6 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 7th to 11th October

Next week on Emmerdale, Tom destroys key evidence, Billy’s dangerous side hustle is discovered, Kim’s plan to make Will jealous backfires, and Charles and Jai face off.

Please note that due to football coverage, there is no episode airing on Thursday 10th October.

1) Billy’s dangerous secret is uncovered

Billy’s (Jay Kontzle) secret source of cash is finally revealed next week, leaving him with the dilemma of whether to tell wife Dawn (Olivia Bromley) about his side hustle.

The two have not long moved out of Home Farm with the kids, after Dawn revealed that she knew about dad Will’s (Dean Andrews) lies about the apparent disappearance of mum Rose (Christine Tremarco).


However, their move means they’re now fending for themselves financially, not helped by their choice of abode being Holdgate Farm, with its hefty £2500-a-month rent. Whilst they were able to pay four months upfront with the £10,000 that Rose gave Dawn, it’s by no means a long-term solution.

They know that the money that they received isn’t going to last forever,” Jay Kontzle admits. “The money that he’s going to be earning working isn’t going to be able to provide the money for the rent, to provide for the children in the house, and to keep a healthy lifestyle. There’s many people in this situation, like you’re fighting a losing battle and you’re in dire straits.


Billy has recently been seen hiding a large amount of cash in a backpack, explaining to Dawn after she discovered it that he was saving up to book a surprise holiday. Dawn appreciated the gesture, though pointed out they had bills to pay first. Immediately following their conversation, Billy made a mystery phone call, asking if the person on the other end had anything else for him…

Next week, Billy’s secret phone calls continue, and we soon see him hiding a pair of boxing gloves from Dawn. It transpires that Billy has been competing in unlicensed boxing matches!


Billy’s felt quite helpless over the last month or so,” Jay Kontzle continues. “He’s the only earner at this moment in time, because Dawn’s obviously staying at home with Evan and making sure that she’s around and making sure that she can help out as much as she can with the kids. So Billy feels like the only way he can really pull his weight is by working.

But at the same time, he does feel helpless that he can’t help his sick child. So at the same as earning more money, he wants that release as well. He knows that, in terms of fitness, it’s one of the things he’s good at. He knows it could be an easy earner for quite a bit of money, which at the moment is really needed just to keep the family afloat. It’s the only way he knows that he can do that.


Dawn and Billy are excited to be able to bring baby Evan (Malachi McKenzie) home following his latest round of treatment, though Billy is in dire need of a new car in order to do so. He approaches Mackenzie (Lawrence Robb) in the hope he’ll be able to find one for him, though Mack is curious about Billy’s budget, as well as a mystery injury he’s sporting.

The next day, Mack brings news that he’s managed to track down a reasonably priced car, which is just as well as Dawn warns him that they cannot be late picking up Evan from the hospital.

However Dawn is left seething when she’s left waiting for Billy later that day, and it ends up being Gabby (Rosie Bentham) who comes to the rescue and gives Dawn a lift to Hotten General.

In the meantime a bloodied and bruised Billy turns up at Mack’s back door asking for his help, and ends up confiding in him about his secret fights.


It doesn’t go well in one of his fights,” Jay explains. “He ends up falling, damaging his side, and obviously he can’t find the strength and will to go and tell Dawn exactly what’s happened. Because he’s already had an initial conversation with Mackenzie in regards to getting him a new car, he feels that he’s the only person at this moment that he can really talk to and to try and get a little bit of help.

I think that there are two reasons for him to go there, one to get cleaned up and try to cover his tracks, and to have a friend to talk to and help him along the way. Whether it is the right thing or the wrong thing to do, he still wants that conversation with someone.


The last thing Billy wants is for the authorities to get involved, and so refuses to be taken to hospital. Whilst Mack does all he can to patch Billy up, in the end he has call on the skills of experienced medic John on the sly.

Billy is then left with having to explain to Dawn why he wasn’t there to pick up his son, but will he tell her the truth about what he’s really been up to?


It’s not great keeping secrets in the first place,” Jay adds. “Everyone always says that they will die for their family, but would you live for them? Would you keep healthy for them? And what Billy’s doing is risking his life and something bad does happen to him.

If the injury was in any other place, like a vital organ, or a puncture in a certain part of his body, he’s gone. If Dawn was made aware of what’s actually happening here, I think she would hit the roof.


2) Tom destroys the evidence

Elsewhere, it’s a race against time for Tom (James Chase) to find his tablet, which he knows contains damning evidence of his abuse against wife Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper). Tom had previously omitted the tablet from an inventory of electronic devices he was forced to give to the police, but Belle has since made them aware of its existence.

This week saw the tablet come into the possession of 7-year-old Isaac (Bobby Dunsmuir), after he took it from Tom’s cousin Carl (Charlie Joyce) to finish a game the pair were playing in the cafe.


When Moira (Natalie J Robb) discovered the tablet, she found on it the surveillance footage from Dale Head, and realised that it was the evidence that Belle needed.


Moira left Belle an urgent message asking to meet, but unfortunately later had a seizure which wiped her memory of both the message and what she had seen. In the meantime, Mack had placed the device on the bookshelf at Butlers whilst tidying up, with Moira now none-the-wiser.


