14 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 17th to 20th March

Next week on Neighbours, Leo and Krista’s wedding day is in jeopardy, Max’s friends are in danger, Chelsea and Darcy return, and Harold gets a blast from the past.
1) Will Krista walk down the aisle?
As Neighbours celebrates its 40th anniversary, the week has arrived for the long-awaited Tanaka and Sinclair wedding.
However, when Krista (Majella Davis) wakes up next to Sebastian (Rarmian Newton), following Fallon’s (Kate Connick) false ‘revelation’ that she had slept with Leo (Tim Kano), all could come crashing down.
After talking with Taye (Lakota Johnson), Fallon is riddled with guilt at the consequences of her lies and decides to tell Krista the truth: she didn’t sleep with Leo and lying was part of her plan to try and break them up!
Jackson Finter / Prime
The shocking revelations keep on coming for a bewildered Krista after she hears that Fallon’s ex-fiancé was none other than Sebastian, and the reason he left her heartbroken was because he wanted to be with Krista instead.
It’s a lot for Krista to process, while Sebastian is relentless in urging her to confess that she feels the same way about him after their night together.
Jane Zhang / Prime
Back on Ramsay Street, Leo worries that Krista won’t show up to their wedding, after he upset her by fighting with Seb.
Paul heads to Lassiters to pay Krista a visit, where he finds her in tears.
As Krista opens up to him and admits that Seb is part of the reason for her pre-wedding jitters, he encourages her to make the right call and marry the man she loves, and encourages her to cut Sebastian out of her life for good.
Eventually, Krista agrees to go ahead with the wedding, but she’s still tied in knots at what she did the night before. Fallon begs Krista not to destroy her chance at happiness because of her, but Krista remains cut up and unsure what to do next.
Soon after, as the residents gather for the ceremony at a beautiful marina location, an anxious Leo waits for Krista’s arrival.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
Kelly Gardner / Prime
As time ticks on, it seems like she’s has chosen to call off the wedding… but finally, a relieved Leo spots Krista arriving in the distance, before she’s joined by Paul who walks her down the aisle.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
As the ceremony continues, with Susan (Jackie Woodburne) officiating, Sebastian remains in the wings ready to cause trouble. Will he reveal the truth before Krista and Leo are pronounced husband and wife?
Kelly Gardner / Prime
2) JJ meets a mysterious woman connected to the past
Also next week, Nell’s (Ayisha Salem-Towner) art exhibition gets underway at the Lassisters as the residents are treated to her ‘Story of Erinsborough’.
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Jackson Finter / Prime
While at the complex, JJ (Riley Bryant) comes across a woman named Agnes Adair (Anne Charleston) looking at artwork of Madge Bishop.
JJ’s shocked to see that Agnes is the spitting image of Harold’s (Ian Smith) ex-wife and even confirms this by checking Harold’s history book.
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Jackson Finter / Prime
JJ and Nell take a sneaky picture to capture the doppelganger. Could this be Madge?
Jackson Finter / Prime
It wouldn’t be the first time a Neighbours character has made it back from the dead, including Harold himself!
3) Chelsea and her baby return to Ramsay Street
Cara (Sara West) and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) spent weeks trying to track down Chelsea (Viva Bianca) to no avail, but it seems one phone call from Remi (Naomi Rukavina) is all it takes to find her and her newborn baby.
After attending the exhibition to support Nell, Remi makes a mysterious phone call where she claims to be Chelsea.
Later that day, Remi contacts Cara with some big news – she has found her sister and they’re on their way to Ramsay Street.
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Cara rushes back home, and gets to the street just as Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) and Paul (Stefan Dennis) are arriving back from the wedding.
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Chelsea steps out of the car holding her newborn baby – Is this Paul’s eighth child?
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Ray Messner / Prime
4) Paul and Terese face a serious challenge
As Paul is introduced to baby Thomas, he and Terese face the life changing possibility that Paul is the father.
As Remi fills everyone in on how Chelsea came to be back in Ramsay Street, a shocked Paul cannot stop looking at the baby.
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Ray Messner / Prime
Paul is desperate to find out if he is the father, but Chelsea confesses that she isn’t sure as Thomas could also be Jeffrey’s – the man she slept with to cover up how she messed with the Lassiter’s IT systems, which trapped Krista and led to the death of her unborn baby.
Trying to keep his cool, Paul firmly requests that they carry out a paternity test so they can all know the answer. Chelsea is in agreement as Terese worries how attached Paul seems to be getting to the prospect of parenting Thomas, fearful that his ex-fiancée could be back in their lives for good.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
Paul tries to reassure Terese that he won’t let Chelsea come between them, but Terese has serious doubts given Chelsea’s past.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
Later, Remi and Cara come to a decision to offer Chelsea a room at No.30.
