Neighbours Spoilers – Victor leaves Erinsborough after kissing Jane

Next week on Neighbours, Victor kisses Jane just before learning his cancer is in remission – but when he can’t bring himself to tell his family, he makes the shock decision to leave.

Victor (Craig Hall) was introduced as Jane’s (Annie Jones) sleazebag ex-husband when he made his debut in late April, with Jane making it very clear that he slept with half of London while they were married.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

On top of his adulterous ways, he also disappointed his ex-wife by asking for loans from her which he never paid back, and selling her Nan Mangel’s (Vivean Gray) beloved vase when he needed a quick cash injection for an investment.

So, when Vic made an unexpected appearance on Ramsay Street, Jane had no desire to reconnect with her ex, assuming he’d fallen on hard times and was only after another loan.

She softened towards him when he left her beloved vase on the table at No. 24 – the same one he’d sold years ago – and when Jane stumbled across it, he explained that he’d always kept an eye out for it and eventually found it in an estate sale.

While Nicolette (Hannah Monson) was delighted to see her dad again, Byron (Xavier Molyneux) was less than impressed, with the two having always had a fractured relationship.

When Victor eventually revealed that he’d returned to Erinsborough because he was dying of cancer, Byron launched into a furious tirade, with his father’s diagnosis unable to make up for all of his previous bad parenting.

Byron eventually managed to forgive his dad, and the past few weeks have seen the Stone family in familial harmony for the first time in decades.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Even Jane has warmed towards her ex-husband, won over by his effortless charisma.

With her fiancé Mike (Guy Pearce) on the other side of the world, she’s even begun to worry that she’s enjoying Victor’s company a little bit too much, while Mike seems happy to spend an ever-growing amount of time away from her as he tours Europe.

She initially grew frustrated by Victor’s continual quips about Mike’s absence, but when she opened up to him about her fears that they were growing apart, Victor ended up being the support she was looking for.

Overall, Victor’s cancer has proven a bittersweet diagnosis – while his family are devastated that he only has months to live, they’re happy to have finally been brought back together.

So, a bombshell revelation next week will certainly shake up the Stone family dynamic, and leave Victor feeling lost.

Victor told Jane and the kids that he’d explored every treatment back in England, and despite former nurse Nicolette’s best efforts to find one he hadn’t yet tried, he assured her that he was out of options.

This week, Remi (Naomi Rukavina) brings Victor in for a radiology scan, shortly before he heads back to the Yorokobi vineyard to talk business with Leo (Tim Kano).

He’s planning to buy the vineyard to set Byron and Nicolette up for after he’s gone, and he’s got no issues with playing hardball to get what he wants.

He ends the week making Leo a low offer, and while Leo tells him that there’s no way he’ll accept, Victor reminds Leo that this is the only offer he’s got.

Heading into next week, Leo takes advice from Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) over Victor’s offensively low offer.

Terese agrees that it’s a stinging offer, but considering Leo’s financial situation is worsening by the day, she encourages him to take it, but only if he can retain a 51% stake in the business.

As Leo arrives at No. 24 to tell the Stones that he’s accepting Victor’s offer, everyone is delighted. Later, Jane is moved by Victor’s selfless choice to invest in their children’s future, and her kind words prompt Vic to move in for a surprise kiss.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

A shocked Jane makes a swift exit after the kiss and heads straight to Terese to debrief – but with her doubts growing over her engagement to Mike, does she really regret it?

Meanwhile, as Vic heads to Erinsborough Hospital for the result of his checkup, he’s bowled over by some shocking news from Remi – an immunotherapy trial he was taking part in back in London has worked. His cancer is in full remission and his tumours have disappeared!

Next Tuesday (2nd July), Victor struggles to cope with the news that he’s in remission. As the family gather around for a special breakfast to celebrate the vineyard deal, he works to maintain a cheerful smile, unsure how to break the news to them.

When Jane shows up, Byron and Nicolette are too caught up in the excitement to notice the air of awkwardness between their parents after their secret kiss.

After Nicolette makes a heartfelt speech, Victor readies himself to announce the momentous news that he’s no longer dying, but as he takes in the joyful faces of those he loves, he loses courage.

It was his terrible diagnosis which brought their family back together and helped them forget his past failings. Is he fearful that being in remission will make them re-focus on what a terrible parent and husband he was?

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Later, Victor apologises to Jane for the kiss, but as she remains in denial about her feelings, she assures him that it’s already forgotten. She sincerely tells him that she’s grateful that he’s devoting the time he has left to his kids, and given them a life-changing legacy.

In return, Victor tells Jane that it means the world to him that they’ve had the chance to make peace.

Later, Nicolette and Byron are anxious when they’re unable to get hold of Victor. Heading to No. 32 where they expect to find him napping, they’re stunned when they find his belongings gone and envelopes addressed to each of them.

It seems Victor has skipped town!

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 24th June (Episode 9064 / 161)

Leo is presented with a tantalising offer.

The Share House battle an unwelcome interloper.

Out on the festival circuit, Melanie befriends an intriguing stranger.

Tuesday 25th June (Episode 9065 / 162)

Melanie brings a mysterious new friend to Ramsay Street.

Vic stoops to a shock move.

JJ makes a game-changing discovery.

Wednesday 26th June (Episode 9066 / 163)

Holly’s fascination with crime leads her to dangerous territory.

JJ makes a disastrous decision as Harold is hit by a loss.

A handsome newcomer sets his sights on a Ramsay Street resident.

Thursday 27th June (Episode 9067 / 164)

Wendy embraces uni life.

JJ makes a selfless sacrifice.

Holly’s quest for the truth brings her face to face with terror.

Monday 1st July (Episode 9068 / 165)

Holly’s peril reaches new heights.

Wendy attracts an unexpected admirer.

Leo faces a tough decision.

Tuesday 2nd July (Episode 9069 / 166)

Vic reaches a crossroads.

Toadie and Terese reignite the spark in their marriage.

Aaron grows closer to Logan, unaware of his true agenda.

Wednesday 3rd July (Episode 9070 / 167)

An unexpected visitor arrives at Eirini Rising.

Byron and Nicolette grapple with a betrayal.

Melanie lays down the law.

Wendy and Cara hide their double lives.

Thursday 4th July (Episode 9071 / 168)

Jane puts a plan into action to keep a beloved resident home.

Cara makes a secret smart move.

A familiar face returns to Erinsborough.