7 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 1st to 5th July

Next week on Emmerdale, Tom plans to take Belle away for good, Laurel collapses as Jai contemplates telling Suni the truth, Matty opens up to his new cellmate, and Charles is suspicious of Caleb.

1) Charity’s suspicions grow

Having lived in fear of husband Tom (James Chase) for the past few months, Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) has slowly become more isolated from her loved ones, and someone is finally beginning to take notice.


After accidentally electrocuting himself whilst smashing up Butlers Barn in a fit of rage, having discovered that Belle had aborted their baby, Tom has discharged himself from hospital early in order to maintain his control over Belle.

Charity (Emma Atkins) has already started to question Tom’s version of events regarding what happened in the barn, and tonight’s episode saw her voicing her opinion to Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Lydia (Karen Blick) that Tom is milking his injuries by being wheeled about in a wheelchair.


She’s not wrong of course, with Tom seen easily getting out of his wheelchair to walk across the room when Belle was upstairs, before laying on the floor to make out that he had fallen in Belle’s brief absencea ploy to stop her heading out to socialise with the girls.

When a frustrated Charity called over at Dale Head, clocking the camera watching her, she pointed out to Belle that she’d like to talk to her one-on-one about the ‘miscarriage’, and that surely Tom could do without her for ten minutes, but Belle still refused.



Charity went back to Chas and Lydia, explaining about Belle’s miscarriage and how it’s strange that Belle hadn’t opted to tell them herself, not to mention the fact that they barely see her anymore. Charity worried that something was not adding up with Tom, and the three agreed to step in if Belle needs their help.



I felt that if anyone was going to recognise those signs of abuse, it probably would be Charity,” Emma Atkins told EverySoap last week. “She’s lived and breathed it in her past.


Belle seems a lot more closed off. She doesn’t really want to socialise with any of her friends or family, she’s at home a lot with Tom and whenever she’s out in the street she’s always with Tom.

Next week, Charity formulates a plan to get Belle out of the house.

Charity says to the girls ‘Help me, for want of a better word, kidnap Belle and pretend we’re doing it for a girly night to cheer Lydia up,’” Emma explains. “They have this cute little plan where they’re stood outside the house going ‘Right, you go in, I’ll speak…’ And they take Belle out of Dale Head and straight into the back room of The Woolpack.

Charity, Lydia, Chas and Mandy (Lisa Riley) gently try to question how things are going with Tom, but Belle begins to panic as she worries they’re getting close to the truth.

It’s a fabulous episode where Eden is incredible,” Emma adds. “You can tell Belle wants to open up at that point, and the audience will be saying, ‘Come on, you’ve got all your Dingle girlfriends and family around you.’ This is where she should be in her safe space.

When Tom then rings Belle on her mobile, Charity is incredulous, asking why Tom needs to call her when she’s only been away for a few minutes and is just a few doors down.

Belle eventually becomes frustrated with the girls’ constant questions about Tom and storms out.


As they sit outside The Woolpack, Charity gently tries to convince a tearful Belle to open up. But just when it seems that Charity might be getting somewhere, she is scuppered.

There’s a really pivotal moment where she’s about to [open up] and she sees Tom in the background,” Emma sighs.”That was kind of the only moment really that she had, and Belle chooses to go the opposite way and withdraw even further.


Belle pushes Charity away as she runs home in a panic, and as Charity sets off in pursuit, she’s stopped by Tom who insists that Belle is struggling with her mental health and that she should back off.

She’s just dumbfounded and she thinks ‘Holy moly, this is another level of control and masking…’

As Charity returns to the others, they worry that she has overreacted.

All the girls say ‘See what you’ve done? Maybe you’re the one with the issue,‘” Emma tells us. “It’s great writing because you can see how the girls would think that Charity’s barking up the wrong tree.

With Belle now further alienated, has Charity missed her only chance to help?

2) Tom makes escape plans

Back at the house, Tom is seething with the interference from Belle’s family and makes a desperate attempt to have Belle to himself once and for all.

With Belle out of the way, Tom makes a phone call confirming that he’d like to apply for a job… in Wales.


The following day, Tom is taking part in an online interview where the recruiter reminds him that the job is in an extremely remote location, but that seems to suit Tom just fine. In fact he tells them that his wife Belle would be delighted to move there.

When Belle returns, Tom reveals that he’d like to take her on holiday, to a little remote cottage. As she comes round to the idea, Tom is delighted that his plan is taking shape…

3) Laurel collapses

Over at Mulberry Cottage, relations are extremely strained between Jai (Chris Bisson) and Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) after she finally learnt the full truth about what happened to Amit (Anil Goutam) before his departure.


After Jai told her that Amit had admitted to killing Rishi (Bhasker Patel), it was Eric (Chris Chittell) who provided Laurel with the full detailsthat Jai had pushed Amit down the stairs in revenge, breaking his leg, and held him captive until he agreed to sign over his shares in Hawksford Outdoor Pursuits and leave the village.

Jai was also doing the dirty on half-brother Suni (Brahmdeo Shannon Ramana), who stood to gain half those shares himself in Amit’s will, and Eric has delighted in holding the whole sorry saga over Jai for the past few months.


