15 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 22nd to 25th July

Next week on Neighbours, Wendy fears for her marriage, Toadie keeps Sonya’s legacy alive as he gets a wakeup call, Byron’s mistake has grave consequences, and Susan is caught out.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 22nd to Thursday 26th July.

1) The Rodwells’ marriage is under threat

This week saw Andrew (Lloyd Will) and Sadie (Emerald Chan) bust Wendy (Candice Leask) as she hosted a traffic light party in the garden of No. 26.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Wendy’s friend Parker (Gaz Dutlow) had encouraged her to host the party when the original venue fell through, and Wendy agreed, wanting to impress her new much younger group of friends. Wendy has been pretending that she’s much younger than she is, and she’s also forgotten to mention that she’s married with a teenage daughter.

Thankfully, Andrew saw the funny side of Wendy’s party antics, and narrowly missed seeing Quinn (Louis Lè), another of Wendy’s new friends, making a move on her.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Yet next week, Cara (Sara West) lands Wendy in it as she chats with her and Andrew at the Waterhole. She tells Andrew how surprised she is that he was okay with Wendy pretending to be single and childless, leaving Andrew blindsided.

Wendy downplays her actions as just a silly game she played to fit in, but Andrew assumes that she would have kept up the rouse if she hadn’t been busted.

She does her best to make Andrew understand that her lies had nothing to do with her feelings for him or Sadie, but as Andrew challenges her, she admits that she enjoyed living in a different reality.

Andrew can’t help but assume that in Wendy’s dream life, neither he nor Sadie exist. That night, Andrew fails to some home, and as the clock strikes midnight, Wendy is left fearing for her relationship.

Have her lies really cost her her marriage?

2) JJ and Dex’s rift grows

This week saw JJ (Riley Bryant), Dex (Marley Williams) and Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) head to Luna Park together on an awkward day out.

Nell and JJ have a crush on each other, but when JJ discovered that Dex has a crush on Nell too, he stepped aside, and instead started giving his brother advice on how to woo Nell.

Things came to a head at the end of the week as JJ became fed up of being the third wheel and snapped, revealing his true feelings to Dex.

Next week, as the trio return home, Nell clocks the mood shift as tensions simmer between the brothers.

When JJ and Dex are left alone, Dex lays into JJ, hurt that he’s been lying to his face. He asks whether JJ had been deliberately giving him bad advice, but JJ vows that he would never sabotage his brother’s attempts to win Nell over.

Their argument is cut short when Nell interrupts, and she’s left confused by the uncomfortable energy. Later, Dex loans Nell his manga but is left deflated when he notices that she’s more focussed on his brother.

When Nell suggests to JJ that they walk to school together, JJ gently turns her down, and she’s left more confused than ever when Dex too makes an excuse to avoid walking with her.

When JJ explains he was trying to give Dex space to spend time with Nell, a frustrated Dex argues he can’t make a move now – he’s not going to be the jerk pursuing the girl his brother likes.

With neither of them happy, JJ is left full of regret.

With teasers for later in the month telling us that ‘A teen love triangle explodes‘ as ‘Nell, Dex and JJ are confronted by home truths’, it won’t be long until the explosive truth comes out.

3) Toadie keeps Sonya’s legacy alive

This week, Toadie discovered that the tenants managing Sonya’s Nursery had up and left, the business no longer being viable after a number of other garden centres opened in the area.

Next week, Toadie is overcome with emotion at the crumbling nursery as it causes memories of his late wife Sonya (Eve Morey) to come flooding back.

Unable to cope, he pulls out of helping Cara rebuild the sunroom at No. 30, his old house on Ramsay Street. Being there had already brought up too many painful memories of Sonya, and the arrival of a postcard from Dee (Madeleine West) made things even harder.

Toadie offloads to Karl (Alan Fletcher) about how these memories of his past relationships keep coming back to haunt him.

Karl again encourages him to talk to Terese about his feelings, but Toadie continues to leave his wife in the dark, as he informs her that Sonya’s old business is doing just fine.

4) Sexy Susan is sprung

Susan (Jackie Woodburne) has done all she can to seduce Karl into bed the past few weeks, but he keeps missing the signals.

Terese warned her that she was being ‘work-zoned’, with their shared employment at Eirene Rising means that Karl struggles to see her as more than a colleague.

Next week, Terese encourages Susan and Karl to take the afternoon off, giving Susan the opportunity for some alone time. Yet Susan’s plans are thwarted when Toadie invites an oblivious Karl to the nursery.