Chelsea is delighted that she can stay put in Ramsay Street and tries to reassure them that she’s a changed person. Yet Remi remains cautious after many run-ins with her sister-in-law and her selfish behaviour over the years…
5) Harold is haunted by a ghost from the past
Elsewhere, JJ goes to find Agnes and spots her in Harold’s Café, where he suggests that she visits Eirini Rising to see the residential home he works at.
Ray Messner / Prime
When Agnes does so, Harold, Karl (Alan Fletcher) and Susan cannot believe their eyes at Agnes’s resemblance to Madge.
Feeling uncomfortable at the attention she’s receiving, Agnes heads out until JJ stops her in her tracks and convinces her to continue the tour.
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Ray Messner / Prime
While showing Agnes the facilities, JJ provides more context about Madge to try and explain everyone’s reactions to her.
Agnes admits that seeing the artwork of Madge did make her curious, but she doesn’t want to cause any upset and thinks she should keep away from Harold.
Ray Messner / Prime
6) Lives are at risk as the garage goes up in flames
Later, Andrew (Lloyd Will) informs Max (Ben Jackson), Shane (Peter O’Brien) and Holly (Lucinda Armstrong-Hall) about Carter’s (Linc Hassler) whereabouts, having received intel that he’s on his way back to Melbourne.
Jane Zhang / Prime
Andrew has a plan of how they catch Carter and put him behind bars, but they need to use Max as bait! Max is done with hiding so agrees to do what it takes, while Holly and Shane remain firmly against the idea.
Holly confides in Roxy (Zima Anderson) about the sting, as Lachie (Jack Hayes) secretly listens in and then updates Carter.
Lachie then follows Roxy and Max when they pick up the emergency passport they organised as an insurance policy if it all goes wrong.
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Later that night, Max and Roxy plan his next steps undercover in the garage – until they are discovered by Max’s old housemates Sadie (Emerald Chan), Byron (Xavier Molyneux) and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) when Trevor makes a break for it and runs under the garage shutters.
Everyone is happy to be reunited with Max and to see that he is safe. But it’s not for long, as Lachie lobs a Molotov cocktail into the garage, setting it alight and trapping the five of them in there.
Who will make it out alive?
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Jackson Finter / Prime
Holly rushes to tell Shane and Andrew that Max and Roxy are at the Garage. As the fire grows stronger, Roxy and Max find a way to escape and get help whilst Byron goes back into the building to rescue Sadie and Nicolette with a fire blanket.
Jackson Finter / Prime
With the blanket not big enough to cover both of them, Byron makes the spur-of-the-moment decision to rescue his sister first, leaving Sadie to watch on as he leaves her engulfed by the flames.
When Byron returns for his girlfriend, it’s too late as a piece of the building collapses from above onto Sadie and cuts off his route to save her. He’s forced to retreat, but thankfully at that moment Andrew and Shane arrive and find a way to rescue Sadie, who is in agony after enduring serious burns to her back.
Jackson Finter / Prime
Everyone waits at the hospital for news of Sadie’s recovery. Andrew snaps and takes his anger out on Max, who has yet again put his daughter’s life at risk as a consequence of his actions back in Brisbane.
Later, Andrew announces that CCTV footage has shown that the fire was caused by someone called Lachie Jones. Roxy is horrified to realise that Lachie’s flirtatious friendship back in Brisbane was all a ploy to get to her cousin, Max.
7) Sadie cannot forgive Byron for leaving her to die
When Andrew and Byron head to Erinsborough Hospital to see Sadie, who’s now in a stable condition, Sadie reacts badly to her boyfriend’s presence and gets herself in an emotional state, demanding that he leaves.
A devastated Byron tells his family that he fears Sadie may never forgive him for leaving her behind.
Sadie receives a much more welcome visitor when her mum, Wendy (Candice Leask), finally makes her return to Erinsborough after spending the past few months in Murrayville, where she’d been offered a teaching placement.
8) Holly and Max’s bond grows stronger
As the residents of Ramsay Street start to try to make sense of their traumatic night, Carter is finally caught by the police and arrested.
Holly and Max share a romantically charged moment after they receive the news Max has been desperately hoping for, but Trevor interrupts before they can share a kiss. Will Holly soon get to have her happy ending?
9) Cara is triggered by what could have been
Back over at No. 30, Remi shuts down Dex (Marley Williams) and JJ’s squabbles about sharing a room now that their aunt and uncle have moved into No.30.
Knowing she needs to face the consequences of what she did to Krista, Chelsea decides to try and beat the police to it and call Andrew to announce her return, but there is no answer.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
Meanwhile, Cara gets emotional while holding baby Thomas and Remi becomes concerned that having her nephew at No.30 may be too painful for her after her recent infertility, which came at a time when she was planning to conceive another baby.