Laurel was horrified by her husband’s actions, and is furious when Jai tells her next week that he can’t face telling Suni the truth. The two have a blazing row in the church where Jai ends up making a cruel comment about Laurel’s late husband Ashley (John Middleton).


Laurel orders Jai to leave, but after he does so Laurel begins to feel dizzy before collapsing on the floor!


A terrified Laurel is barely able to move, and is unable to reach her phone when it rings. Gabby (Rosie Bentham) finally enters and finds Laurel struggling to breathe, before quickly calling an ambulance.


Over at The Hide, Jai sits down with Suni with the intention of revealing his horrific secret. He becomes frustrated with the constant calls from Gabby however, and when he finally snaps and answers the phone, he’s shocked to find out that Laurel has collapsed.

Will she be okay?

4) Charles suspects Caleb

Elsewhere in the village, Charles (Kevin Mathurin) is furious when he learns that the police investigation into the hit and run against late son Ethan (Emile John) is to be dropped.

Ruby (Beth Cordingley) had been the one to run down Ethan that day, in revenge for his fleeing the car accident that left her son Nicky (Lewis Cope) in a coma.



When Ethan dropped dead in Charles’s living room a week later, he vowed revenge against the driver who had killed his son.

As it turned out, Ethan’s cause of death was a brain aneurysm, and therefore nothing to do with the incident. But that hasn’t stopped Charles from seeking justice, as Ruby has struggled with her guilt.


Husband Caleb (Will Ash) and Nicky are currently the only ones who know of Ruby’s secret, so there’s some relief for Caleb when he overhears the news about the investigation.

Manpreet’s (Rebecca Sharma) attempts to placate her now ex-partner Charles fail, and as he again drowns his sorrows in The Woolpack, Charity points out to Caleb that Charles is probably reluctant to return to a house where he’s constantly reminded of his son.

Ruby is alarmed when Caleb subsequently returns to their Mill Cottage apartment with a drunk Charles in tow.



The next morning Charles thanks them for their hospitality, but while he nurses his hangover with a cup of coffee, he accidentally spills some on the rug. As he finds a cloth, Charles catches sight of an intriguing invoice, which he secretly pockets.


Later, Caleb is a little uneasy when Charles insists on giving him a lift into Hotten. En-route Charles begins to get a little emotional, and as they stop in a layby, he begins to walk into the woods.

Naturally a concerned Caleb follows as Charles reminisces about Ethan, but Charles’s plan soon becomes clear. As he brings up the hit and run investigation, Charles’s attitude towards Caleb suddenly cools.


Caleb realises that he’s now in the frame for the hit and run, and as he attempts to return to the car, Charles produces the invoice which proves that Caleb is somehow involved.

Caleb does his best to calm the angry vicar, but will he take the fall for Ruby?

5) Matty admits the truth to Les

Meanwhile, Matty (Ash Palmisciano) is still living on a knife edge as he desperately tries to conceal his trans male status in prison. The ordeal hasn’t been helped by the fact he now has a new cellmate, Les (Stacey J Gough), who he hasn’t quite got the measure of yet.


Next week Matty finds himself a target of a rather intimidating inmate, Robbo (John O’Neill). Robbo becomes frustrated at Matty’s lack of response when he tries to get the lowdown on him, and it’s down to Les to stare Robbo down and get him to jog on.

Matty’s left more nervous than ever, and later Les gives him some advice on how he needs to act in prison.



After acting on Les’s advice to toughen up, Matty decides that it’s time to take a risk by confiding his secret with his cellmate.


After a nervous Matty reveals that he is transgender, a curious Les questions him on it and why he decided to come to a male prison. Matty’s relieved when Les confirms that he’ll mind his own business and not divulge what Matty’s told him, but warns Matty that other inmates won’t be so kind.

Will Matty be able to stand up to the inmates if anyone finds out the truth?

6) Cain and Moira reconcile

Matty’s saga has seen Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Moira (Natalie J Robb) pushed to the brink as they argued over the family’s attitude towards nephew Samson (Sam Hall), whose lies about the incident at The Hide with mate Josh (Osian Morgan) is the reason Matty is languishing in prison.

Moira was annoyed that Cain would not force a confession out of Samson, and derided that he was no longer the man she married.


Next week, the pair finally apologise to each other and decide that they need to focus their efforts on working as a team going forward.


Meanwhile, troublemaker Josh still has his eye on Cain’s granddaughter Sarah (Katie Hill), and despite the trauma he’s brought to her family, he manages to convince Sarah to join him for lunch.


But as the two are hanging out, they’re caught by a furious Cain and Moira. Sarah is mortified when Cain sends Josh on his way.



Will Sarah heed Cain’s warning to stay clear of Josh, or is a forbidden romance on the cards…?

7) Mandy riles up Rhona and Marlon

Also next week, Mandy is unimpressed when Paddy reveals he’s invited Marlon (Mark Charnock) and Rhona (Zoe Henry) over for a double date, where they will be partaking in a games night.

Mandy expresses her concern that Rhona is somewhat dull company, and she isn’t too hot on Paddy’s choice of entertainment either.


As the evening rolls around, Mandy’s isn’t too subtle about her dissatisfaction and her attitude riles up Rhona and Marlon.


Paddy later tries to urge Mandy to apologise to Rhona, but will she listen?