14 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 29th July to 1st August

Next week on Neighbours, Toadie’s inner turmoil boils over in a dramatic outburst, Nicolette catches Aaron out as he hides a health concern, Wendy grows closer to Quinn, and newcomer Heath arrives in Erinsborough.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 29th July to Thursday 1st August.

1) Can Kiri and Nicolette put the past behind them?

Ex-lovers Nicolette (Hannah Monson) and Kiri (Gemma Bird Matheson) were awkwardly reunited when Kiri returned to Erinsborough with plans to invest in Leo’s (Tim Kano) vineyard.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Nicolette and Byron (Xavier Molyneux) were already planning to invest in the business, and Kiri’s arrival put Leo in a sticky situation. In the end, he decided he’d take money from the three of them, but only if Nicolette and Kiri could put their past issues behind them.

After a shaky start, they managed to do just that, and at the end of this week the pair admitted that they still had feelings for each other. They shared a kiss, and it finally seems like things are looking up.

Next week, on the wake of their surprise kiss, the two women wonder what it means for their future.

Both are secretly hopeful, but it’s early days and it’s unclear whether they’ll be able to leave the messiness of their original breakup behind.

Meanwhile, Byron is trying hard to convince Leo that the rekindled romance is a good thing for their co-investor deal. Will Leo see it the same way, or is their romance too much of a risk for the new business deal?

2) Andrew embraces Wendy’s uni life

Andrew (Lloyd Will) has seemingly forgiven Wendy (Candice Leask) for keeping him and Sadie (Emerald Chan) a secret from her new friends, but Wendy is still full of guilt for lying about her age and her family.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

When Wendy’s uni mates let her know that they still want to hang out with her, it’s on the proviso that she’s her real self – no façades.

Wendy is nervous about seeing them again, but Andrew manages to convince his wife that she should let her guilt go and have some fun; after all, she did miss out on the full uni experience when she was younger.

Over-enthusiastic with support, he offers to join Wendy and her new friends for a drink, but it only makes Wendy realise that this is something she needs to experience by herself.

While her friends now know that Andrew exists, does she see her husband as stifling her exciting new life?

3) Nell demands the truth

Last week saw lovesick trio Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner), JJ (Riley Bryant) and Dex (Marley Williams) head on an awkward trip to the Luna Park theme park, where JJ finally snapped and revealed to Dex that he too has a crush on Nell.

Next week, Nell is still confused about why both Dex and JJ have been weird since the trip. When she finds them arguing at school more than once, and hearing her name, she demands to know what’s going on.

Put on the spot, will both boys finally confess their hidden feelings for Nell?

4) Wendy gets some bittersweet news

When Wendy receives a notification that the uni is about to announce the recipient of the Gatsford Mentorship, she admits to both Cara (Sara West) and Andrew how much she wants it.

She’s given all to the application (how she’s found time in amongst all of her partying and bar work, we’ll never know), and a win would validate all of her hard work.

Sure enough, the winner is announced, and it’s Wendy! She’s thrilled, and her family and Cara throw their support behind her.

Yet the wind is soon taken out of her sails when a fellow student, Heidi, points out that the mentorship was simply a diversity PR stunt to make the university look good.

Believing Heidi could be onto something, Wendy is left deeply shaken…

5) Aaron gets a health scare

Logan (Matthew Backer) may have left Erinsborough for good after a stern talking to from Nicolette, but he’s about to continue to haunt Aaron (Matt Wilson).

Aaron and Logan slept together despite the discovery that Logan was an old friend of David’s (Takaya Honda) who became obsessed with him during their time at uni.

While all of Aaron’s friends warned him off, Aaron continued to see Logan in secret, enjoying getting to reminisce about David with someone else who loved him.

Their secret meetings culminated in a kiss and them spending the night together.

Next week, Aaron panics after accidentally cutting his finger, when he realises that the blood could have been ingested by Isla (Hana Abe-Tucker) and Abigail (Nikita Kato).

