6 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 15th to 19th July

Next week on Emmerdale, the Dingles are divided following Samson’s confession, Rose’s plans go awry, Mandy discovers an intruder, and Rhona has an awkward conversation with Marlon.
1) Samson’s confession infuriates Sam
Tonight’s episode finally saw a tearful Samson (Sam Hall) admit to Sam (James Hooton) and Lydia (Karen Blick) that he had been lying about the incident at The Hide, which saw him accidentally stabbed by step-cousin Matty (Ash Palmisciano).

Samson had been at the eatery with friend Josh (Osian Morgan), who had begun making transphobic comments towards Matty. Taking offence after being thrown out, Josh had roped Samson into heading back inside and ordered Matty to empty the till.
As Matty cleared some plates, he happened to be holding a steak knife as Josh shoved Samson towards him, impaling him on the knife.
Matty found himself arrested, and when he later pleaded with Samson to tell the truth, Samson told the police that Matty had been intimidating him. With his bail revoked as a result, Matty was thrown in prison to await his trial.
“Josh has family behind him who aren’t to be messed with, and I think Samson felt threatened and pressured by Josh not to say anything,” Sam Hall told EverySoap during a recent press event. “Josh was lying to him, saying if you tell the truth we go to prison, and that constant voice in his ear had stopped him admitting the truth from the outset.”
With Matty’s trans status now out in the prison, things have become even more desperate. When Matty’s mum Moira (Natalie J Robb) heard that Samson was planning on leaving for his European road trip with Josh earlier than expected, she and Mackenzie (Lawrence Robb) resorted to hauling Samson down to Butlers to try and make him see sense.
When Samson eventually agreed to tell the police everything, Moira gave him a lift to the station, only for him to turn against his family once again and accuse Moira and Mack of kidnapping him. That swiftly led to Moira and Mackenzie also being arrested.
When stepmum Lydia saw Samson and Josh share some heated words in the street, she began to doubt Samson’s story. Confronted by Lydia’s questions, Samson finally broke and admitted that Matty was innocent.
“I think it’s his own conscience,” Sam explained when asked why Samson has finally come clean. “There’s multiple stages of pressure. The pressure will build and of course that will have an effect and potentially guide his own consciousness to tell the truth in the end. But I do think his morals are, deep down… very deep down… correct.”
“Lydia feels so let down,” Karen Blick tells us. “She does say ‘I’ve never been so ashamed of you’, and anybody who’s had a parent figure tell them that knows that it cuts more than any telling off.”
As Lydia went out for some air, a tearful Samson asked his dad what he should do, knowing that he’d now be facing charges himself.
“Run!” Sam exclaimed. “Get away from here, it’s the only way I can help you!”
Next week, Sam and Lydia are at odds over how to proceed, with Lydia unhappy that Sam is encouraging his son to evade the law.
“Lydia is the moral code of the Dingles,” James Hooton points out. “The Dingles have the ‘Dingle code’, but Lydia has the correct moral way to go about things. Of course Sam is completely behind his son initially, until he founds out that he has lied to them.”
“He just sees one road out for Samson, and Sam is then ‘Right, I’ll help you get out of here’. He puts his family first and the morals come later.”
“Lydia has run away from things herself in the past,” Karen adds. “So she thinks it’s the wrong thing to do. Samson needs to tell the truth, and Matty needs to be released from prison so that any threat that he’s under can be stopped.”
When Lydia intercepts a secret meeting between Sam and Samson, she finally manages to convince Samson to confess. Heading to Hotten police station, Samson admits what really went down during the ‘stabbing’, leaving Sam furious at his wife.
Lydia also has the rest of the Dingle clan to face, and whilst Moira is relieved that a release for Matty is now on the cards, the rift between Sam and brother Cain (Jeff Hordley) only grows further. As the two butt heads in the Woolpack, Sam is pushed over the edge and punches Cain!
2) Matty fears for his life
Meanwhile, Matty is cautiously optimistic after hearing about Samson’s confession, but is all too aware that there is still a process to go through which could mean his release may not be imminent.
With cellmate Les (Stacey J Gough) now released, Matty is on his own with no-one to look out for him.
Matty had gone so far as to ask Les to beat him up before his release, just so that he could get a brief reprieve in hospital, but as he’s escorted back to his cell next week, he’s horrified to find bully Robbo (John O’Neill) waiting for him.
Robbo goads Matty with threats of violence, and as everyone at home nervously awaits news, Matty spends the evening shaking in fear in his cell, desperately trying to block out the transphobic abuse being shouted by the other inmates.
Will Matty be released before any harm comes to him?
3) Rose’s plan backfires
Up at Home Farm, Rose (Chrstine Tremarco) is under pressure from Ruby (Beth Cordingly) to put into action their plan to destroy Kim (Claire King), the first being to wreck her marriage to Rose’s ex Will (Dean Andrews).
