5 Hollyoaks Spoilers for Next Week – 16th to 18th September

Next week on Hollyoaks, Mercedes struggles in the wake of Warren’s departure, Tony mourns his loss and the Lomax family are greeted by a baby.

When we return to Hollyoaks on Monday 16th September, a year has passed since the shocking events of last week.

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Following Cleo (Nadine Milkerrin) crashing her motorcycle into the McQueen home, which led to the deaths of Marie (Rita Simons) and Suzanne (Suzanne Hall), Sally (Annie Wallace) was shocked to learn she had disappeared, not long after being confronted by her abusive boyfriend Abe (Tyler Conti), vengeful about his mother’s passing.

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Elsewhere, Warren (Jamie Lomas) finally confronted Dave (Dominic Power) who had been revealed as gangster Blue, the man who has spent months terrorising the residents of the village.

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During the fight, Warren was stabbed by Dave, but managed to shoot him, albeit not fatally.

In fact, following Warren’s getaway, in which he said goodbye to Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) and his twins, it was Robbie Roscoe (Charlie Wernham) who, after uncovering the truth about Blue’s identity, fired two supposedly fatal bullets into Dave.

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Back in the village, Ste (Kieron Richardson) and James (Gregory Finnegan) reconciled following James’s discovery that his headaches weren’t a brain tumour as he thought, but rather high blood pressure.

Finally back together after Ste’s indiscretion with Rex (Jonny Labey), he and James got into Donny’s (Louis Emerick) car to get ice cream.

However, when James turned on the car, a bomb that Dave had attached to the bottom of the car exploded, engulfing the pair in a ball of flames and sending Grace (Tamara Wall), Freddie (Charlie Clapham) and Donny flying, whilst Rex watched on from a police car.

As Monday’s episode picks up, there’s several questions left hanging – and not everyone has made it out alive.

1) Who is in hospital?

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When Monday’s episode kicks off, Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard) is front and centre.

As the village prepares for a party at Casa McQueen, there’s an air of grief in the air. After all, it has been a year since the tragic events of the most destructive day in the history of the village.

Crossing with numerous members of the town, there’s questions over the passing of several residents, and who has survived the passing year.

Both the Osbornes and the Lomaxes have been hit terribly by the events of the past, and it seems someone in Tony’s life has also passed away.

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Meeting up with Sienna (Anna Passey), Tony picks up some flowers and wanders over to lay them on a grave.

As if mourning the loss of a loved one wasn’t enough, Tony finds himself at the hospital, comforted by Misbah Maalik (Harvey Virdi), as they maintain a bedside vigil of someone, unconscious in hospital.

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Tuesday’s episode sees a patient, on a long road of recovery, realise that life will never be the same after narrowly escaping death during the events of the previous year.

If that’s not worrying enough, it seems that they may be in for even more questioning when they learn the truth of who has been maintaining a bedside vigil for the past 12 months.

2) Which two women are having babies?

It’s not all doom and gloom in Hollyoaks next week, as two heavily pregnant women in the village prepare to give birth.

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Despite the identity of the two women being kept under wraps, it seems at least one of them has close ties to the Lomax family. As the week kicks off, one resident finds themselves going into labour as the Lomaxes rush them to hospital.

With Leela (Kirsty-Leigh Porter) having only recently married Joel (Rory Douglas-Speed), is it possible that she could be one of the two expecting?

3) Mercedes struggles

In the twelve months following Warren going on the run, Mercedes has been left to raise their twin daughters by herself.

As they approach toddler age, Mercedes is finding herself stretched to her limits both raising them and looking after a business.

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In recent years, Mercedes has found herself put through the ringer, whether it be in disastrous relationships, life-or-death situations or being stalked by the ever-present villain that was Silas Blissett (Jeff Rawle).

Now with Warren seemingly out of her life, will she be able to find some peace?

4) Vicky and Sienna go head to head

A year is a long time for people’s love lives, and next week, Vicky is blissful at her newfound love. Although the identity of the person Vicky is happy with is currently unknown, it seems that it will rub Sienna up the wrong way.

Sienna can’t help but be annoyed by Vicky’s demeanour – almost as if she’s rubbing it in that she is now in a relationship.

Without hesitation, Sienna takes the chance to inform Vicky that if she isn’t already scared of her, then she absolutely should be…

5) Another surprise couple rocks Hollyoaks

There is some happiness among the other drama of next week, as a surprise couple takes the village by storm.

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With the identities of the lovers under wraps, confirmation of who will have to wait. However, it seems that the Lomax family’s happiness at the birth of a baby could be short-lived.

As Wednesday’s episode rolls around, there’s disapproval from the family towards a developing relationship. Will the pushback be enough to deter the lovers from pursuing their feelings?

Here are the Hollyoaks spoilers for next week:

Monday 9th September (Episode 6461)

Time changes everything as we’re introduced to Hollyoaks village one year on.

Residents gather at Casa McQueen to celebrate two surprise engagements.

Old flames are burning again.

Tuesday 10th September (Episode 6462)

One resident discovers that his life will never be the same again.

A villager’s dark behaviour still lies beneath the surface.

Wednesday 11th September (Episode 6463)

A family continue to rebuild from the events of last year.

A new mum wants to focus on her career and presents her dad with a big decision.

There are red flags in a new relationship.