...Wentworth Detention Centre
A powerful and unique drama series based around the lives of the inmates and staff of the Wentworth Detention Centre. The series is charged with emotion as women from all walks of life are suddenly faced with the harsh realities of life in prison cell. The women not only finds themselves at odds with the prison authorities but also with the other prisoners. In a sterile world without warmth, some struggle for power, others search for love and companionship... raw, intense emotion threatens the fragile stability of the isolated community.
Antoinette Byron (Natalie Nash #2/Amanda Cole)
Sally Cahill (Maureen Evans/Barbara Davidson)
Kim Deacon (Dawn Cook/Judith-Anne Watkins)
Paula Duncan (Bridget Jackson/Lorelei Wilkinson)
Kylie Foster (Leanne Dunne/Angel Adams)
Cornelia Frances (Morag Bellingham/Carmel Saunders)
Arianthe Galani (Mrs Lucini/Mrs Bentley)
Roslyn Gentle (Miss Patterson/Laura Gardiner)
Robyn Gibbes (Eve Smith/Melissa Norton and Sam Greenway)
Virginia Hey (Gillian/Leigh Templar)
Ann Hruby (Judith Ackroyd/Paddy Lawson)
Fay Kelton (Anne Harris/Alison Page)
Maggie Kirkpatrick (Jean Chambers and Vivian Standish/Joan Ferguson)
Debra Lawrance (Pippa Fletcher #2/Nurse, Sally Dean and Daphne Graham)
Judy McBurney (Audrey Orchard/Pixie Mason)
Kerry McGuire (Diana Fraser/Arna Johannsen)
Rona McLeod (Barbara Fisher #2/Jeannie Stanton)
Tracey Mann (Jill Lawson/Georgie Baxter)
Bryan Marshall (John Simpson and Trevor Bardwell/Dr Jonathan Edmunds)
Ray Meagher (Alf Stewart/Geoff Butler, Kurt Renner and Ernest Craven)
Julieanne Newbould (Jackie West/Hannah Simpson and Wendy Glover)
Judy Nunn (Ailsa Stewart/Joyce Martin)
Roger Oakley (Tom Fletcher/Chris Young)
Alex Papps (Frank Morgan/ ""Boy 2"")
Wendy Playfair (Mrs Grey (ep.4090)/Minnie Donovan)
Barry Quinn (Geoff Olivetti/Greg Miller)
Lois Ramsey (Mrs Trent/Agnes Forster and Ettie Parslow)
Doug Scroope (Graham Walters/ ""Man #1"")
Carole Skinner (Mary/Nola McKenzie)
Fiona Spence (Celia Stewart/Vera Bennett)
Rob Steele (Max Richards and Les Smart/Dr Rupert and Patrick Powell)
Sonja Tallis (Margaret Bradley/Nora Flynn)
Peta Toppano (Helen Poulos/Karen Travers)
Rowena Wallace (June Reynolds/Anne Griffin)