Soon after, Jeffrey arrives to take his paternity test, and while he makes it clear to Chelsea that he’ll support her if it comes to it, he doesn’t want to engage with Thomas until he knows if he is the father.
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Terese reassures a nervous Paul that they are in this together, whatever happens.
A perceptive Nell offers her step-mum support and advice by reminding her about how Hugo came into their life and that her brother was loved and accepted by Sonya (Eve Morey), despite being Andrea (Madeleine West) and Toadie’s (Ryan Moloney) baby.
10) Paul receives life-altering news
As Paul helps Nell and Terese settle into their new home at the penthouse, he gets the news that the test is ready.
Jane Zhang / Prime
Everyone reconvenes at No. 30 as Doctor Remi performs the tests – a suggestion by Chelsea for full transparency.
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Kelly Gardner / Prime
Both Terese and Chelsea observe Paul’s growing connection to the baby. Soon after, Paul admits to Terese that he does want Thomas to be his son as it would offer him a chance to do things differently, after losing David last year.
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Kelly Gardner / Prime
Cara tells Paul that she’s sorry for not telling him about Chelsea’s baby sooner. Although Paul accepts the apology, it’s clear he’s lost faith in his employee and friend.
Later, Remi gets the results and it is confirmed that Paul is the father of Chelsea’s baby!
11) Terese fears the end of her fresh start with Paul
As JJ and Nell share all of the changes going on in their lives, Paul and Terese break the news to them that Paul is Thomas’s father.
Kelly Gardner / Prime
Cara and Remi throw their support behind Chelsea, and it’s clear that she’s very pleased with the outcome.
Keen to start talking about how he and Chelsea will manage parenting Thomas, Paul goes to speak to Chelsea. Arriving at No. 30, he finds Thomas crying, and as he picks him up the baby is quickly soothed by his father.
As the Varga-Murphys and Paul discuss supporting Chelsea and Thomas, Chelsea says she genuinely wants what is best for everyone, including Terese.
Later, Terese walks in to find Chelsea and the baby with Paul at the penthouse. Paul tries to put Terese’s anguish at ease and tell her that she remains his priority, but it’s clear she’s already feeling like second best.
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Kelly Gardner / Prime
Kelly Gardner / Prime
12) A family member returns to Ramsay Street
Elsewhere, Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) – who was back in town for the wedding – catches up with her old neighbours as they spot a new tenant moving into Terese’s house.
Jane (Annie Jones) and Terese go to greet the new neighbour, who is revealed to be Darcy Tyler (Mark Raffety) – Susan’s nephew, who was last seen back in 2005!
When Karl and Susan go to see for themselves, Darcy explains he’s come back to Ramsay Street to put things right after what he did back in the early 2000s, as he explains that he’s had his medical license reinstated.
Karl and Susan are doubtful that Darcy has changed, but they listen as he attempts to convince them with his story. Has he really turned over a new leaf?
13) Leo’s pushed to the brink…will he snap?
Leo can’t help but notice Krista’s change in energy and wonders if it’s connected to how he treated Sebastian. He tells her that if that’s the reason, he’s ready to accept Sebastian in their lives for good.
Jane Zhang / Prime
Meanwhile, Fallon is angered that Sebastian has stuck around and is still in Erinsborough. Taye stops her from confronting him before she gets herself involved in more trouble.
As Neighbours‘ 40th anniversary week ends in an explosive fashion, will there be one final twist in the tale of Seb, Krista and Leo?
14) Who dies?
In the final moments of the 40th anniversary week, a body washes up in Lassiters Lake. But who is the victim?
Neighbours airs Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Prime Video in the UK.
Here are the Neighbours spoilers for next week:
Monday 17th March (Episode 9208 / 305)
Everyone gathers for a wedding… But will it go to plan?
JJ encounters a familiar face.
A jaw dropping return sends shockwaves through Erinsborough
Tuesday 18th March (Episode 9209 / 306)
Paul and Terese’s world is destabilised.
Harold is rocked by a newcomer’s presence.
The neighbours are trapped in fiery peril.
Wednesday 19th March (Episode 9210 / 307)
One resident faces an agonising choice.
Paul and Terese grapple with a life-changing possibility.
A sinister event turns neighbours against each other, while bringing others closer.
Thursday 20th March (Episode 9211 / 308)
A blast from the past hits Ramsay Street.
Terese fears for her relationship.
Leo’s pushed to his limit.
Death and Darcy’s return in April Neighbours spoilers
Neighbours has released new spoilers for late March and early April, revealing what’s in store after its huge 40th Anniversary week.