Next week, Tom is able to catch Isaac alone in the village, and discreetly asks him to return his tablet. Isaac tells him that it’s back at home, and reveals where the spare key is hidden so he can go and retrieve it himself.

Tom gains entry into Butlers, but is forced to hide when Matty (Ash Palmisciano) arrives home unexpectedly—will Tom be caught out?

Meanwhile, Belle is still desperate to know what Moira had discovered, sure that it would have been something crucial to her case, but sadly Moira is still unable to remember anything about why she made the call.

When she later sees Tom, he arrogantly torments Belle over his upcoming victory in court, leaving Belle shaken. After taking the brave step of reporting Tom for his crimes, she’s terrified that he will worm his way out of it once again.


Later, with the tablet back in his possession, Tom thinks he’s home alone when he takes it onto the back patio and smashes the screen with a rock. But little does he realise that Carl is watching from an upstairs window, and has seen everything…


3) Kim gets under Will’s skin

Up at Home Farm, the battle lines between Kim (Claire King) and Will (Dean Andrews) have been well and truly drawn as they each seek to make the other jealous.

Following the shock revelation that Will’s £50k blackmailer had been Kim, who had known about his illicit liaison with ex-wife Rose all along, the two have been at loggerheads as they navigate what is anticipated to be the end of their marriage.


Rather than move out as Kim demanded though, Will has stubbornly insisted that he is going to continue living in the house as he fights for what he’s owed.


Next week, Will decides to have a lads’ night in as he invites Jimmy (Nick Miles) over to Home Farm. Feeling bad about pressuring Jimmy into selling his shares in Home James Haulage, Will hopes it will clear the air and promises not to talk shop.  Jimmy’s all too happy to have a distraction from the issues at home, and the two enjoy a few bevvies in the living room.

Kim is mightily unimpressed to arrive home and find the men lounging about surrounded by lager cans, but she has the perfect trick up her sleeve to get back at Will.


Kim later comes downstairs, all glammed up, for a dinner date with her financial advisor Peter (David Michaels). As a stunned Jimmy looks on, Kim takes great pleasure in riling up Will before she departs for the evening with her new beau.



Kim is pleased that she’s managed to rattle Will’s cage, but she’s later taken by surprise when, after some further torment, Will ends up punching Peter to the floor!

When Lydia (Karen Blick) later finds Kim in a contemplative mood, Kim admits that getting one over on Will didn’t actually feel as good as she expected it to…


Lydia suggests they maybe it’s because she and Will, despite all the games, are actually still in love with each other.



It seems the ice queen could be thawing as she considers Lydia’s theory, but will any plans to make things up with her estranged husband go out of the window when Kerry (Laura Norton) finds Will looking miserable in The Woolpack…?

4) Arthur and Laurel quarrel

Elsewhere, the fallout from Arthur’s (Alfie Clarke) lie about sleeping with John continues to be felt in Mulberry Cottage.

Having developed a crush on the new arrival, who is more than twice his age, 17-year-old Arthur tried his hand at a bit of flirting this week. Arthur’s attempts went unnoticed by John, but he tried to save face in front of April (Amelia Flanagan) by claiming they’d just hooked up in John’s van.


Unfortunately Arthur’s mum Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) overheard everything, and confronted John in front of everyone in The Woolpack, leaving Arthur mortified.


Next week, it’s impossible for the mum and son to meet eye-to-eye over his supposed love life as their relationship reaches a new low.


But Arthur soon finds a confidante in Nicola (Nicola Wheeler), who gently manages to coax a confession out of him. It was Nicola who Arthur first chose to come out to in emotional scenes back in December 2022, so he knows that he can open up to her without judgement.

Nicola encourages Arthur to try and repair his relationship with Laurel, but will her involvement only make things worse?


5) Charles and Jai face off

The drama with Laurel, John and Arthur in the pub also inadvertently led to Laurel’s secret hook-ups with vicar Charles (Kevin Mathurin) being made public, with estranged husband Jai (Chris Bisson) there to witness it.


Jai was seething to hear that Laurel had seemingly moved on so quickly from him, leaving him with a rather bruised ego.

So when Jai encounters Charles in the village next week, he cannot help but confront his love rival, leading to the pair nearly coming to blows.



Witnessing the altercation, Manpreet (Rebecca Sarker) gives ex-partner Charles a dressing down for his behaviour, leaving him embarrassed by the whole situation.


When Charles later tells Laurel about his run-in with Jai, Laurel is keen to discuss their relationship further, but is left disappointed as Charles tells her that things have gone too far. Standing his ground, Charles calls things off between them.

6) Amelia tries to build bridges

Also next week, the horrific developments between Tom and Belle are having a far wider impact now that Tom is in a relationship with Amelia (Daisy Campbell).

Sam (James Hooton) and Lydia are torn as Amelia, mother to their granddaughter Esther, remains blinded to Tom’s manipulation of her—affecting in particular her view on the Dingles.

However, when Amelia later comes to realise that she has managed to upset Sam and Lydia, she offers them a photo of Esther to pass onto incarcerated Samson (Sam Hall) as a peace offering.


Sam and Lydia are hopeful that things could be on the mend, but as Amelia goes to leave, she can’t help but try and defend Tom and his actions, convinced that the Dingles have it all wrong.

Will Lydia be able to talk Amelia around before it’s too late?