He begs Remi (Naomi Rukavina) for an emergency appointment, where he confesses that he may have been infected by a sexual partner.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Remi reassures him that there’s no danger to the girls, but he’s thrown when he learns that it’ll be thirty days before he knows if he’s been infected.

Remi manages to track down his immunisation records but they’re inconclusive, prompting her to suggest she runs a test for the antigens, which will indicate whether he’s been immunised.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Aaron is grateful that Remi has gone above and beyond, but he feels embarrassed by his actions and begs Remi to keep the fact that he slept with Logan a secret. How long can he hide the truth?

6) Nell learns the truth

After Nell corners Dex and JJ and insists they tell her what’s going on, Dex finally blurts out their secret: both brothers like Nell.

Nell is fuming and confronts JJ for lying to her about his feelings when she asked him out on a date. Of course, Dex has no idea that Nell asked JJ out, and it only causes him to believe that his brother has betrayed him even further.

Nell washes her hands of the pair of them, and the brothers have it out, until Haz (Shiv Palekar) intervenes and mediates between them.

JJ explains to his brother that he was only trying to protect him and give him a chance of happiness. Not only had JJ treated him badly over the Felix (James Beaufort) situation, but he was then poisoned by Dr Bowman (Cameron MacDonald), and JJ just wanted him to be happy.

JJ’s confession allows the brothers to reconcile. However, they both realise that they’ve done wrong by Nell and have some serious ground to make up with her.

7) Wendy turns to Quinn for support

After Heidi’s accusation that Wendy’s win wasn’t based on merit but simply a diversity exercise, Wendy is left shell-shocked.

Noticing her low mood, Andrew pushes her for the truth. When she reveals all, Andrew refuses to believe it and assures her that the uni is rewarding her academic prowess, but Wendy isn’t assuaged.

Later, Cara encourages Wendy to put in a complaint. She highlights her own past experience with bigotry, but fails to really understand Wendy’s inner turmoil over her identity as a woman of Asian heritage living in Australia.

Later, Wendy finally finds solace by confiding in Quinn (Louis Lè), her new university friend – the one who previously made a move on her. As a minority himself, he understands what she’s up against on a day-to-day basis.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

As they bond over their shared struggles, how will Andrew feel about her burgeoning friendship?

8) Newcomer Heath Royce arrives

Last week saw Tess Carmichael (Anica Calida) make a return to Erinsborough, leaving Krista (Majella Davis) fearing that her late father’s second-in-command would be watching her every move.

Next week sees the arrival of Heath Royce (Ethan Panizza) – Tess’s second in command from Sincast Corp – and he quickly sparks Holly’s (Lucinda Armstrong-Hall) interest.

Holly is pleased to learn that Heath could be a permanent fixture in Erinsborough, even after Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) warns her not to mix work with pleasure – as if Holly would ever listen!

Meanwhile, Krista learns that the dates they’ve blocked out for Leo’s new Experiences Tour clash with an event that Lassiters’ now former bumbling temporary manager Brett (Brad Angel) hasn’t booked properly.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Knowing that Lassiters can’t support both groups, Krista tells Tess that they’ll hold onto the Experiences Tour due to its scale. But after cancelling on the smaller event, Krista learns that the Experiences Tour has pulled the plug after being offered a better deal elsewhere!

Tess is disappointed, but surprisingly supportive of Krista, despite the blunder. Is something fishy going on?

9) Toadie’s inner turmoil boils over

This week, Toadie (Ryan Moloney) discovered that Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) had been offered a job by a major law firm, and she was tempted to take it.

When both Mackenzie and Haz confronted Toadie on his recent absence, Toadie promised to focus more on his business and on Mackenzie’s professional development.

Next week, Toadie sticks to his word and focuses more on Rebecchi Law, taking steps to reinvigorate the business with Mack’s professional development in mind.

However, he remains troubled by Melanie’s recent comment that they weren’t meant to be. When Mel tries to smooth things over, Toadie becomes defensive about his relationships and the speed at which they’ve developed.

