7 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 24th to 28th June

Next week on Emmerdale, Tom electrocutes himself as he learns the truth about Belle’s actions, Matty gains a menacing new cellmate, and Pollard continues to take advantage of Jai.

Please note, due to football coverage on ITV1, Emmerdale will only air on Monday, Thursday and Friday next week.

1) Belle decides to take action

Belle’s facade (Eden Taylor-Draper) begins to crack next week, as she struggles to keep it together after secretly aborting abusive husband Tom’s (James Chase) baby.

Tom has been manipulating Belle to the point where she’s come to believe her mental health has taken a nosedive. When Belle was forced to blurt out that she was pregnant to avoid a beating from Tom, Tom was over the moon, having been vocal in his desire to start a family.


But Tom’s gaslighting has backfired on him. With Belle not feeling able to cope with being a mother whilst her mental health is supposedly unstable, she opted to terminate the pregnancy, and was forced to take Tom’s car to attend a clinic in Hotten.

After returning Tom’s car to the vets, Belle’s rush to hide from her husband as he subsequently returned from a call-out meant she failed to spot her ticket from the car park had fallen into the passenger footwell, waiting for Tom to discover it…



Next week, Belle has a visit from her mental health care co-ordinator Rachel (Natasha Cottriall) who wants to ensure she’s doing okay following her early departure from the mental health clinic.

The situation with Tom is playing heavily on her mind though, and Belle ends up admitting to Rachel that she told her husband she’d had a miscarriage after the termination.

As the appointment goes on, Belle fears that her behaviour is beginning to throw up some red flags for Rachel about Tom’s coercive behaviour.


Belle’s desperate to get Rachel out of the house before she reveals too much, but as Rachel tries to talk Belle down, the reality of the relationship begins to finally hit home for Belle.

Rachel suggests that Belle could do with some time apart from Tom, and whilst terrified at the prospect of taking such action, Belle reluctantly agrees.

Arranging to go and see niece Debbie (Charley Webb) and dad Zak (Steve Halliwell) in Scotland, Belle packs a case and books herself a taxi…

2) Tom injured as he discovers the truth

Meanwhile, over at Butlers, Belle’s story is already beginning to fall apart when Tom learns from Noah (Jack Downham) that Belle had gone into town yesterday for an appointment, rather than joining Amelia (Daisy Campbell) walking Piper as she claimed.

When Tom eventually discovers Belle’s true whereabouts the previous day, everything falls into place and his anger boils over.



Descending into an uncontrollable rage, Tom grabs a nearby crowbar and starts smashing up the barn. But in his temper, Tom swings the crowbar and it smacks against the rotary isolator on the wall behind him.



Tom is severely electrocuted and thrown across the room, smashing against a wooden beam and falling to the floor unconscious.

As Belle gets into the taxi ready to leave the village for Scotland, she’s no idea that Tom is fighting for his life…


Speaking to EverySoap and other media during a press event this week, Emmerdale producer Laura Shaw explained that the story may have some way to go yet.

We said right from the beginning that we wanted to tell this story as authentically as we can,” she said. “For people who are subjected to domestic abuse, it isn’t something that’s over in a couple of weeks.

This is something that goes on for a long length of time, and we want to be truthful to that. I think you can expect this storyline to run until the end of this year. We’ve always had a good idea in our head exactly where we want it to end, though obviously we’ve found new twists and turns as we’ve gone through.


Asked how he feels about Tom inevitably having to get his comeuppance, James Chase added, “I think it has to happen, it’s what he deserves. Belle needs justice for what’s happened to her, and I think the viewer needs that after all the hell we’ve seen Belle put through.

3) Matty has a new cellmate

Elsewhere in the village, Amy (Natalie Ann Jamieson) concerns about Matty (Ash Palmisciano) grow as he asks her not to visit him in prison.

Matty is currently awaiting a court appearance after an incident at The Hop which saw him accidentally stab step-cousin Samson (Sam Hall).


Initially released on bail following the incident, Matty pleaded with Samson to tell the truth about what really happened.

Samson’s friend Josh (Osian Morgan) has been subjecting Matty to transphobic abuse before ordering him to empty the till. When Josh shoved Samson towards Matty, he was impaled on a knife Matty happened to be holding whilst clearing plates.