The pair have secretly been colluding since Rose’s arrival in the village, but Rose has been having doubts now that she’s bonded with estranged daughter Dawn (Olivia Bromley) and her kids.
Will nearly catches Rose next week when Ruby calls for an update, but Rose quickly diverts attention by trying to plant a kiss on him.
Will is quick to pull away, with it seeming that her attempted seduction hasn’t worked, and she’s left unsure as to whether Will will say anything to his wife.
Rose is despaired when she later overhears Will tell Kim that it’s time they forced Rose to leave, and to distract the conversation from going any further, Rose lets one of the horses loose.
Later on, Rose receives a mysterious message to meet someone at the edge of the village. Awaiting her is a dealer, who provides her with some tranquilliser and the order to await further instructions.
The plan is soon made known, with Rose expected to spike Will’s drink in order to entrap him. Rose finds herself all the more conflicted over the situation when baby Evan again released from hospital, and in the family’s joy, Dawn refers to Rose as ‘mum’ for the first time.
But with Ruby piling the pressure on, Rose feels she has no choice, and once alone with Will she spikes a glass of fizz.
However, just as they make a toast and go to take a sip, chaos ensues as Kim and Dawn return home. The pair are quick to join in and further glasses are poured, before it suddenly dawns on Rose that she’s completely lost track of the spiked drink!
As everyone raises their glasses, Rose can only watch in horror… will she find a way of preventing disaster?
4) Mandy discovers an intruder
Elsewhere, Liam (Jonny McPherson) is beginning to think he’s doomed to remain single. The local doc had embarked on a relationship with new receptionist Ella (Paula Lane), but was devastated to later discover that she was hiding a dark secret from her past—that he had been imprisoned as a child for killing her best friend.
Disgusted after learning the truth, with the memories of the death of late daughter Leanna also playing on his mind, Liam told Ella to sling her hook.
As Liam laments his situation to Manpreet (Rebecca Harker), she encourages him to rekindle things with Chas (Lucy Pargeter). The pair have had a previous dalliance, but things never really went anywhere after Chas was subsequently diagnosed with breast cancer.
The next day, a mysterious figure watches from afar. When Mandy (Lisa Riley) later heads over to Tenant House, she realises that there is an intruder on the premises, who has been rifling through the drawers.
Mandy soon catches the suspect… it’s Ella! Ella reveals that she’s simply back to collect the rest of her belongings and will then be out of their lives for good.
But as Mandy watches her former friend leave, she is hugely conflicted.
Later, Sam calls an ambulance after coming across an accident on one of the roads outside the village, and it’s Ella’s car. It doesn’t seem like she will be going anywhere in a hurry now!
After engaging in some flirty banter with Chas at the Woolpack, Liam’s good mood is soon broken when he enters the cafe to find a bruised Ella sitting there… how will he react?
5) Jai moves out
Over at Mulberry Cottage, Jai (Chris Bisson) is still remaining hopeful that he can talk Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) around after she announced that their marriage was over.
Disgusted after learning the truth about Amit’s (Anil Goutam) departure from the village, and by Jai’s subsequent cowardice in not admitting what he’d done to half-brother Suni (Brahmdeo Shannon Ramana), Laurel had suffered a heart attack after the two argued. Recovering in her hospital bed, Laurel told Jai that she was leaving him.
The pair had agreed to continue living together for now for the sake of the children, with Jai putting on a happy face.
But next week Laurel has had enough, and tells a blindsided Jai that it’s time they told Arthur (Alfie Clarke), Archie (Kai Assi) and Dotty (Ellerie Carroll) about their divorce.
After breaking the news to the kids, Laurel asks Jai to move out back to Holdgate, but is upset when he points out that he’ll be taking Archie with him.
6) Rhona confesses to Marlon
Also next week, Rhona (Zoe Henry) has a confession for Marlon (Mark Charnock) after her drunken night out with Mandy. After a rather tense evening previously, when Mandy had one too many and told Rhona that she was dull, Gail (Rachael Gill-Davis) forced the two together in the Woolpack to make things up.
Rhona let her hair down and decided to get the party started by getting shots in, before she and Mandy headed into Hotten for the evening.
There was an unexpected consequence however, when a fragile Rhona woke up the next day wondering why she had a pain in her lower back.
Mandy was left to fill in the details, as Rhona took a mirror and discovered that she’d had a Spice Girl tattooed on her! But neither of them could work out which one—Mandy had been occupied with getting their kebabs at the time.
“It looks like Posh,” Mandy pondered. “Or from this angle it looks like Mel C…”
A rather embarrassed Rhona eventually reveals the truth about her new tattoo to Marlon, though also manages to tell the rest of the pub at the same time.
Meanwhile, Rhona and Mandy’s evening out has certainly managed to break ice between the two, but as they all have a coffee in the cafe later in the week, Vanessa (Michelle Hardwick) starts to become jealous of bestie Rhona’s new blossoming friendship…