Emmerdale Spoilers – Will Rhona turn against Gus?

Next week on Emmerdale, Rhona takes the stand to deliver her statement, but will she support Gus or betray him as he did her? Elsewhere, Will is stunned to come face-to-face with a woman from his past.
After avoiding a prison sentence following her non-guilty verdict for kidnapping biological daughter Ivy, Rhona’s (Zoe Henry) attention is now turned to Ivy’s future as ex-husband Gus (Alan McKenna) has his own day in court.
After Gus turned against Rhona during her trial, delivering a damning statement in an attempt to get her sent down, Rhona warned him of her intentions as he left court to go home to his child.
“Chances are she’ll be my child too,” Rhona stated to a bitter Gus. “Once I’ve fought for custody, which I am now free to do. Then you’ll be forced to put Ivy first.”
With Gus’s days of freedom potentially numbered, he came to realise that Ivy could well end up in care.
Gus again approached Rhona and Marlon with a proposition, having decided to plead guilty to the charge of fraud. But with Gus having made promises before in attempts to deceive Rhona and Marlon (Mark Charnock), the couple were wary.
“They’re very sceptical because they’ve been here before,” Zoe Henry told EverySoap during a press event last week. “He says ‘If I sign Ivy’s care over to you while I’m in prison, will you look after her?’. They don’t really believe it at first.”
Rhona sent Gus packing, which left Marlon worried that they’d live to regret not attempting to reach an agreement. It was enough to make Rhona rethink, and after they met again they learned that Gus could be facing a maximum of eight years inside.
Again asking if they’d take care of Ivy during that time, Gus hoped for a favour in return—would Rhona consider giving a witness impact statement defending him, in the hope of reducing his sentence?
Rhona was all ready to walk out, figuring Gus could easily go back on his word after receiving a lesser sentence, but Gus was desperate to change her mind.
Telling Rhona to forget about the statement, he appealed to her that they would all lose Ivy if she has to go into care.
With an agreement in place, and paperwork drawn up by solicitor Ethan (Emile John) to formalise the Ivy arrangement, it seemed that things had turned quite amicable between the warring exes.
“It looks like everything’s going to be fine…” Mark Charnock teases.
Next week, Gus pays another unexpected visit and assures Marlon and Mary (Louise Jameson) that on the off-chance he does get a lighter sentence, he will still ensure they’re all a part of Ivy’s life.
This gives the family further food for thought. Considering Rhona’s unexpected verdict, it’s entirely plausible that Gus could somehow come away from this without a prison sentence, and despite his promises, there’s nothing set in stone for Rhona’s access to Ivy in that situation.
“He says we’ll work it out but he doesn’t talk about co-parenting as such,” Zoe explains. “It’s very vague.”
It’s hard to judge Rhona’s feelings as she hands Ivy back over to Gus, with the pair agreeing that whatever differences they’ve had in the past, they need to put Ivy first from now on.
The next day, tension is high as everyone prepares for the sentencing, and whilst Marlon tries to settle Rhona, it’s clear that she’s deep in thought.
In the courtroom, Rhona takes the stand to deliver her statement… will she go along with Gus’s request, or turn against him like he did her?
“Rhona does something in court where I was like ‘Hang on a minute, is that premeditated because that changes everything?’” Zoe reveals. “What she does is tell the truth. Sometimes it just takes her by surprise, which is what happens in that moment. She has to go with what she feels in her gut.”
The events of the day also promise to shake up the couple after thinking that they had everything planned out.
“The fallout from the stuff in court is pretty shocking,” Zoe continues. “It capsizes them.”
“It really does,” Mark adds. “And one of them may or may not overreact and take it the wrong way… I don’t want to say which one it is!”
Elsewhere in the village, Billy (Jay Kontzle) is pleased to finally be able to get his PT business back up and running again, though it isn’t without some teething issues.
Billy has been feeling somewhat unfulfilled working as Home Farm’s estate manager, constantly under the scrutiny of boss and stepmother-in-law Kim (Claire King).
Kim wasn’t best pleased when Billy proposed that he start up the business again on the side, reminding him that he was expected to be fully committed to his existing job.
Some words from Manpreet (Rebecca Sarker) convinced Billy to stand up to Kim, as he told her that he would be going ahead with his side project whether she liked it or not.
Billy nodded to an impressed Manpreet as he left, and Kim later agreed to allow some flexibility following his show of fearlessness towards her.
Next week, as Manpreet joins the PT class in the village hall, she realises a surprising truth—she’s developing a crush on Billy!
Billy is too preoccupied during their next session to realise that Manpreet has started flirting with him, spawned on by her feeling a distinct lack of interest from partner Charles (Kevin Mathurin) in recent times.
Meanwhile, Kim and Will (Dean Andrews) have stepped up to help out Billy and Dawn (Olivia Bromley) when it comes to juggling childcare and his new business. But after receiving a mystery phone call, Will quietly slips away.
When Will later turns up at Hotten General, he finds himself drawn into a room when he hears a familiar voice coming from within. There, he’s stunned to come face-to-face with a woman from his past, Rose (Christine Tremarco).
Rose has recently been living in Benidorm, and Will is stunned that she’s suddenly turned up again out of the blue.
But when he returns to Home Farm, he deflects Kim’s questions about where he’s been and keeps quiet about his blast from the past.
“We are massively delighted to welcome Christine Tremarco to the Emmerdale family,” producer Laura Shaw said. “Christine brings a wealth of experience and talent and playing the character of Rose; a true free spirit with an exuberant outlook on life, she certainly promises to cause a real storm for some of our villagers.”
How long will Will be able to keep his secret?
Here’s the full spoilers for this week’s Emmerdale episodes:
Monday 22nd April (Episode 9974)
Cain needs help at the garage and forces a furious Sarah into helping.
Billy starts up his PT business again but it’s a bit of a shaky start given how much he and Dawn are coping with at home.
Belle is shocked to see Vinny so battered and stays to care for him. But with Tom jealous of Belle’s relationship with Vinny, he soon finds a way to deliberately belittle him.
Tuesday 23rd April (Episode 9975)
Rhona is inscrutable as she hands Ivy over to Gus, but they agree to put the child first from now on.
Wednesday 24th April (Episode 9976)
When Belle spots Tom seemingly bonding with Vinny, she wonders what he is up to, knowing Tom will have a reason for it.
Tom reveals he is keen to help Vinny find a girlfriend and enjoys the process of helping find one.
Charity is proud of Sarah’s new job but Mack is flustered when Sarah suggests she’s replacing him at the garage.
By doing his classes, Manpreet soon realises she has a crush on Billy.
Thursday 25th April (Episodes 9977-9978)
Tom sets his sights on Gabby for Vinny.
Despite her efforts, Manpreet is left dejected by Charles’s lack of interest.
Will has arrived at the hospital where he is drawn into a room by hearing a familiar voice. Moments later, Will comes face to face with Rose, someone he knows of old.
Friday 26th April (Episode 9979)
Kim confronts Will about his lies.
Manpreet feels disheartened.