Melanie is worried that she’s hit a raw nerve in Toadie, especially considering how quickly his relationship with Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) began.

Feeling haunted by his past, Toadie finds himself at Sonya’s wall. When Melanie joins him, his inner turmoil boils over in a huge outburst at his ex-wife.

10) Kiri confesses her love

Nicolette is mildly frustrated that Aaron has compromised Isla’s routine, with no idea that he’s paranoid about potentially exposing Isla to Hep B.

When she checks on Aaron to see if he’s okay after the Logan situation, he’s on the brink of opening up to her, but his shame and guilt boils over.

Kiri, meanwhile, is moved by Nicolette’s care for Aaron, and without realising, tells Nicolette that she loves her.

11) Nicolette catches Aaron out

Frustrated at not being able to talk to anyone about his health scare, an emotional Aaron leaves a voicemail for Logan. He admits that he’s scared about the situation and can’t talk to anyone else.

Just as he wraps up his plea, he hears Nicolette’s voice in the background. She’s heard everything – he’s been caught out trying to contact Logan and his health scare is unmasked.

12) Tess’s scam is revealed

Tess may be playing nice with Krista, but she’s hiding a secret.

Next week, Krista is on board when Tess suggests that she book a mystery shopper assignment for the hotel. Tess recommends a reputable agency with a price tag to match – and Krista is unaware that Tess is actually scamming money from her.

13) Heath and Holly heat up

As next week comes to an end, the chemistry between Holly and new hunk Heath simmers.

Sadly, Holly has no idea that Heath is also sleeping with Tess, and that the pair of them are in on a dodgy scheme to set themselves up and escape the Sinclair business – while taking Lassiters’ money with them.

When Mackenzie’s concern causes Karl (Alan Fletcher) to sit his daughter down for a public intervention-style talk, Holly is unrepentant.

Finding Heath both sexy and exhilarating, when she bumps into him, she takes up his proposition to take a drive in his flashy car…

What is she getting herself in for?

14) Toadie overcompensates

After his outburst at Melanie, Toadie is on edge, worried that she’ll spill the beans about his meltdown.

However, Melanie is determined not to get caught up in her ex-husband’s issues yet again, and Toadie is relieved when both she and Karl agree to keep quiet about the loaded conversations he’s had with each of them.

Overcompensating, Toadie decides to plan an anniversary party for him and Terese.

Terese is warmed, not noticing that Toadie is still distracted and avoiding being close to her…

With Toadie’s exit growing ever closer, just what does the future hold for him and Terese?

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 29th July (Episode 9084 / 181)

Nicolette and Kiri consider their future.

Aaron receives shocking news.

Wendy’s guilt threatens to ruin her uni experience.

A teen love triangle explodes.

Tuesday 30th July (Episode 9085 / 182)

Aaron faces serious repercussions.

Nell, Dex and JJ are confronted by home truths.

Wendy’s win is tarnished.

Wednesday 31st July (Episode 9086 / 183)

Wendy is rocked by an accusation.

Holly’s attraction is sparked by a handsome newcomer.

Tess conceals her endgame from Krista.

Toadie’s inner turmoil boils over.

Thursday 1st August (Episode 9087 / 184)

Holly’s unknowingly playing with fire.

Aaron grapples with his secret.

Toadie tries to keep it together.

Monday 5th August (Episode 9088 / 185)

Aaron and Nicolette’s relationship is tested.

Holly’s liaisons heat up to the next level.

Toadie’s private anxiety grows.

Tuesday 6th August (Episode 9089 / 186)

Mackenzie uncovers disturbing intel.

Dex makes a questionable decision.

Nell is shaken by a devastating discovery.

Toadie sees someone behind Terese’s back.

Wednesday 7th August (Episode 9090 / 187)

Nell’s discovery causes ripples.

Wendy struggles with the spotlight.

Dex is challenged to come clean.

Thursday 8th August (Episode 9091 / 188)

Paul receives an offer too good to be true.

Aaron navigates fresh heartbreak.

Cara learns a painful truth.

Holly channels her DNA.