Oskar Ganz

When Stephanie Mboto’s sister’s murderer was caught, Oskar Ganz, a member of the UN Commission of Human Rights came to Summer Bay to talk Stephanie, telling her that she would…


Is Chloe’s nightmare finally over? Gabe continues to frustrate Shannon. Liam embarks on a money raising venture….


Shannon realises Gabe is going to die if he keeps drinking. Liam realises having money doesn’t mean anything if it’s obtained dishonestly. The hospital is under threat from angry community…


Ailsa is horrified when she discovers why her brother has returned. Irene is unsure of her baby’s future. Selina’s stay in Melbourne is extended, but no one knows why….


Curtis learns a lesson about the nature of bravery, while Casey is determined to dedicate her life to music. Tiegan’s first day of school in Summer Bay is less than…


Shannon’s article backfires and Tiegan is mortified to realise she has revealed her own secret. Selina’s brother Wayne invites himself around for a visit….


Chloe comes to appreciate the importance of Marilyn’s role in the salon. Casey agrees to live with Fisher and return to school. Joey makes a breakthrough with Tiegan….


Liam is on a mission to prove his independence. Kelly’s father, Murray, agrees to stay a few days. Pippa finally makes a breakthrough with Tiegan….


Kelly and Travis are finally engaged. Liam comes up with a plan to make money from other people’s rubbish. There is tension and hostility all round at the Beach House….


Finlay is concerned when her baby’s cradle is empty. Pippa is losing all control over Shannon. Isobel is working on freeing Rebecca’s spirit….


The baby’s disappearance causes a rift in the family. Shannon becomes the target of Kye’s anger….


Kelly realises she’s falling behind her medical peers. Chloe uses Rachel to make a breakthrough with Jesse….


Bert accuses Isobel of being afraid of love. A bushwalking adventure turns to tragedy.


Liam loses Stephanie forever. Curtis discovers who Jenna is running from. Chloe and Jesse work on developing their friendship.


Jenna jeopardises herself for Curtis’ safety. Kelly wonders whether Travis is telling the truth about his feelings on moving to the city….


Marilyn has some startling news for Fisher. Casey risks losing another friendship. Selina has a change of heart… but is it too late?…


Selina is in for a rude awakening when she tells Jesse she wants to get back with him. Marilyn tries to bring Fisher around to the idea of having a…


Travis accuses Kelly of seeking prestige. Chloe starts to feel insecure in her relationship with Jesse. Joey’s decision to surf the net goes horribly wrong….


Curtis is shocked to find Jenna’s gone missing from the beach. Shannon chickens out of her plan to shock Lachlan. Chloe realises Jesse’s true love is Selina….

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