Susan makes a rash decision to bring their ‘alone time’ to work and strips off in Karl’s treatment room and waits for her husband to arrive.

Yet instead of Karl, it’s resident Moira who walks through the door first, leaving Susan mortified!

5) Andrew reassures Wendy

Fearing that Andrew has left her, Wendy heads to the police station and makes a scene, only to realise that her husband as been kept working late.

Confronted with the depth of his wife’s feelings, Andrew agrees to hear Wendy out and finds himself moved by her explanation.

While he’s still hurt, he assures Wendy that they’ll be okay in time.

6) Cara reveals her secret

Wendy isn’t the only one hiding a secret on campus. Cara has just started a short IT course at Eden Hills Uni but has kept it a secret from her friends and family, scared that she’ll fail it due to her lack of academic prowess.

Next week, after overhearing Wendy discussing her relationship mistakes with Aaron (Matt Wilson), Cara realises that she can’t keep lying.

She reluctantly tells Remi (Naomi Rukavina) the truth, but when Remi is unbothered by the secret and supports Cara’s move back into education, Cara pushes her away.

Aware that Cara is insecure about her perceived lack of intelligence, Remi follows her wife to uni and hypes her up. A shy Cara accepts Remi’s praise and finally admits that she might actually be okay at this uni thing after all.

7) Kiri offers Nicolette an olive branch

The past couple of weeks have seen Kiri (Gemma Bird Matheson) return, causing conflict for her ex-girlfriend Nicolette (Hannah Monson).

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

To make things more awkward, Kiri wants to invest in Leo’s (Tim Kano) business, the same one that Nicolette and Byron (Xavier Molyneux) are trying to invest in. Leo agreed to accept investment from all three of them, but only if they could get along without conflict, which has proven easier said than done.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Next week, Nic is desperate to impress Leo and Kiri at their first event together, but she struggles to find a babysitter for Isla (Hana Abe-Tucker).

After Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) prompts Kiri to consider if her feelings for Nicolette have changed since learning the truth about what happened between her and Sasha (Sunny S Walia), Kiri decides to offer Nic an olive branch, urging her to bring Isla to work.

Over the course of the event, the ice thaws between the two ex-lovers, culminating in a spark. Will the pair get a second chance?

8) Tess Carmichael returns

Also next week, Krista (Majella Davis) is on cloud nine with Leo, until she’s plunged into a disaster caused by new acting manager Brett’s (Brad Angel) incompetence.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

The hotel has more guests than they can handle, and Brett is nowhere in sight. Krista scrambles for a solution, only to be overridden when Brett finally returns.

Pushed to her limit, Krista snaps and fires Brett… and just as things are falling apart, Tess Carmichael (Anica Calida) makes a surprise return to Erinsborough.

Tess was the right-hand woman of Conrad Sinclair, the rich businessman who bought half of Lassiters after Paul (Stefan Dennis) and Terese’s divorce.

The father of Krista and Reece (Mischa Barton), she first appeared last year when she put pressure on Reece to find Krista, who had gone missing. Now she’s back and set to pile the pressure on Krista.

9) Krista reveals Byron’s secret

After the new Yorokobi management run a successful first event together, they’re asked to submit a pitch for an exciting new ‘Melbourne Experiences tour’.

Leo isn’t sure that they can pull something together in time, but Nicolette and Kiri put the past behind them and work together to pull off a killer concept, leaving Leo impressed.

Finally feeling hope for his business’s future, Leo proposes that they make their co-partnership official.

As Nicolette, Kiri and Byron all confirm their commitment and the celebrations get underway, Krista worries.

She’s the only person who knows that Byron sabotaged Leo’s deal with another investor by pretending that Leo had taken the offer off the table, and she finally confesses to Leo the secret she’s been keeping…

10) Tess hides an agenda

While Krista no longer has Byron’s secret on her mind, she struggles under the pressure of running Lassiters with Tess looking over her shoulder.

She’s given the task of recouping the huge losses the hotel has faced thanks to Brent’s booking disaster, and breaks down in front of Leo.

Leo swoops in with the idea of bringing Lassiters into Yorokobo’s tour pitch, which Krista thinks is a great plan. Bolstered by his support, Krista manages to impress Tess, but she has no idea that Tess is in town for her own conflicting reasons…

11) Mackenzie gets a job offer

Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) has been happily working for Rebecchi Law since graduating, but it’s hard to avoid the fact that her boss has been absent as a mentor lately, thanks to his endless marital woes.

