fletcher) front and centre, Karl throws himself into preparations.

With last week’s “code brown” incident firmly behind him, Karl squeezes into some shapewear to make him look trim and fit, ready for the photoshoot.

With Holly’s (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) hint that he probably needed some bigger-sized cycling gear ringing in his ears, Karl squeezes into the tight-fitting outfit to keep his waistline in check.

Yet his undergarment causes more ‘constriction’ in his nether regions than he expected, and he can’t wipe the pain and discomfort from his face during the shoot.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

When Terese questions why he can’t smile normally, he’s finally forced to admit the true reason for his discomfort.

Terese urges him to remove the tight undies and Karl can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

4) Krista gives in to temptation

This week saw Krista say goodbye to baby Hope at a touching memorial surrounded by her closest friends. After an emotional day, she stumbled across Byron’s (Xavier Molyneux) prescription pain meds at No. 32 and was tempted to use them to numb her pain.

Next week, an on-edge Krista continues to try and avoid falling back on drugs, but when a haunting reminder of her lost child sends her into a spiral, she gives into her demons.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

She takes the drugs that she stumbles across, and disappears from the hotel. When Chelsea finds her, she swallows her guilt and covers for Krista’s absence, making excuses to Leo and Paul as she tends to a groggy and remorseful Krista.

Playing into Krista’s insecurities, Chelsea promises to keep her relapse a secret, while convincing Krista to move on from the fault with the sauna and focus on her future.

While Chelsea has managed to save her own skin once again, has she set Krista on a path of self-destruction?

5) Terese accepts Melanie’s apology

As Terese works on Eirene Rising’s staffing issue, she catches sight of Melanie and immediately retreats. She admits to Paul that she flees every time she sees Mel as she doesn’t want to cry in front of her.

Melanie is saddened that her very presence causes such an impact on Terese’s life, and she confronts her love rival, offering a genuine and sincere apology for betraying her.

Mel hopes that her apology will make Terese feel less triggered if she knows just how much she regrets her actions with Toadie.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Remarkably, Melanie’s apology works, surprising even Terese herself. Terese accepts Melanie’s apology, and admits that what she feels more than anything is a deep sadness that everyone’s lives are worse off.

6) JJ faces expulsion

Next week, JJ (Riley Bryant) learns that he’s facing minor charges for his part in Felix’s (James Beaufort) failed robbery.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Worse still, his future at Erinsborough High is under threat. Jane wants to expel him, considering he was already on shaky ground after bringing a knife to school last month.

Cara (Sara West) and Remi (Naomi Rukavina) work to convince Jane that JJ deserves to stay, but while they’re able to get Jane onside, she warns them that the greater challenge will be convincing the Education Department.

Yet as the meeting with the department rolls around, JJ is nowhere to be seen. He’s devastated after learning once again that Felix wants nothing more to do with him, and does what he does best – runs away.

Has JJ just cemented his expulsion from Erinsborough High?

7) Mackenzie seeks the truth about Haz

This week, Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) finally confronted Haz (Shiv Pakelar) over her suspicions that he was behind the recent AI deepfakes, and Holly’s (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) stolen $20,000.

She put her morals to one side and snooped on Haz’s external hard drive, where she found the audio file of David’s (Takaya Honda) phonecall to Aaron (Matt Wilson), and Jane’s saucy video to Mike (Guy Pearce).

Haz was forced to admit the truth – he used to run a shady IT company, producing deepfakes to help his clients out of sticky situations. He put that part of his life behind him after realising he and his colleagues had become the bad guys, but now someone from his past is threatening him.

Mack wanted to go straight to the police, but Haz pleaded with her to let him handle the situation himself, explaining that he’d worked too hard to form a new life in Erinsborough and didn’t want to throw it all away.

Next week, Mackenzie is surprised by Haz’s slow progress in tracking down the deep fake hacker. She wants to help, but Haz is keen to protect her, telling her that “he’s seen what they did to Wade.”

He stops himself before revealing too much, but Mackenzie has heard enough. She uses her detective skills to track down one of Haz’s company’s past victims, full name ‘Wade Fernsby.’

Mac arranges a meeting with Wade, wanting to hear more about Haz’s past and potentially gather clues to identify the hacker.

Wade reveals more than Mackenzie was expecting, as he tells her that the hackers created a compromising deep fake video of his wife and uploaded it to the internet, something which nearly ruined him.

While Wade is now rebuilding his life, Mackenzie can’t believe how cruel Haz and old colleagues were.

When Haz later drops by with a gift and an apology, Mack reveals that she knows the full extent of what he did to Wade and his wife, and, knowing what he’s capable of, she’s not sure she can be with him any more…

Later in the week, Haz is desperate to prove he can be the person Mackenzie thought he was, but she isn’t so sure.

When Holly sees how upset her friend is, she pushes Mackenzie to tell her what’s really going on. Mackenzie refrains from revealing the truth, but Holly can tell something big is going on…

Haz, meanwhile, meets up with a man named ‘Pr0xxy’, one of his former associates, and accuses him of being his digital assailant. Pr0xxy denies it, claiming he’s moved on, and agrees to help Haz in his quest to find the creator of the deep fakes.