But rather than stand up to Josh, Samson had turned his back on Matty further by telling the police that Matty had been trying to intimidate him, leading to his bail being revoked.

Knowing that prison could be dangerous for him as a trans man, Matty has been placed in a cell on his own, and has done all he can to avoid mixing with the other inmates.


Matty leaves his cell to speak to Amy on the phone next week, and whilst the conversation is hurried and fraught, it’s the highlight of his day to be able to talk to his wife.


When Matty later returns to his cell, he’s horrified to find a menacing-looking prisoner named Les (Stacey J Gough) has been moved in with him.

Matty doesn’t know what to make of Les as he taunts him with humorous quips, and knows that his safety could well be compromised if Les found out the truth about him.


4) Cain visits Matty

By the time he receives a visit from stepdad Cain (Jeff Hordley) later in the week, Matty is a nervous wreck. Cain’s attempts to bolster him fail miserably, as Matty points out Les to Cain as he struggles to keep his emotions under wraps.


Cain can only draw on his own experience, as he advises Matty that he may have to resort to violence against anyone that brings him under threat.

The very idea of fighting back is appalling for mild-mannered Matty, particularly when it could jeopardise his chances of being released, but he knows he may not have much choice.


Will Matty heed Cain’s advice, or continue to suffer in silence?


5) Pollard tests Jai’s patience

Up at The Hide, Eric (Chris Chittell) is seriously starting to try Jai’s (Chris Bisson) patience as he continues to hold the circumstances of Amit’s (Anil Goutam) departure over him.

After being brought up by Rishi (Bhasker Patel), Jai had only recently discovered that Rishi’s brother Amit was his actual biological father. This was later followed by the shocking twist that Amit had secretly been responsible for Rishi’s death—pushing him down the stairs at Holdgate in order to become the sole beneficiary of a deceased uncle’s will.


Jai had given Amit a taste of his own medicine by pushing him down the same stairs, though he survived with a broken leg.

Jai tortured Amit until he agreed to leave the village, but not before forcing him to sign over his shares in Hawksford Outdoor Pursuits, cruelly cutting half-brother Suni out of any possible inheritance.

Eric is the only person aware of Jai’s shameful secret after coming across the scene, but he’s been keeping quiet for a price, smugly totting up a large tab at The Hide.


Things continue to be tense between the pair next week, and Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) is intrigued when she sees Jai and Eric having what seems to be a heated conversation.

Jai covers his anger towards Eric when Laurel questions about it, but her suspicions deepen when Eric later neglects to pay for his drinks. Questioning Eric, he simply tells her to speak to Jai if she has any issue with it.


Heading home, Laurel confronts Jai about Eric’s strange attitude, and is convinced that he must have something over him.

With the net now closing in, will Jai confess the truth about Amit’s departure?

6) Will Nicky convince Suni to move away?

The truth coming out would certainly have a devastating effect on Suni, who is already pondering the idea of leaving the village with boyfriend Nicky (Lewis Cope).

Having had a massive fallout with his own parents, Nicky is contemplating starting afresh elsewhere, and wants Suni to come with him.


Suni seeks advice from Laurel, telling her about how eager Nicky is to leave Emmerdale. Laurel points out how Jai would be devastated if he were to depart, only months after discovering they were actually half-brothers.


Suni is all too aware of what he’d be giving up, as Laurel reminds him of the importance of compromise in any relationship.

Will Nicky convince him to move away?

7) Is Dawn setting herself up for heartbreak?

Up at Home Farm, there’s cause for celebration when baby Evan is finally allowed to return home amidst his treatment for leukaemia.


The family have made sacrifices to ensure vulnerable Evan remains in as safe an environment as possible, but it still isn’t enough to appease Dawn (Olivia Bromley) who still has fears about Lucas and Clemmie coming into contact with their baby brother.


Billy (Jay Kontzle) and Kim (Claire King) are concerned by Dawn’s increasing paranoia.

Later in the week, Dawn’s mum Rose (Christine Tremarco) is able to give Dawn some encouragement as she praises her abilities as a parent, something she never had herself having abandoned Dawn when she was only five years old.


The moment brings the strained pair closer together, but with Rose having an ulterior motive in trying to destroy Kim, is Dawn only setting herself up for heartbreak?