Next week, she’s elated at winning a big court case, and the wins keep coming when she gets a shock offer from a huge law firm.

A loyal Mackenzie insists that she can’t possibly accept it – Toadie is family.

When she and Haz (Shiv Palekar) later attend Toadie and Terese’s dinner party, Toadie apologises to Mac for his absence and promises to be more present at work, making Mackenzie feel more confident in her decision to turn down the job of her dreams.

But with Toadie set to depart Ramsay Street in the months to come, will Mackenzie come to regret turning down the huge new job?

12) Trauma for Byron and Nicolette

Byron’s excitement about his first official day as co-owner of Yorokobi is short-lived when Leo furiously confronts him about sabotaging his potential investor.

Leo ends their deal on the spot, without even giving Byron a chance to explain. Devastated, Byron apologises to Nicolette about the mess he’s created, but Nic admits that her upset is more to do with no longer being in Kiri’s orbit.

Byron then goes straight to Kiri, revealing Nicolette’s feelings for her. He urges Kiri not to let his mistake stand in the way of the spark they clearly still have for each other.

13) Krista gets some good news

Armchair detective Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) fishes for information from Tess next week, intrigued by why she’s back in Erinsborough.

Tess acts cagey in front of her, which only fuels the flames. Krista urges Holly to keep her distance from Tess, reminding her that she’s Reece’s eyes and ears and any mistakes could see Krista sent back to the states.

Melanie (Lucinda Cownde) is also concerned by Tess’s presence, and promises Tess that she has nothing worry about – Krista is a changed person and is fully capable of managing the hotel.

When Krista gets the news that she’s secured the tour package deal for Lassiters, Tess is genuinely thrilled. Krista takes the opportunity to connect with her father’s former assistant, it seems to do the job.

Krista tells Tess that all she wants is for them to find a way to work together, and Tess is on the same page.

Tess reassures Krista that she’ll have her back as long as she meets her targets… but we’re still left wondering whether Tess has a secret agenda.

14) Kiri and Nicolette kiss

After Byron’s kind words, Kiri decides to join Nicolette and Isla for a trip to the beach, and the mood is fun and relaxed, giving nic the courage to finally admit the truth about her feelings.

She asks Kiri if there’s any possibility of them giving things another go, and Kiri confesses that she wants to but that she’s hesitant.

When Nicolette assures Kiri that she misses her and wants her back, Kiri interrupts her with a kiss. Her feelings are very much mutual.

15) Toadie gets a wakeup call

When Toadie inadvertently finds out about Mackenzie’s job offer her, he confronts her about it, but she promises him that she’s turned the offer down.

However, when she takes the opportunity to admit that she’s not happy, it acts as a wake-up call for Toadie. He promises her that he’ll help her chase her ambitions at Rebecchi Law.

It also makes Toadie realise how much he’s been drifting, both professionally and personally and he reveals to Terese that he’s determined to do better.

Yet when Melanie confesses that she’s realised that they were never meant to be together, Toadie is thrown and once again left feeling off-kilter.

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 22nd July (Episode 9080 / 177)

Wendy’s lies come back to bite her.

A chasm opens between JJ and Dex.

Toadie struggles to move on from the past.

Susan finds herself in a compromising position.

Tuesday 23rd July (Episode 9081 / 178)

Wendy and Cara face the fallout of their lies.

Krista flirts with catastrophe.

Nicolette is offered an olive branch.

Wednesday 24th July (Episode 9082 / 179)

Leo is given hope for the future.

Krista buckles under the pressure.

Mackenzie’s success tests her loyalties.

Thursday 25th July (Episode 9083 / 180)

Byron is crushed by the consequences of his actions.

Krista has a breakthrough with Tess.

Nicolette finally speaks her truth.

Toadie continues to feel off-kilter.

Monday 29th July (Episode 9084 / 181)

Nicolette and Kiri consider their future.

Aaron receives shocking news.

Wendy’s guilt threatens to ruin her uni experience.

A teen love triangle explodes.

Tuesday 30th July (Episode 9085 / 182)

Aaron faces serious repercussions.

Nell, Dex and JJ are confronted by home truths.

Wendy’s win is tarnished.

Wednesday 31st July (Episode 9086 / 183)

Wendy is rocked by an accusation.

Holly’s attraction is sparked by a handsome newcomer.

Tess conceals her endgame from Krista.

Toadie’s inner turmoil boils over.

Thursday 1st August (Episode 9087 / 184)

Holly’s unknowingly playing with fire.

Aaron grapples with his secret.

Toadie tries to keep it together.