They work out that the fakes aren’t the work of true professionals, which seems to rule out their old crew. Haz updates Mackenzie as he reiterates his vow to make things right, but an unsure Mackenzie arranges another secret meetup with Wade…

8) JJ seeks out Felix

While JJ learns that Felix still wants nothing more to do with him next week, it doesn’t stop him from wanting to reconnect with his father.

He reveals this to Andrew (Lloyd Will), who inadvertently gives him the idea to get in touch with the only person still talking to Felix – his girlfriend Jools (Eva Seymour).

Yet when he meets up with Jools and asks for help in contacting Felix, she gives him some heavy news. She reveals that Felix only did the robbery so that he could get enough money to get away from JJ, knowing what a bad influence he would be on the teen.

Jools attempts to be cruel to be kind as she explains that Felix never wanted to be a dad, and that things will only get worse if JJ continues to push.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Disheartened that nobody is helping him, JJ opens up to Andrew about his longing to know Felix.

Andrew, who himself has cut Felix out of his life, urges JJ to think about who he wants to be as a person, and whether knowing Felix will help him get there.

9) Karl is devastated by news from Susan

Susan (Jackie Woodburne) is still in Sydney, having extended her trip multiple times.

She initially went there to look after Elly’s (Jodi Gordon) daughter Aster while Elly and Chloe (April Rose Pengilly) went on honeymoon around Europe, but later extended her stay to join a self-development course.

Karl went to visit her a few weeks ago, and the plan was for the pair to return together, but Susan extended her trip once again.

Next week, on a phone call, Karl covers his disappointment after learning that Susan is in no hurry to get back to Erinsborough – or, it seems, to him.

Holly and Melanie attempt to cheer him up, but he tells them he doesn’t need their pity. Yet the next day, he admits to Melanie that he’s starting to feel like Susan doesn’t want to come home.

Melanie explains that Susan enjoys being needed – and with Elly and Aster to care for in Sydney, she’s likely being kept busier than in Melbourne, where she’s feeling directionless after stepping down from her role as Principal of Erinsborough High.

Yet it just leaves Karl feeling like he’s no longer enough for his wife.

Thankfully, Karl soon gets a much-needed morale boost when Terese organises a gathering to unveil the Eirene Rising billboard, introducing the world to Dr Karl’s new role.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

10) Melanie suspects Karl is playing dirty

This week, Karl was caught short on a bike ride with Melanie, and he was forced to dip into a neighbouring front yard to answer an urgent call of nature. A “code brown”, as Melanie named it.

Next week, Melanie and Karl head out on another bike ride, as Karl’s health kick ramps up. Yet part way through, Karl slows to a stop and convinces Mel to ride on alone.

Not knowing the route, Melanie soon backtracks, where she finds an awkward-looking Karl emerging from a nearby driveway. Karl claims he was just washing chain grease of his hands, but it leaves Melanie wondering whether she just witnessed the tail end of another code brown.

When Wendy (Emerald Chan) later shares gossip of a neighbourhood pooper on the loose, and provides a map of the incidents which lines up with their route, Melanie worries that her friend and housemate is the neighbourhood poo-cycler!

11) Nicolette has some fun with Byron and Sadie

With Sadie (Emerald Chan) and Byron (Xavier Molyneux) now firmly back on, Nicolette (Hannah Monson) decides to have some fun with them as she invites Sadie around for lunch.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Wanting the tick of approval from Byron’s sister, Sadie happily agrees. Yet she and Byron soon find themselves on the receiving end of a series of probing and uncomfortable questions – Nicolette is clearly enjoying herself!

Yet when Sadie innocently asks if Nicolette has dated anyone since Kiri, Nic finds the air taken out of her sales. She suddenly becomes wistfully, and tells Byron she hopes he doesn’t mess up the good thing he has going, the way she messed up her own life…

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 15th April (Episode 9024 / 121)

Krista closes in on the truth.

Paul’s generosity raises eyebrows.

Karl finds himself in a tight spot.

Tuesday 16th April (Episode 9025 / 122)

Krista falls into a trap.

Melanie attempts to rebuild.

Cara and Remi fight for their son.

Wednesday 17th April (Episode 9026 / 123)

Mackenzie digs into the past.

JJ exhausts his options.

Karl gets his moment in the spotlight.

Thursday 18th April (Episode 9027 / 124)

Haz races against the clock as his deadline approaches.

Erinsborough tackles a fresh crime wave.

Sadie faces a trial by fire.

Monday 22nd April (Episode 9028 / 125)

Krista finds an unlikely ally.

Mackenzie gets close to the truth.

Terese has an unsettling dream.

Tuesday 23rd April (Episode 9029 / 126)

Dex reaches breaking point.

Krista and Aaron toe a dangerous line.

Karl struggles with a public humiliation.

Wednesday 24th April (Episode 9030 / 127)

Haz confronts a cruel ultimatum.

Susan is made a tempting offer.

Dex’s silent frustrations find a voice.

Thursday 25th April (Episode 9031 / 128)

Haz is forced to consider the unthinkable.

Susan struggles with a secret.

A persistent rumour follows Karl like a bad smell.